???: Hey love why are you shaking*smirk*

Who i saw is......



Who i saw was.....................SEHUN

Sehun: Hey what happen baby why are you shaking so bad.*smirk*

Behind him I saw his other brothers and friends smirking. I don't know when tears started to roll down from my eyes.

Sehun: Awww~~~~ why are you crying baby don't cry.*fake concern*

He stretched his hand to wipe my tears but i backed away because of fear. Suddenly i noticed the aura around him is changed but not even a second he changed his personality and smiled at me. He stretched his hand again but i backed away this time too but he's fast than me he harshly grabbed my chin and made me to look at him. I looked at him with my teary eyes. He stared at me intensely i don't know what to do so i tried to back off but this time he suddenly grab my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our faces are inches away now. Not to make this situation worse I just stood there without struggling but he suddenly released me. Without thinking twice i just tried to get away from them.


Because the only thing in my head now is to escape from this situation is the one and only thing that's why without thinking i tried but you know it's my bad day i think or let's say luck is not on my side today.

Here comes another guy he locked me in between the lockers and him. When i looked up who's that i saw none other than woojin yes the one and only woojin he trapped me in between his arms but he suddenly started to get close wait he's coming closer and closer OMO I don't know what to do i was trapped in his arms which i can't escape and he's freaking getting more and more close to meee. I just closed my eyes and waiting for anything that's going to happen but wait i didn't feel anything so i slowly opened my eyes and saw that two guys if i remember correctly their names are suho and kai yes that's their name was pulling woojin away from me but why??? are they helping me??? Well i don't have time to think about this and as a great thinker or you can say a dump girl tried to get away.

As i said before yes it's my worst day. It's my first day but see how it became my worst and unlucky day too. Again a guy grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him and I landed on his chest

Owww why is his chest this hard is this really chest or a wall??? It's paining like hell wait what you're thinking stupid girl just get away first y/n with that thought i struggled to get away but this guy held me tight I looked up to see who's this and just met with a beautiful dark eyes of his woahh he's too cute and handsome. I was just staring at him and suddenly

Jimin: Like what you see huh.*smirk*

With that statement I came out of my thoughts and yes exactly who grabbed my wrist is jimin i struggled again but he just came closer that if i move an inch our lips will be touching we're that close this dump y/n don't know what to do so again i just closed my eyes but a voice rang out which made me to look at that person in surprise and shocked expression.

Jungkook: Hyung!!! Stop it!!!*angry*

Yes the voice belongs to jungkook when he shouted everyone looked at him confused including me why did he shout at his brother??? Am i dreaming??? Did he shout because of me???? More questions came to my mind.


We all decided to play with this new girl and you know it's good timing we all saw that new girl standing in front of her locker and taking her books without wasting time sehun hyung went near her we all stood behind him after a minute when she felt presence near her she turned around but when she saw us she started to shake and tears are rolling down to her cheeks. When i saw her crying my heart started to ache like i don't want her to cry it breaks my heart. Wait what why is my heart breaking while seeing her crying what happened to me??? I just shook off that thought and saw sehun hyung left her and nlw she was trapped in woojin now. Woojin went closer to her but she closed her eyes but why why i do feel bad about it i can't take this I wanted to pull woojin away from her but before me suho hyung and kai hyung pulled woojin away. Why??? It's obvious that they all want to have her first.

I Just saw her trying to escape again i think that's the bad move girl and before i know jimin hyung pulled her towards him and she landed on his chest then she struggled to get off of jimin hyung but he held her tightly that's when she looked up and saw him then she just stared at him hey why are staring at him??? don't you dare stare him like that girl. Wait what's this. This is what we need she want to fell for us but why i can't accept this and jimin hyung said something only audible to her to hear then she came to her senses and started to struggle but jimin hyung held her tighter which closed their distance and their lips are about to touch no no no this can't be happening and with this I can't control myself anymore and i just shouted

Jungkook: Hyung!!! Stop it!!!*angry*

When i shouted at him all my brothers and friends including that new girl saw me with the look of confusion, surprise and shocked.

Jimin: What??? Jungkook what happen huh???*confused and concerned*

Yes wait what happened to me. Why did i just shout at my hyung?? what is happening to me??? Did i shout at him because of her??? Why??? Who's she to me??? Why can i see her hurt??? What are you doing to me girl??? What happened to you jungkook you're a playboy but why are you feeling like this when you look at her??? I just saw her struggling to her away from jimin hyung's grip while in my thoughts

Jin: Jungkook are you alright???*worried*

I came of my thoughts when jin hyung asked me a question i saw worry in everyone's eyes.

Jungkook: oh~~~Ahhhh yes hyung. Nothing I'm fine.*smile*

He and other nodded and again jimin hyung tried to kiss her again.


Again jimin tried to kiss me. I'm now mentally praying to god to help me my eyes closed tight but suddenly i hear

Mr.park: May i know what are you all doing here misters???*while controlling anger*

After hearing the demanding voice everyone looked at the direction and saw Mr.park when jimin saw him je immediately released me. Quickly i went near Mr.park and bowed at him.

When he looked at me his eyes softened and signalled me to leave. Once again i bowed to him and left the place without turning back.


I'm walking in hallway checking whether all Students are in their classes or skipping them. When I'm observing i saw few students standing near a locker when i went near i saw who they are clearly. It's my sons Exo,straykids amd my brother sons BTS. What are they doing here and not in their classroom it's not new for me to see them in corridor during class hours I'll leave them because they had good grades so i won't bother them but when i saw jimin trying to kiss a girl i should say curious took over me. I know that many girls are after them but i also know about our boys they are not playboys only who see outer tell them they're playboys but i saw their inner so i know they're not playboys but when i see a girl struggling and jimin is forcing her i went a little closer to see who's that girl but when i saw her my curiousity went and my face is full red and my blood started to boil because of anger the girl os none other than y/n how can they treat her like this with the same anger i went behind them and questioned them while controlling my anger not to scare y/n.

Me: May i know what are you all doing here misters?*while controlling anger*

When i said that all boys were jungshook they all turned and looked at me who's is giving daggers to them glaring. When jimin saw me he immediately released his grip on y/n. Then y/n came and bowed to me. When i saw her my eyes softened she's holding her tears while looking at me with her red puffy eyes i smiled and signalled her to leave from here. She once again bowed to me and left without turning back. Once she's out of our sight I turned towards the boys with the rage in my eyes. They all are looking down no one dared to look at me i can clearly tell they're scared.


Everyone flinched when i yelled at them.


When uncle/dad yelled at us we all flinched. This is the first time we are seeing him like this he never not even once raised his voice or yelled at us but today we are seeing him like this we are scared no one dared to speak until

Suho: D-dad*stuttering and shaking*

Mr.park: WHAT???*Shouting*

We are shaking now no one dared to speak a word after suho hyung.We all are looking at the floor now no one dared to raise their heads.


BTS,EXO and SK are shaking badly while looking at Mr.park. I have to do something i can't see our Angels being scared with that stupid thought me(a/n) butted in to help them.

A/N: M-mr.park*scared and stuttering*

Mr.park: WHAT???*Shouting at a/n*

A/N: *flinched* I-i'm s-s-so-sorry I-i-i w-w-was j-j-ju-st c-c-c-call-ing y-y-you *tears forming in eyes and stuttering*

When Mr.park saw me his eyes softened and smiled at me.

Mr.park: I'm sorry author dear pls forgive me*looking down and feeling guilty for shouting at a/n*

A/N: It's okay. Don't be sorry.*smiles*

Mr park: *smiles* what happened dear.why did you call me???

While BTS,EXO and SK looking at me and Mr.park jungshook

A/N: pls Mr.park pls pls can you forgive them? Pls pls pretty pls~~~*puppy eyes*

Mr.park: Author dear you too saw what they done right. Then why are you supporting them.

A/N: I'm not supporting them i too saw what they done Mr.park but*I looked at bts,exo and sk* can you show me your ear a moment pls Mr.park.

Then he showed me his ears i said a thing in his ears. He realised that and nodded in understanding. I smiled at me which he returned me. Then he turned to them (bts,exo and sk).

Mr.park: Don't you dare to do like this again to her understand?*stern voice and strict*

All: *nodded* yes uncle/dad.

With that he left to his office and i looked at the boys they'll sigh in relief.

A/N: you guys okay???

Bts,Exo & Sk: yeah we are fine.*cold*

A/N: yah!!! Atleast don't be cold to me. I saved you all today.*pout*

Bts,Exo & Sk: Whatever.....*irritated* and don't pout you look ugly while you pout*smirk*

A/N: yahh!!! I shouldn't have saved you from him*murmurs*

Bts,Exo & Sk: Did you say something???*eyebrows raised*

A/N: *eyes widened* ahh...... Nothing. I'm going bye.

Suho: Wait*cold and stern voice* Turn around.

A/N: *stopped in tracks and turned around*

Suho: What did you say to dad that made him smile*eyebrows raised*

A/N: *eyes widened* N-nothing.

Suga: Tell us what you said to him*gritting teeth*

A/N: *scared* Re-really nothing. I'm leaving now bye. I saved them but they are scaring me let's see who'll save you next time*murmurs*

Bts,Exo & Sk: WHAT DID YOU SAY???*shouting*

A/N: *scared* I'm going bye.


Aish this author but she's cute *smiling*

Suho: Do you think she's hiding something from us???*asking others*

Namjoon: It looks like she is bit she doesn't tell us and what she told that made uncle smile and forgive us???

Everyone just shrugged andwent to their classes.


I quickly went to my class and sorry to the teacher and introduced myself again. Then my classes went smoothly why??? Those creeps are not here.(a/n: you're the only one who call them as creeps)

Y/N: Unnie you saw what they did right?

A/N: Ne(yes).

Y/N: Then why are you supporting them?

A/N: I'm not supporting them y/n-ah. It's just-

Y/N: you don't have to say anything just leave.

A/N: Y/-


A/N: But Y/-

Y/N: LEAVE. RIGHT. NOW*serious and angry*

A/N: okay okay I'm leaving *Sad*

After author unnie left i thought a minute and sighed i shouldn't have shouted at her like that she must be sad. I'll treat her something and ask for forgiveness then she'll be happy.

Finally school is over now i went to the lockers with unnies and IU then we talked for a while and i checked the time.

Y/N: *eyes widened* OMO!!! i should leave now!!!*shouting*

Jennie: y/n what's up why are you shouting?

Y/N: Ohh!! I'm sorry unnies and IU I'll leave now it's time for my work. Bye!!! *Rushing to work*

With that i left and rushing to my work.


Wait work.what work. I asked unnies what work does y/n have now. I don't think of any project work today.

IU: Unnies what work does y/n have now?

Jennie: Oh IU y/n os working as a part timer in may island cafe.

IU: Working as a part timer. Why???

Jisoo: We too asked her that but what we get is.....

Lisa: Freedom...

IU: Freedom???

Irene: Yeah. Y/n loves to be a freebird You should've known this as you are her childhood bestfriend.

IU: No unnie. Y/n is not like that in past. She's a shy person it nearly took 2 weeks for me to became a friend of her.

Seulgi: Don't joke IU. Y/n became our friend like within just 1 day.

IU: *shocked* wait within a day??

All(except IU): *nodded* yes.

IU: *shocked* but how she's not like that.

All(except IU): what happen IU *confused*

IU: Unnies. I mean.... Ahh..... Y/n's not like that in childhood. She's a shy girl. she's scared to talk with strangers. That's the reason it made difficult for me to be friend with her. It took two weeks for me to gain her trust and be friend with her.

All(except IU): *shocked*

Joy: But y/n is total opposite of that now IU.

Wendy: yes. She's the one who talks with the new students and make them as friends.

Jihyo: y/n is working to make her mom feel less pressure.

I was so confused. Y/n's mom is working. I looked at them confused.

Rose: I think you should talk with y/n. It's been years you've met. Talk to her when you have time IU*smile*

I just nodded my head and looked at the direction where y/n left. Y/n what happened to you all these years angel. You changed alot. You have a lot of explanation to do angel. I'll be waiting for that. I said good bye to unnies and left to my home while unnies went opposite direction of me to their house.


I rushed out of school to go to my work place. I just have 15 minutes to reach my work place so i took a creepy alley it'll be very creepy and scary in night but it's evening so i just took this alley and rushed to my work. Usually i don't use this alley only when I'm in hurry or late I'll be using this alley that too not at night time. I'm really scared to use this alley at night time finally i saw my work place and rushed there.


y/n rushed to her workplace and neared it but what she doesn't know is that someone is following her........