
“Let’s try the horror booth!” I suggested, sounding excited. They all agreed. It’s our second day of intrams, and it has more booths today than yesterday. Travis told me not to attend intrams today to rest, but I refused, I want to enjoy this week.

“Ouch!” I felt someone accidentally pulled my hair. It was dark here and loud. Well, that’s why it’s called a horror booth. I walked a bit and tried to go with my friends.

“Sab!” I shouted. She waved her hand so I could see them. I almost laughed when I saw Marcus covering his eyes, now he’s holding someone he didn’t know. He will be embarrassed later, I’m sure of that. Travis wasn’t still there, I guess he’s tired from yesterday.

“Ah!” I almost jumped when the so-called ghosts here scared me. It almost made me laugh because I could see the gradual lifting of her lips. “Please, don’t laugh,” I advised, I was totally smirking like a jerk while I was walking, still remembering the white lady who almost laughed while scaring me.

Sab pulled me quickly when we felt ghosts approaching us. “Wait! My hair!” I complained. Why does my hair always get pulled?!

We screamed loudly with a severed head dropped in front of us. I already expected it but I couldn’t help but scream.

We quickly left that post because of the pressure of the people. We laughed as we caught up with each other sweating profusely. Our hair is also messy.

“That was fun!”

“Yeah, and my scalp is very sore…” They just laughed at me while I was complaining, but they checked every bit of me afterward.

“Marcus, who’s that girl you were holding earlier, huh?” I teased him. He just playfully rolled his eyes at me. Hmm, something’s fishy? Sab and I teased him more when his face became red. Is there something you don’t tell us, Marcus?

I poked the side of his tummy, teasing him more.

“What is it?” I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head, defeated. He sighed before letting out a word.

“She’s the girl I was talking about,” I tried to recall. I can’t even remember!

“The girl that you like?!” Sab covered her mouth, looking shocked.

“The girl I told you I don’t want to court,” Oh. That special someone.

“What’s her name? Don‘t you still want to court her?!” He started to laugh like there’s something funny. Trying to avoid the question, huh?

“She’s Felice, and I still don’t wanna court her.” He said with finality.

“But why?” Sab and I protested.

“Fine. I want to, but let’s just wait for the right time. Once we’re all ready at a legal age, I will. Now, can you please stop asking questions?” He said, trying to sound pissed. You can’t fool us, boy. I pressed my lips because I felt attacked, I’m not yet at a legal age but I already have a boyfriend! Now it feels illegal! I laughed at the thought.

“Why do I feel like you’re attacking us?” Sab said dramatically while acting she’s hurt.

“Duh. I did not!” He raised his two hands, surrendering.

“Whatever. We feel attacked, though.” We let out a laugh.

“Where’s your Bff?”

“Bff, my ass. You’re the girlfriend, Miss. Why do you ask me?” He playfully said and raised his eyebrow. The audacity?!

“Fucking rude!” I scolded him. “Just kidding!” He stated.

“Jokes are half meant, dude!” She slightly punched Marcus’ arm.

“Not all jokes, dude,” He smirked.

“Anyway, did he text you?” I ask him, he just shook his head.

“Give me a minute,” I said goodbye to them before starting typing on my cell phone, after a few seconds, I called him.

He did not answer in the first call, but after I called him for the second time, he answered immediately.

“Hello?” He said in a husky voice, sounded like he just woke up.

“Did I wake you up?”

“No, it’s okay, love.” Is he sick? He sounded sick.

“Are you not feeling well?” I asked in a concerned tone.

“I just have a headache, I can’t go to school now. Are you enjoying yourself there? Just call me when you want to go home, I’ll fetch you and send you home.”

“No need how do you feel? Is there anyone to take care of you there?”

“Grandpa will come here tomorrow, don’t worry, I’m okay.” He tried to chuckle but ended up coughing.

“What do you want, I’ll go there, okay? Wait for me.”

“You don’t need to come here, baby. I’m all good.” I just ignored what he said.

“Have you taken your meds?”

“I don’t have any…” He said in a monotone.

“I really need to go there, wait for me, alright?”

“Love, just enjoy the intramurals—”

“I’ll come, wait for me. I love you.” I ended the call quickly because he would not say yes.

I quickly said goodbye to Sab and Marcus, I went home to cook porridge. My Grandma taught me how to cook porridge when I was 12. Her porridge was, is, and will always be my favorite. But sadly, I can’t taste it anymore. She passed away, weeks after she taught me how to cook.

I quickly finished cooking, I was about to transfer it to the Tupperware, but I stopped at what I saw.

I saw a lot of hard liquor, gin, and wine. I’m shocked because they never drink. Maybe it was not for them? But I was even more skeptical of seeing the bottles of liquor empty. I just kept doing what I was doing and ignored what I saw. I also take meds here from our house that Travis can take.

I just took a cab so I can get there easily.


I knocked 3 times before the door opened. It reveals the half-naked Travis. His abs were almost showing now that he’s focusing on his workout.

“I told you not to—” I immediately cut him off by putting my index finger on the top of his lips.

“Shh,” His lips parted in shock.

“Let me take care of you, okay?” I didn't wait for his answer, I just went straight to their house.

I went straight to their kitchen and got a bowl for his porridge. I almost jumped in panic when his hand crawled on my waist. I could feel the heat of her body from behind.

“I missed you…” He said as his face was buried in my neck.

I turned around when I felt a tickle in my neck because of the heat of his breath.

“Eat this.” He just pouted and sat down.

“I cooked this, so you better finish it. Understand?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to sound strict.

‘Yes, Mommy.” He chuckled.

My cheeks get hot because of what he said. Oh, man. Not now. Why does it feel so hot?!

“Can you feed me, please?” He pouted again.

“Don’t you have hands?”

“Can you be kind?” I just rolled my eyes. I leaned over before feeding him. I blew the spoonful of porridge first.

He pulled himself closer to me before leaning back. Our faces were almost close because of what he did. That’s illegal, Sir.

“I feel so babied, and I like it.” He kissed my cheek.

“How’s your day, hmm?” He whispered in my ears.

“I’ve been tweaked many times because of the horror booth!” I growl like a child.

“Aww, how’s the scalp of my baby girl?” He said while tucking my hair in the side of my ears.

I just continued talking while he was just smiling and looking at me straight in the eyes.

I stopped a bit. “Tell me more, hmm.” I smiled and continued to talk.

He had already finished the porridge before my story was over.

“Take these meds, and sleep after. Understood?” He sighed in defeat before nodding. I watched him take the medicine. He protested to wash the plates so I let him.

“Do you want to watch a movie?”

“I told you to sleep.”

“I would. Just stay with me until the afternoon, please?” I could do nothing but agree.

I was watching Netflix while he was already lying on the sofa. He was lying on my thighs. I focused on watching, after a half-hour, I already saw him sleeping. I slightly touched his head to check his fever.

He was hot, I carefully stood up to get a towel with cold water. When I got it, I carefully wiped his forehead and body. I rinsed the towel again to put it on his forehead.

I looked at him carefully as he slept peacefully. How could someone be this beautiful?! That should be illegal! I laughed at the thought. I’m being silly again.

I almost jumped in panic when there was a knock on the door. I'm not expecting anyone so I'm wondering who that is, maybe delivery? I walked quickly to the door to open it.

It revealed a man with white hair. “Good noon, Hija. Is my grandson there?” He smiled lovely. I can’t help but get nervous.

Is this his Grandfather?!