The Question

Jameson was taken back, why would this man with an asset of millions if not billions of money buy a little company and sit in an old office. He can't understand this man's thoughts.

Ryan Avelino's face is plastered with a grin he was trying Jameson to be pissed off. Jameson was ready to leave, he turned his back.

"Ahh leaving already Mr. Aguinaldo?" Jameson halted his step and faced him again.

Jameson's grimes he wanted to get out now it's frustrating that his opponent can make him stay.

"What do you want Mr. Avelino?" he asks him coldly.

The sly fox smiled even further knowing that he got Jameson's attention.

"Well, how's your company first? It's stab--"

"Cut to the chase Mr. Avelino!" he cuts off Ryan's talk, while his voice is mixed with anger.

Ryan Avelino turned his face serious but the smile was still on his face.

"I may have a solution to your short of supplies Mr. Jameson"

Jameson's heart skipped a beat and thought for a while, he was weighing the pros and cons. If he accepts it the shortage of supplies will be solved immediately but if he accepts it he did not know the schemes Ryan, it was dangerous to accept it he may be tempted but he is wise enough to not accept.

"Thank you for the offer Mr. Avelino," he said coldly and started to walk off.

Mr. Avelino who was sitting there started to laugh.

"I know you would not accept it Mr. Aguilnaldo, but I tempted you! HAHA!"

"I have the key Jameson! The key!"

He closed the door and he can still hear Ryan Avelino laughing.

In a bad mood, he was walking when he took a glimpse at the secretary's desk. He saw a photo in the frame that looked familiar. He halted his steps and walked in the direction of the desk out of curiosity.

There he got a hold of the picture, he scoured his mind where this place was then his eyes glinted he remembered it was in the yellow park. He had a memory in there with his ex-girlfriend.

He put it back but he hit the perfume bottle's cap so he immediately fixed it but he smelled a familiar scent, it was the same as the handkerchief!

Ryan Avelino's secretary owns the handkerchief, that makes sense because he went to the company. An idea flashed in his mind a wicked smile appeared on his face.

He takes a note and a pen, and he starts writing something.

After that, he left immediately with a smile on his face not knowingly a person saw that and that was Mr. Ryan Avelino, saw the writing and a wide smile appeared on his face no one knew what he was thinking.

He picked up his phone and called someone.


In her home, Jillian was taking care of her little angel. The kid was having a fever. The girl was a little pitiful.

Jillian was watching over her and never left her side, she was talking with her.

"Hey sweetie you're gonna be alright kay? Tomorrow you will be back at school" she talks to her sweetly while smiling sweetly.

"Are you sure mom?" she asks weakly.

"of course sweetie when did I lie to you?" she promised to her.

She caressed her daughter's face feeling her soft pale skin, her lips were a little dry and her eyes were a little teary.

"mom I will ask a question don't lie you promised"

"I promised," Jillian replied.

"Where's Dad mom?" she asks suddenly.

Jillian was taken aback when she heard the question, her mind didn't process what she heard. She stared at her daughter, she thinks that her daughter is intelligent. There was a shock on her face, she was sweating too.

"w-w-why would you ask that?" she diverted the question.

"Mom, you promised," she said weakly while eyes showed a trace of pleading.

"Do you need water?"

"yes please but mom answer it first"

"..." Jillian was silent for a sec.

She looks down and sighs, She hears daughter's tears swell up.

"I want to know my dad mom, I'm jealous of my classmates having their complete family is there, always talk about their dad, I always feel sad"

Angel was sobbing crying while saying that she was longing about her dad, she didn't even know his name. Her mom always kept quiet about his dad even though her mom filled the void of her paternal love she will always find a father.

Hearing that tears filled her eyes and she looked up so it wouldn't fall, she is blaming herself for this to happen.

Her daughter for a few minutes then fell asleep, she was watching her daughter crying as her heart broke.

"Don't worry sweetie I will find a way to make it up to you" a mother's love smile showed on her face while watching her daughter sleeping.


"Are you okay?" her mother asked.

She faked a smile "yes mom"

"No, you don't I overheard your conversation with your daughter"

Her eyes get teary again. She hugs her mother and cries.


"mom it's my fault," she said while sobbing.

"No, it's your fault okay? It's the circumstances Jillian so stop crying" her mother soothes her.

For a few minutes, Jillian cried in her mother's arms after that she calmed down. Let's go.

"What are you going to now Jill?" her mother asked her.

Jillian is staring at the void and thinks deep, what will she do now. Yes, she promised that she will do everything but she doesn't know where to start. She had no idea what's gonna do.

She sighs "I don't know mom"

Currently, she will find a way to reach Jameson again. Her feelings are a little complicated, she was thinking about what she will when she meets Jameson again she sighs.

"Think about it Jillian and don't promise something to her that you cannot hold" her mother scolded her.

How can she contact Jameson just to show up with her daughter in his company? That's too flashy and many will know this including that man, whom she hates the most.

Then he remembered a certain person who works in the 8th company; it was Joy!

Joy was working they're maybe she could help her contact Jameson.

"sweetie you're gonna meet your dad soon" a smile finally appears on her face.
