
I got out of bed and changed into my casual cloth. Kai changed his cloth too and we held each others hands and went to breakfast.

After breakfast,we went to the park to sit in a quiet place for a bit. When we arrived i saw lots of children playing and they were so cute.

I then said to kai:"what if we have a child." He then spit the water he is drinking and choked then said:"you are too small to get a child."

I said:"but i am not too young to get married right?" He said:"what should have i done i was dying from your love." I said:"sooo what about the child." He said:"you know that they cut your stomach to get it out right."

I said :"ahh i am still too young you are right." Then kai got an emergency phone call and needed to leave ,but i felt like staying so he said it was okay if i stayed there.Then i got off the bench when i saw a little girl playing alone and i felt that she was soo sad."