
I slowly opened my eyes when I heard the phone call. I coughed, my eyes were blindfolded. I was dilated but I didn't know what was going on. I stayed seated and didn't move. Where am I?

I don't know where I was.

I panicked when I remembered what happened earlier. I quickly removed my blindfold while coughing. I was confused when I realized that I'm inside the van. Without anyone, I am here, all alone. I saw my phone ringing, it was Dad. I quickly took my phone to answer it but it died.

Gradually I became nervous, the surroundings were dark, I was also not familiar with the place. What am I gonna do now? I surveyed the whole van, nothing's special with the van. I felt something on my feet when I moved.

"W-What is... t-this?" I almost fainted at the sight. It was a box, covered with blood. I took it with my trembling hands. I barely took it away from me when I smelled it unpleasantly. I stared at it for a long time, wondering if I should open it.

Out of curiosity, I slowly opened it. There was a small note when I opened it, beside the smaller box.

'Surprise!' My brows furrowed. Using a trembling hand, I gently opened the smaller box. My eyes widened when I saw it was full of my Mom's picture. Every move I do was just slow, it's as if I'm being careful for no apparent reason.

In every picture there was the word "mistress", but it was written using blood. What is this all about? Is my mom mistress?

After I saw all the photos, I hurried to move to get out, I felt my body ache as I began to stand up. I quickly picked up the cellphone, before finally leaving the house.

I was trembling as I started to walk away, I felt like someone would suddenly pick me up. My mind was puzzled as I walked, I didn't know what I should think first. I didn't know the destination but I still kept walking, I felt like my tears were about to fall. I don't know what I should do.

What about my mom? Is this the reason why we are like this? Is she a mistress? I quickly shook, I don't want to overthink this. Maybe this is just a prank, right? But who would do this kind of prank? My friends will probably not do this.

I felt someone pull at me, I was quickly overwhelmed by nervousness. I was about to shout but I saw a familiar face. It was...

"D-Damian?" I called him as my voice trembled. Even in the dark, I could clearly see the anger in his eyes.

"W-What are y-you—" He cut me off. "Are you okay? What happened?" Concern etched on his face, but there is still a streak of anger in his eyes. I couldn't speak, not knowing whether to tell what had happened earlier. He noticed my non-speech, he quickly observed me from head to toe.

"Are you hurt?" I quickly shook my head.

"Where were you earlier, what are you doing here?" He asked again.

"I was here for t-the group presentation..." I tried not to stutter.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asked coldly. The concerned face turned into an emotionless one.

"He's with his group mates..." I try to sound natural even though I'm really shaking.

"Really? He let you out at this time?" He tried not to sound mad but he really is. Why is he mad? I remembered what they said to me earlier, that he's fallen for me. I almost laughed at what they said, it was just all lies. I don't feel like this guy likes me. He's always mad, cold, and not friendly when I'm around.

"Look, it's not his fault—" He cut me off, again. "He should've sent you home instead," He shook his head, disappointed.

"Where's your Dad? He should fetch you, though." I shook my head.

"He would, but I got—" This time, I cut myself off. He looked at me, his eyes were doubtful.

"You got what, Briana?" He said in a cold tone, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Nothing, I just want to... walk." I have no point in reasoning. He stayed silent and just observed me.

"You can tell me, you can trust me." I just smiled at him. I couldn't tell him this.

"I know I can trust you, thank you. But can you just bring me home instead?" I almost pleaded. He's the only one I know here, even the place, this is the first time I've been here. He stopped talking and just nodded.

We walked a little further until we saw the red car. 'Is that yours?" I asked because it's the only car parking there.

He just nodded. He opened the door for me and waited for me to enter before turning into the car.

"Can I ask you?"


"Why are you... here?" I asked with curiosity.

"I saw you, you look lost. That's why." He said firmly. I just nodded. I was surprised when he knew and memorized every road we took. Does he know our house?

I also lost my amazement when he asked where we would turn. My heart and mind calmed down when we got home.

"Thank You, Damian," I said with a smile on my lips. I didn't really know what would happen to me if I didn't see him.

"You're welcome, if you want someone to talk to, you can talk to me." I really do appreciate him, even though he's cold, he's still kind. Like a friend, you can rely on, when life is hard.

After that, he already said goodbye. I stayed outside and waited for him to leave when he disappeared from my sight I went inside.

I jumped in shock when I saw Dad. "D-Dad!" I also saw the shock on his face.

"Oh, I've seen your text. You're already here?" Too late, Dad.

"Ah! My friend saw me waiting, that's why he dropped me here." He just nodded and kissed me on the cheek.

"Let's sleep, Dad?" He just simply nodded and gestured his hand.

"Happy anniversary, baby!" Travis hugged me from behind.

"Happy anniversary!" I turned around so I could hug him back. It's almost 2 months since that incident happened, I've never told anyone, nothing like that has ever happened. I think that was just a prank.

"Ugh! Examination again!" Sabrina complained.

I also playfully rolled my eyes, exam again! It's our last day today, the 3rd day. Our anniversary.

"We'll enjoy later, do your best, okay?" I smiled at Travis and ran my hand through his hair.

"Good luck, my baby..." He whispered in my ears.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you," He also whispered. Before heading to the classroom.

I smiled. This is the home I wished for, the home I wanted. Maybe the love and attention I wanted and wished for.

I am already at peace, with my home.