The Third

Sometimes, even the universe cries. - miss_polarity


Ella Chance

He was such a pain in the ass. They were such a pain in the ass.

Who does he think he is? What? It is unfair for him because I got to live with someone as handsome as him?! Wow, such an egotistical dude. Truth be told, he can't even be compared to my brothers. I should call him the Narcissist Prince. Oh, cross out the 'Prince', he's not worth the description.

Hm! Who is he fooling? A girlfriend? Him? With that lowly look, she must have had a down-to-earth standard. And I mean down to 'Earth'. To hell with him, was it really necessary to say that in front of my parents? Is he that proud to say he flirted on his way to ours? Ha!

It's becoming much clearer to me how much this generation has have these disgusting, stomach-turning, horrendous attitudes. If he thinks I am jealous of his relationship with that so-called Kim, to his dismay, I ain’t and I won’t ever in my life.

He thinks he’s the only one in the pit. Do I look like I enjoy this meet? Does he think I’m the one who planned this? If yes, I might as well dig another pit and let him slip his way to hell.

I’m feeling rather sick of this eventful, boring life of mine. All I ever wanted was to live a normal life. Away from attention. Away from people who would do anything for their own accord. Away from this toxic world. If all it takes is a movement, a revolution to turn the world upside-down, I will be very pleasured to lead the Let’s REVerse our Situation movement to promote ‘equality’.

When you’re rich, all you ever wanted was to live a life away from your own, the kind of living only those less unfortunates know; and if you happened to be unfortunate, all you ever dreamed of was to have a life full of money, parties, attentions, friends, full of every thing. Isn’t that what equality means?Since the riches don’t want his or her riches, might as well give it to those who need it and in turn, they can take the life they want. That is being equal, isn’t it?

I know it ain’t right to dream of something that somehow mean a life away from my own family but I guess that’s how it is. I am in need of an alone time.

It only proves that what keep humans ‘human’ is their nature of wanting more, wanting, and never-ending wanting of something they don’t have. Sigh. Now that I think my presence is not in dire need in the banquet hall, I should probably take a rest in my personal space.

By the time Kenneth left, all I did was stare at nowhere. It felt like a century has passed when you are enveloped in silence. When I thought it was now time to go back to my chambers, I got up to my feet. My legs were becoming noodles in my heels. I haven’t known that the frock I had worn was weighing more than a ton on every step I take. I am drained of energy.

I closed the door behind and walked to my closet. I changed onto my sleepwear and headed to the bathroom. I removed my makeup and did my night routine.

Alongside my bed is my study table and in front of it is a window. I picked up my robe and turned on the heat. Winter is coming. Hearing a distant chattering by the main door, I peeked out from behind the curtains. It was not a surpise knowing it was now time for the Davis to leave.

I slumped down onto my bed. Both my physical and mental strength had left me. I wanted to shout out all my frustrations but not even a goddamn word can slip from my mouth. My tongue was dry and my eyes were becoming hazy by the minute.

If only he did not say yes..

I can't imagine myself living with a nobody in a house. I know that even a house is big enough for two but just the thought of it weakens my entire system.

I lost track of time. My eyeballs were burning on the light.

Just then, a knock resounded throughout the room.

"Ella, open this door."

This day is so much for me to handle.

"Ella. I know you're still awake, your light's still on. Open this door."

It wasn't even locked.

I want to open the door for her or better just say she can come in but I am so damn tired.

I sat up and waited for her.

She stormed in to my room. "What's wrong with you!" She was reeking of alcohol.

"What, now? Can you be direct? I'm tired."

It was only a matter of time when my energy poured in to me.

"Can't you be more blunt? You're becoming more bold-faced every second, Ella! 'Asshole'? You dare say that in front of the Davis? I am so much in awe. If you think that is nonsense, you can leave this house! We've feed you with money we earned from that and yet this is what you give back? Your disrespect is eternal! Maricel's putting together all her patience for your impertinence, and what? There isn't any trace of gratitude in you!"

"Come to your senses, mom! He was the bold-faced one and not me. I was merely telling the truth! Weren't you also surprised to how disrespectful he was to all of you when he blatantly said he flirted before coming here?" Now, I was out of control.

"I wasn't taken aback on how but by what he said. All you know is throw the blame to him, to every one around you, Ella! You are imagining things! If he was being disrespectful, I would have known since I have you as a reference. And to tell you the truth, from what I know, he has respect in his bone unlike you. I tried not to be bothered by your actions when you were talking with Maricel but I've had enough!"

"Then what do you want, mom? Just what it is you want that you even 'bothered' to come to my room? Do you want me to be grateful to him, to them, to you? You want me to not be me, is that it? You want me to showcase plasticity! That's what you want from me!"

"All you considered was yourself. It's not beneficial, Ella, it's not!"

"Then tell me, mom. Who would care for me if it wasn't I? Would you? Would them? Just how! How can I be grateful when you're throwing me to some boy?!"

"We aren't throwing you, Ella! You are exaggerating things! As always!"

"Ha, you weren't? 'Cause as far as I remember, you told me just a minute ago to leave this house."

She clenched her teeth. That's when I knew what was to happen next. I'm tired.

"Hon," Dad emerged out of nowhere after he heard the sound produced by the touch of mom's hand and my cheek. Yea, 'twas another slap. "Let's get you to calm first." He nudged her to come with him. "This isn't going to solve anything. Let's go."

Mom didn't left my eyes until they were in front of my door. She hissed and turned to him,

"She's not our child anymore." With that, they slammed the door.

There was a sea of words worming in my head but I could not catch a single.

'. . . you can leave this house!'

'We've feed you with money. . .'

'. . . I have you as a reference!'

'All you considered was yourself!'

'She's not our child anymore.'

Has it always been my fault? Silence was ringing inside my head as I succumbed to melancholy.

I felt a little drop of water in my cheek. Then and there, the rest of it followed. I was choking in between trickles of it.

I tried surpressing my cries, my sobs, but I couldn't. I was crying on all fours. Trying to hold it in will be of no use. I was so weak.

Ha ha, who am I kidding? No one would come rescue me in times of need. No one does. No one will. It's hopeless to hope something like that to happen.

I gave in to whatever I was feeling, not remembering how I was able to sleep.


It was so hard to lift the wall I was up against. My strength wasn't enough; my eyelids had not made any movement. I know I was awake. I was aware of it.

Against my lids, all I could see was black. I'm quite sure someone turned off my lights.

What happened yesterday surged through my core and instantly, I felt sick in my stomach. My chest was bulging out of my body as it drummed heavily.

Again, I tried opening my eyes and after quite another while, I managed to do so. I turned to the clock in my nightstand. It's 2 o'clock. If I want to get away, now's the time for it.

Getting up from bed was like ascending water. My head circled and my breathing was uneven.

The room is ilumed by the moonlight so it was not hard for me to head to my closet without turning on the lights.

The door connecting my room and closet was so heavy it made a creaking sound when I closed it. Unlike my room, light cannot travel in this space but is filled with irie.

I clapped my hands almost soundlessly but just enough to turn the lights on. I walked to the left-most part of the room, the Summer Row, the part where my luggages are. At the end of the row, under my sunday dresses, I fished out a Bottega Veneta travel bag. I plunged into it all the necessary things I might need to cope up with the climate.

Afterwards, I probed for another pair of clothes to change into and walked out of my closet after another clap. I threw the stuffs I was holding on the bed for a soft landing.

Then and there, I ran for the bathroom to have a quick shower. Things were soft until few minutes after I soaked myself in the tub.

If I do this, won't it cause them more disappointment?

Where will I go?

Will they... miss me? Search for me?

No, my mind negated, let's just think of those when it come straight to us. We should get going.

It was upon seeing that it was almost 30 minutes after three I decided to wash up and dry myself. It was about time to leave.

It occured to me that I left my clothes in bed. I walked straight to my room, not bothering to put on a robe. After dressing up, I reached for some of my belongings in my nightstand.

There, my eyes hit something—someone. In panic, I hurriedly turned on the lamp. After being momentarily blinded by it, my vision became clearer. There, in my single sofa sat Mr. Soller.

"Not again," he said in his creepy smile.

My heart was slowly but was painfully bulging in my chest. Each beat was making my vision blurry. Another beat and my hands reached for my chest. My breathing was becoming uneven.

Drops of cold sweat was forming in my forehead. Another beat and in agony, I have formed my hand into a ball, clenching my chest, hoping it would cease the pain. I was gasping for air. I could feel tears warning me in its fall. I have closed my eyes, trying to suppress the excrutiating pain. It was only when I opened it I realized I was falling.


Challenge, XOXO