Addanna is already twenty-one but she had absolutely no freedom. She ofcourse gets all the latest gadgets and everything else to her comfort but babygirl definately does not get to just go out when ever she wants.

Her family being one of a strong moral background and little hint of christianity, believed that if she was allowed in the world she would be prone to corruption.

They were unwilling with their barbaric and outdated principles to have her be tainted before marriage. They had even organised the perfect marriage partner for her.

He was not her boyfriend of the past two years which she cared for dearly. And her parents were hell bent on insisting that Brent was just a phase that she will soon get over once she is married to the handsome Gabrel.

Ofcourse Addanna had never met the guy but she sure as hell didn't want to.

"You think you can just dictate my life for me??" She yelled at her father who was pretty much the lord of the house and lives of every one living there.

"I don't think so, I know so" He said in an unbothered and nonchalant tone.

That did little to help Addanna restrain herself from her anger.

"I hate you. I hate all of you and I think it's full time I moved out this place and be independent of all these damn rules!!!!" She wasn't thinking straight when she made the outburst but now she had to live with the consequences.

Her father who seemed surprised at what she said quickly recovered and with his pride being one of his not so desirable attributes, he solidified her statement and gave her til the end of the week to move out of his house.

Shame, doubt, anger and bitterness were at the forefront of Addi's visions and even though she now had the opportunity to shape her own destiny she just could not help but wonder if she had somewhat made a bad decision.

I mean, her parents had always orchestrated the very tune to the dance she have been doing from the moment she came into this world and she can't remember a bad thing that has happened when she followed the instructions that they gave her.

Her mom taught her how to control her emotions which you control by thinking a particular way. Addi had learnt all the little hacks needed to survive in the big scary world but her parents still caged her up like a little nightingale.

Addi sat in her room staring at her ceiling. Her room was grand and luxurious, any sane-minded person would be on their best behaviour at all points in time and show immense gratitude.

It wasn't as though she was ungrateful because she thought herself to be filled with undying humility for someone who was raised in such an exquisite lifestyle.

As she laid there in her bed looking around at the things that she could take with her, hoping she doesn't have to start from scratch, she remembered that she had gained her own money for two summers and had placed it in an emergency fund she forgot all about.

She got so excited even though it wasn't much but atleast she could rent an apartment for two months and get a few necessities to her comfort until she found a suitable job.

Addanna sat and thought of everything she lacked in order to face the world a head of her and the only thing she could come up with was support.

She lacked huge support because now she was suppose to walk out on her family who more or less just threw her away simply because they thought that the strings they used to control her were now broken, so the toy was useless.

She also lacked in friendship as she didn't have any friends apart from her boyfriend. Everyone always judged her before even getting to know her, they branded her as the rich, spoilt, mean kid; And that stigma stuck with her all through pre-school and right up to college graduation.

She knew that Brent would definately support her but she wish she had female friends to rely on.

Then again the drama, betrayal and conflict that came with them made her somewhat grateful that her life was the way it was. Brent has always been a decent boyfriend despite the fact that her parents did not approve of him.

So when Addanna called him up to tell him about the situation she was shocked beyond words to find out that Brent was cheating on her with Ashley, a popular girl that barely graduated college and he only dated her because she was rich and she gave him cool gifts for every special date. But now that she was going to be cut off from her parents riches, He didn't want to have anything to do with her.

It was very surprising how this very sweet and understanding Brent turned out to be such a manipulative jerk. It was cold to say but she expected it because that's what her mother drilled into her.

'Everyone will betray you love, just mentally prepare for it so that it wont break you.' Her mom would always tell her and oddly enough it worked.

It was somehow very ironic how the very same detachment that she didn't want to master was the one that saved her so much heartbreak when she was disrespectfully slapped with the news of Brent's Betrayal.

Atleast she didn't loose her virtue to such a scumbag!

She was bothered by what he did to her because she thought highly of him but she never ever shed one single tear for that low life.

Well, with or without the help of anyone, Addanna was determined to move out of her parents' house and rent her own by the end of the week.

So she began packing her clothes and shoes in travel bags that she owned and fitted them into a large suitcase so she wouldn't have too much luggage to move around with. When she was tired she sat in the bed and scrolled through her instagram page to find affordable apartments in California and jobs in nearby areas to her apartment so she could walk to work and save money.

Addi had it all panned out in her head. Ofcourse she was optimistic but not naive enough to not know that it might not work out as she hope it would so she made sure she looked for a very low cost apartment in a safe neighbourhood.

She hope that by the end of two months she would have found her self a job or two to sustain herself and her lifestyle.

Afterall Addanna Moncrieffe was her Father's Child and her pride went a mighty long way!

So this was something that she had to do!!

Soooooooo, what do you all think??

I know this is only the prologue but so much things had happened and we had learnt so much about our girl Addanna already. Well atleast we know the back story that will lead up to her present life and all she is about to go through.....