He said:"no son they killed her. Her grandpa killed her." Then grandpa got in and said:"oh stop lying to yourself David you abused her."
He said:"you accused her for cheating when she was pregnant with Kai so i just helped my old friend and hid her from you!"
He said:"wait she is still alive,but you showed me the body." This was a lie and a trick she hated you for what you did and she planned on escaping with Kai ,but you did not even let her get out!" Grandpa said while shouting on him.
He said:"you are lying,where is she then." Then a woman with white hair came in and said:" i am here David, but do not even think about letting you talk to me. I was just so tired of hiding that is why i got out."
He said:"wait." But she did not listen or anything. Although he was a really bad person ,but he might have an explanation like Kai taught me.
I ran to her and said:"miss i know you do not know me ,but i am your son's wife." She said:"i know dear."