Y/n is rushing to her work but what she doesn't know is that someone's following her......



Finally *panting* i reached my work place *sighs heavily* it's not like manager is going to scold me he always take care of me like his own daughter but even though going to work late is not a good thing right. Okay whatever let's get to work now. I went inside the cafe and changed the clothes in change room and quickly went front to attend customers.


We're in school gate ready to go to home but suddenly a girl ran fast passing us when we saw who's that running like this and guess what we saw none other than that new girl. We decided to follow her to see where she's going this fast and what we just followed her and reached a cafe. Wait a cafe does she rush just to get to cafe. We all look confused but this cafe seems familiar.

Jungkook: Hyungs it's our father's cafe right.

Jin: Yeah jungkook but is she working here?

Jimin: How you are sure about she's working in here hyung. She may also came here to meet her friends.

Namjoon: It's really true that you got no jams jimin.

Jimin: Hyung!!!

Suga: Namjoon is true can't you see that she's standing there wearing her work outfit.

Jimin: Oh i didn't saw it. I'm sorry

Taehyung: Jiminie pabo!!!!!

Taehyung started to laugh and we all too laughed seeing him and jimin's irritated face.

Jimin: Enough it's not that fu---

Jimin was cut off by namjoon's phone which is ringing. Everyone's attention is on namjoon now he picked up the phone and talked for a minute and turned to us.

Namjoon: Guys we have 'a work' to do.

With that we all went to do our work leaving the thought of this new girl.


???: You're late again miss.y/n...

I gulped very hard and turned around while looking down. I thought manager was the one called me but i didn't get scolded or anything so i looked up instead of manager I saw my crime partner, friend, life saver etc... Okay okay he's none other than mark(NCT)

Y/N: Markie ahh.... You scared me dude *sighs in relief*

Mark(NCT): Hahahahaha...... Have you seen your face y/n hahahahaha...... *Laughing hard*

Y/N: *Glare at him* It's not funny dude. You know i thought it was manager and I'm scared to hell*Pout*

Mark(NCT): Aww don't pout you look soo cute. Don't worry cutie when your markie is here nothing will happen to you*smile*

Y/N: *smile* But you're the one who makes fun of me.

Mark(NCT): I Love seeing your reaction when i tease you y/n*hug her*

Y/N: *hugs him back*

I break the hug and we went back to our work. Suddenly we hear the bell ring indicating a customer came. I got ready to attend the customer but before i go i saw manager go to that person and bowing I got confused and asked my dude.

Y/N: Markie who's that our manager talking with such respect and fear.

Mark(NCT): Cutie pie you don't know who's that?*shocked*

Y/N: *Face palm* That's why I'm asking you who's he?

Mark(NCT): *Puts an arm around her shoulder* He's the owner of the we are working in cutie pie.

Y/N: *shocked* wait he's the owner of this cafe i mean no.1 business man

Mark(NCT): Yes cutie pie*gets back to his work*

Y/N: *Surprised* Whoa..... Markie aren't you nervous.

Mark(NCT): Why would i?

Y/N: He's our boss. What will you do if he fires us? You should be nervous.

Mark(NCT): Hahahahahahaha *Laughing very hard*

Y/N: Yah!!! Why are you laughing?

Mark(NCT): How can you be so sure that he'll fire us?

Y/N: See the way he's talking with our manager so cold and scary.

Mark(NCT): So....... Nothing will happen cutie pie let's forget about him and get back to our work *assuring smile*

Y/N: *smile back* okay then *Gets back to work*

While me and mark gets back to our work. Suddenly manager called me. I went to him and he told me to attend table no.5 i saw and other man he is in his thirties maybe. I bowed to them and started to get their order.


I saw and his brother coming inside i quickly went to them and welcomed them. They both sat at a table and asked me about the cafe and workers working in here. I gave them all the details they asked and they gave me 'the work' to do. I bowed to them and called y/n she's the only girl i trust and she's good at working too. So i called her and told her to attend the table no.5 where Mr.kims are sitting. She nodded and went to their table to get their orders with that i went to do 'the work' that gave to me.


Y/N: Good evening sirs. Welcome to may island cafe. What would you like to order sirs?*Smiling*

I took a note and pen to note down their orders but they didn't order anything. I looked up from the note and saw them but they're just looking at me. I feel awkward

Y/N: Mm..... Sirs???

When i called them once again they seemed to feel the awkward situation and quickly cleared his throat.

Y/N: what would you like to order sirs?*Smiling* What do you need joong-ah?

Joong: Uhhh..... Let's order americano hyung. Hmm... 3 americanos.

I noted down their drinks and asked

Y/N: Would you like to eat anything sir? No. Just coffee is enough.

Y/N: I'll get your orders soon sir.

But why do they need 3 americanos. Only they both are here. With that thought i bowed to them and went to make their orders.


Mr.Lim called y/n and said something to her and she came towards our table. She took our orders. She's such a humble girl she looks so cute and respectful. I'm lucky to have a daughter like her. I just smiled while she went to bring our orders.

Hyun joong: Hyung are you alright? Why are you smiling like this now? *confused*

Soo hyun( *smile at his brother* Hyun joong-ah you know right I'm dating my secretary.

Hyun joong: Even though you shared everything with me you hided this relationship of yours and just few days ago you told me this don't think I'll forgive you easily for this*cute fake pout*

Soo hyun: Hahahaha *laughing* Joong-ah grow up you are now father of seven sons don't be this childish *smiling*

Hyun joong: Yeah I'm the father of seven sons but that doesn't change anything. I'm still your younger brother.

Soo hyun: *laughing* Yeah you never changed all these years.

Hyun joong: Do you expect me to change? No and Never *proud of himself*

Soo hyun: *smiling fondly at his younger brother* I'm lucky to have you both.

Hyun joong: Ahhh....... Don't...... Don't you dare to make this little reunion of ours as a sad one *smile* Anyways where's seo Joo (Mr.park) hyung *asking his hyung*

???: Did someone mention my name here?*took a seat and looking at his two younger brothers*

Hyun joong: Hyung you never fail to surprise or scare us*smile*

Soo hyun: Yes. Do you remember joong-ah when we were young seo joo hyung used to scare us a lot like this *Smiling thinking of those old days*

Seo joo: Huh? Really did i scare you? *Acting like he doesn't remember*

Soo hyun & Hyun joong: Yah hyung!!! Don't play dump.

We both said at the same time and we looked each other and started to laugh looking at us seo joo hyung too started laughing. Honestly it feels like old times when we were in our teens we often went to cafe like this and enjoyed our time but it all turned opposite like a nightmare when some tragic happened in our life. Anyway now I'm happy to be together with them both again.

Seo joo: *laughing* okay okay so why are we here?

Hyun joong: Brother's reunion*he said simply*

Seo joo: Reunion???*confused*

Hyun joong: Hyung you know it's been a while since we three spend our time together. So I thought it'll be nice to catch up with each other since soo hyun hyung is really busy with his so called work. We don't know when he'll be free so I literally dragged him here*smiling*

Seo joo: *pats his younger brothers head* You did a good job joong-ah *smile* so how's your relationship going on soo hyun-ah?

Soo hyun: Yes hyung it's---*cut off by*

???: Sorry for the late. Here is your orders sirs.

We saw y/n standing on our table with our orders in her hand while smiling.


I made their orders and went to their table to place their orders with smiling face. While placing their orders i saw another person sitting there. Oh so they've been waiting for the person that's why they ordered three coffees. With that thought i looked up and saw

Y/N: *shocked* Mr.park *smiling* Good evening sir*bowed to him*

Seo joo(Mr.park): Oh y/n *smiling*

Y/N: You're here...*nervous*

Seo joo: Why i should not come here?

Y/N: No!!! No!!! Sir it's just...

Seo joo: *smiling* it's okay dear and y/n Don't call me sir or Mr.park i told you just call me uncle.

Y/N: okay Mr.p--- i mean uncle *smiling*

Seo joo: So y/n you're working here?

Y/N: Yes I'm working as a part timer here.

Seo joo: How long have you been working here?

Y/N: It's been a year since i started working here.

Seo joo: Oh so---*cut off by someone calling y/n*

???: Y/n can you come here pls.

I turned and saw an old couples in table no.7 Calling me. I smiled and nodded my head at them and turned to Mr.park and Mr.kims.

Y/N: I'm sorry I've to go now. Enjoy your orders sirs and if you need anything just call me. *Smiling*

With that i went to attend those old couples. They are the regular customers here and they see me as their granddaughter. Their real granddaughter died in an accident. When they saw me first they said i look like their granddaughter and later i got to know that their granddaughter died in a car accident. I felt sorry for them and from then on whenever they miss their granddaughter they came here and talked to me. They really took care of me as their granddaughter and sometimes they bring homemade cookies for me which i gladly accept.

Y/N: Good evening to both of you *Smiling*

Grandma: Good evening y/n-ah *smile back at you*

Y/N: How can i help you grandma and grandpa.

Grandpa: Just by sitting and talking with us*smile*

Grandma: Yes y/n come on sit down here dear let's talk.

As they both wished i sat with them and talked for a while. They both told me all the things happened while they were in a tour. Yes, they went to tour for a couple of months and came back yesterday. Today they came here and showered me with lots of love and things they saw and experienced3in tour. Seriously I'm so happy to be their granddaughter. I didn't have anyone in my life other than my mom after dad left left with my brother. Until 'He' came in to my life. I was thinking about the beautiful moments with 'him'. When

Grandma: y/n-ah *shows the cookies* here take this dear.

Y/N: Grandma i told you don't stress yourself you should not do any works. There's rina ro do this right.*accept the cookies*

If you are confused who's rina then here is her intro. She's a girl i found in roadside six months ago. When i saw her she's freezing in the cold at night time i took her to my house and she told me she ran away from her house because her parents abused her. When I came to know her situation I thought of grandma and grandpa. Next day I took her to the cafe and introduced her to them (old couples) they took rina with them as their granddaughter. She's same age as me and studing well now. I'm happy that they won't be alone in home and took care of each other.

Grandpa: She's their dear bit your grandma need to make the cookies by her own hands for you only then she's satisfied*smiling*

Y/N: Aww!!! So sweet of you both, by the way how's rina?

Grandma: she's doing well dear she's good at her studies too. Thanks for bringing her to us y/n *genuine smile*

Y/N: It's okay Grandma. I'm sure you both are also happy with her, am I right?

Grandpa: yes dear. She's also taking great care of us. We're happy too y/n. *Smiling*

Y/N: I'm happy to hear that *smile sweetly*

Mark(NCT): Y/n can you come here pls?

Y/N: Sure mark*turned to ipd couples* I'll be leaving now take care of your health and tell rina I asked about her *smiles*

Old couples: okay y/n we'll be leaving now too Rina will be alone. Bye dear *wave*

Y/N: Bye*wave back to them*

With that they both left the cafe. I'm very happy to hear Rina is doing well in her studies and i went to markie.

Y/N: Hey markie.

Mark(NCT): Did they already leave?

Y/N: yes. Here take the cookies* gives him the cookies*

Mark(NCT): Wow!!! These are my all time favourite cookies. I should thank them.

Y/N: yeah. Sure you should. Now tell me why did you call me?

Mark(NCT): uhhh....ohhh.... can u take care of work here without me for 10 minutes. I've some work to do pls*puppy eyes*

Y/N: Aww!!! My markie looks soo cute. Don't worry i can manage but for only 10 minutes okay

Mark(NCT): Sure. Thanks y/n *hug u and break the hug* bye bye.

He quickly went out of cafe to do his so called work I don't even know what's his work though i just shrugged off the thought and went back to work.

Sumi: y/n can you go and attend table no.2 . I need to get this order ro table no.6

Y/N: sure sumi unnie.

And i went to attend table no.2 . When i went i saw eight creepy guys there. I kept my professionalism and went near them.

Y/N: Good evening sirs. How may i help you? *Smiling*

Guy 1: Oh can we get to know your name miss?*smirk*

Y/N: M-my name i-is y-y/n s-sirs *nervous* what would you like to order sirs?

Guy 5: We would like to order you y/n,can we?*smirk*

I really felt uncomfortable. I can feel these creeps checking me out and i was just looking down out of fear. I can't do anything now or else other customers will be disturbed.

Guy 2: Why don't you sit with us y/n?*creepy look*

Because i could say no guy 7 stood up and put a hand on my shoulders andlead me to a chair and made me sit. I tried to stand but they forced me to sit.

Guy 7: So y/n huh? Nice name *checking y/n From head to toe*

Y/N: p-pls l-lea-leave m-m-me *tearing up*

Guy 3: Huh? What happen we didn't do anything till now honey*evil smirk* by the way you look so sexy

I saw everyone biting their lips while checking me out. I can't stay anymore. Suddenly i felt a hand touching my right thigh. I flinched because of sudden touch and without thinking anything i stood up and slapped the guy 3. Everyone in the cafe is looking at us now. I was just standing their without moving and tearing up with fear.

Guy 4: How dare you!!!

He raised his hand to slap me and i closed my eyes to feel the pain but suddenly

???: Don't you dare lay your hand on her you bastard*furious*