Yuri had read countless stories of meeting your mate, burning some of the core feelings he had seen and read onto his head.
He saw how his best friend's nose twitched as she sniffed the male they bumped. The way her hands started shaking as she swiftly sat on her knees. Her eyes shook as she stared at the blue orbs that were glossing up.
He remembered the movies he saw and when he met his elder's sister's mate. The look in their eyes had him tearing up, even if he didn't have the luxury of having a genuine sisterly bond with her. He was happy regardless of that fact.
He softly smiled when she jumped into her mate's arms, muffling her soft sobs at the blond-haired male's shoulder. The male just replied as he wrapped his arms around her waist and shoved his nose onto the other's neck, sniffing at his mate's calming scent gland.
Yuri got up from the floor and dusted himself off before crouching in front of the still hugging couple. He slowly reached his hand out for his friend only to flinch when the slightly tan male growled out a 'mine' when he saw the male's hand, making taehyung snatch his hand back.
He gulped as he fell on his behind with his hands harshly thumping against the tile floor, sending a jolt of pain up to his shoulders through the heels of his hand.
He scrambled backwards before rushing to stand up and try to bow in submission only to stumble behind when the male snarled in distaste.
Upon hearing the snarl from her mate, Aaliyah removed herself from her mate's arms. She wiped her eyes and glanced down and profoundly blushed when she saw she was right in between the male's legs, currently oblivious to the situation happening.
The moment quickly came to an end when Aaliyah felt anger radiating from the male she was sitting in front.
She followed her mate's glare and turned her head to see a wide-eyed and shaking Taehyung clutching his left hand to his chest.
She placed two and two together when her mate's pine scent finally registered in her bones. Her mate was a beta, a superior to the deltas and omegas but inferior to the true bloods and alphas.
She immediately scrambled onto her feet and went to her platonic soulmate and pulled the boy's shaking biceps to herself and hugged him as she stroked the mop of hair.
Her naturally curly hair drooping over the boy's collar as his clutched hands came in between both of their chests. Being just an inch taller than the other boy, she placed her head on top of the other's
Momentarily forgetting that Aaliyah had just met her mate, setting aim on comforting the scared boy in her arms first. Knowing that the boy had already been through so much.
The male she was hugging just seconds before saw the scene in front of him and growled loudly, making the only two other people in the college hall flinch, whipping their heads towards the noise.
Aaliyah sighed and walked up to her mate and stared at the now glowing green eyes and softly smiled before raising her hands to cup the angry male's face.
"I know what this may seem like," She reasoned, her Turkish accent slipping through her words, "but he's an omega with a bad past with his superiors."
She saw how the male's eyes were slightly still glowing green and couldn't deny the fact that her stomach was fluttering with a swarm of butterflies with the thought of her mate being jealous.
"He's my best friend," She pleaded, glancing at Yuri and noticed how the male was trembling with fright as he looked at the conversing duo. "If I leave him right now, I'll feel guilty forever."
So through those words, her mate's eyes finally flickered back to their regular coffee-coloured shade.
The once angry male now calmly jerked his head towards the omega. Aaliyah widely simpered and pecked her mate's cheek before turning to go back to Yuri, unaware of the roses blossoming on her mate's cheek.
Yuri worried his bottom lip from the inside when he saw Aaliyah walking towards him with a concerned grimace, wrinkling her forehead with her furrowed brows.
His breathing became erratic when he diffidently took a step back, coming eye to eye with his only genuine friend.
He saw something shift in Aaliyah's eyes, making his stomach churn when he realized what it was.
Pity. Yuri saw pity in his friend's eyes, loathing the look she gave him when he stepped back again.
He gritted his teeth when he glanced back to the male behind Aaliyah and saw the confusion in his eyes.
He detested the fact that even though he wanted to turn and leave his friend to unite with her mate correctly. He felt selfish, wanting nothing more to be in his best friend's warmth and be comforted.
He let out a heart-wrenching sob and released the clutch on his hand, falling to the floor with a soft thud.
He deadened his sobs immediately when he felt the warmth he never asked. The feeling of Aaliyah's arms and the warmth of a comforting soul had never felt so good to Yuri, making him glad that he felt selfish for this warmth.
So he pledged to himself right there, feeling Aaliyah whisper calming words into his ear. He would make it up to the pair and make sure that they would nevermore be in the state he is in right now.
As the omega was feeling guilty and comfort, an Alpha was stifling the growing terror in his guts. He stared down each one of the seven rogues eerily and slowly creeping towards him.
Kai linked the guards in his head and took two steps back when the rogues took one, hurting his pride when he thought he looked like an alpha with an omega mindest.
Even though he knew he looked like that, he was more rational to acknowledge the fact that taking on seven rogues was a suicide mission.
He envisioned a string of red light coming out from the front of his wolf's head as it zoomed through the forest, finally reaching the guards.
The ravenette pictured them perking their ears up and looking at each other in confirmation before whipping their heads towards the working soldiers not so far from where they were.
They screamed out the words the king feared the most, "The next king is in danger!" They called.
So just by mere but hair-raising words, havoc exploded in the soldiers' tent and the young alpha's father's head.
The young alpha looked between each rogue and slowly snarled, catching his attention of a rogue flinching and miserably trying to hide it. He internally smirked and tried to come up with a last-minute plan, but the seconds of having that option were narrowing with every step the head rogue took.
He quickly glanced between his and the flinched rogue, impulsively jumping towards him, making the other six wolves whip their heads towards the sudden action.
He attached his canines onto the forelegs of the rogue, causing a howl of pain to erupt from the shorter rogue. The rogue's rust-coloured fur being painted with his blood while the other rogues just stared in shock.
A scream echoed throughout the whole forest when Kai ripped the rogue's leg, leaving him crippled and unable to transform back to his human form.
As if the scream was a morning call, the now six rogues made their eyes glow an ugly mix of yellow and green. The colour almost representing puke as their eyes started to beam even brighter.
Kai gulped slowly and inaudibly before walking backwards and bouncing to turn around as he started to trot and quickly running into a gallop as he zigged and zagged through the woodlands.
The sound of dried leaves crunching and small twigs snapping going past him as he tried to find his way out of the woods and into the palace grounds.
The one thing Jeongguk had failed to remember was that he had solely met the waterfall in an accident. So now with six rogues running trailing behind him, he was just a mere alpha alone in a forest.
Hurting his pride horribly, he knew he had to come to terms with that otherwise it would traverse to his death, but the young alpha had enough of coming terms with his pride. So his ego rose instead, making the black wolf abruptly stop before whirling around and appearing face to face with six rogues assailing towards him.
So now Kai leaned on his forelegs and stared directly ahead. Undeviatingly at the running rogues, preparing himself for a gory fight as he counted the seconds it would take to reach him.