The Note

In the early morning, daylight unwraps the hues of the world. The halo of the horizon arrives with golden grace.

Jillian was preparing to go to work, she was eating with her mother and Angel who was a little fine now but she did not allow her to go to school for the day.

Through the night she checked her daughter, fortunately, her fever went down and the girl did not ask again about that night she just kept quiet.


At her desk, Jillian sat exhaustedly even though she just sat in that whole time and greeted some clients. She did not see a pink note at her desk.

She was thinking to call Joy and ask if she could help her contacting Jameson but she was thinking at this time Joy might be busy because it was working hours so maybe later she will call her.

Jillian sighs, She loved him more than she thought she did. She let him lead but little did he know that all along she was molding him. Not once did she let him feel insecure of his shortcomings, she aroused the fire in him to do better, to be better.

Don’t get me wrong, she was not trying to change him into the man of her dreams. He was that man already. All she did was awaken the dormant potential within him which he himself was unaware of. All along she worked like a catalyst clearing the path for him, her words galvanizing him to achieve more, never realizing that her life was so intertwined with his that she had somewhere lost sight of her ambitions. But that did not bother her, she was with the man she loved, his happiness was hers. But it seemed like fate had something else in store.

His father wanted him to believe in what his father thought was right. To believe in his words, in his authority. At first, she considered this a passing phase, she let it go. But his father remained adamant. It's stubbornness hurt her. She was confused, torn between her and his father. Was this what love meant? to give up oneself completely? She had given him her all, let him in, stood by him, loved him, depended on him but that wasn’t enough. She loved him to the moon and back but what the man asked for was something that would change her into something. Something she was not and she couldn’t take it anymore. So she let go and he didn’t stop her which added salt to her wounds.

She believed that someday he would accept her for who she was. Days turned into months, months turned into years but he remained the same. Even her love could not change his opinion. She was broken beyond repair. Her world had fallen apart. Her first love, the only man she had ever been with did not understand how she felt. Still, she could not get herself to blame him as that was how he was brought up she said. It was not his fault. Who could go against the forces of nature? Fate had won.

It was time for acceptance. To treasure all those wonderful memories and move on like it never happened. It wasn’t going to be easy but there was no choice. At least, not now. Anger, regret, hurt, and self -destruction were just a few of the emotions that would spring up from time to time. Their love was an anachronism, it was just wrong timing.

Maybe it would have worked if they were more mature individuals, more settled in life, and had a better understanding of how things work. Life is full of maybe, hopefully, probably, possibly. But through all this, there is always a lesson hidden somewhere.

And one thing for sure deep in her heart a feeling is buried for that person.


She was about to pick up her phone when she saw a pink note sticking in her drawer, she read it.

'Hello miss, I have your handkerchief if you want it to get back meet me in Central Park, Saturday 2 P.M'

The writing was good as if it came from a photocopy machine, she held her breath. It was found but by whom? And she or he knows where she works and she had a sigh of relief, she didn't have to explain to her daughter she lost the handkerchief.

She excitedly folds the note and put it in her pocket, and she just remembered what she was gonna do, call Joy for a help.

On the other side, Joy was eating with her friends and laughing while her co-worker was joking about something.


Her phone vibrates, she keeps it in vibrate mode if ever someone calls her during work. They are advised not to use their phones during office hours and if someone calls her she answers only if it was an emergency.

she saw who was calling and answers the phone.

"I had to take this" she excuse herself from her co-workers.


"Hi, Joy are you busy?" Jillian ask.

"Uhmmm I'm eating why?"

"uhh can you help me?" she not surely said.

"Help you with what? If I can do it I will help you to the best of my ability" she said sincerely "What help do you need? Are you fired at your work or something?"

"No, no, no that's not what I mean Joy"

"Okay what is it?" she replied.

"uhmm can you help me meet your president" Joy was surprised.

"What your gonna d-- wait is it about you child?" She realized something.

She heard a sigh from the other line

"How come?" she was shocked and it was shown on her face, her jaw was left agape.

"..." Jillian kept quiet

"Your gut feel is really strong," she said helplessly.

"Yeah, this is me! Don't worry Jill I will ask him later." she sounds proud. She was shocked about what she finds out, even her mind can't process the fact that Jillian's daughter is the daughter of his president.

"Thank you Joy, but please don't tell him about my name and about our daughter, Can you do that?" Jillian pleaded.

"Okay Jill, but I'm a little shock about that can you tell me your time in college?"

"Next time Joy," she said helplessly.

The call ended.

She went to her co-worker and they are still talking about something, she took her seat and started eating again but her appetite was gone after what she found out she was intrigued by the story of Jillian.

But one of her colleagues noticed that she stopped eating when they asked her.

"Are you okay Joy?" she just nodded and forced herself to eat.


A few hours later.

Jameson was massaging his temple, he can't explain what to feel right now after searching for a company he finally found one but it's not enough.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in"

"Sir, someone wants to talk to you," Celia said.

"Where is he?" he asks.

"Hello, sir" Joy emerges from the door and greets Jameson.

Jameson was surprised it was one of the employees in the company whom he met once, it was the cute girl in the finance department.

"Hi, what's the matter?" he asked.

"I'm sorry if I disturb yo--" he waves off to hush Joy.

"No it's okay Joy" he smiled.

Joy was nervous "Uhmm my friend wants to meet you for an important matter sir"

"And who's this friend?" He wondered, why would Joy's friend want to meet him.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you her name but definitely you know her sir" Joy smiled apologetically.

"It's a her?" Jameson pondered. Who's the woman? He knows that Joy knows there's no common factor.

"Yes sir"

"Okay tell her I will meet her in central park at one A.M," he said after thinking for a while maybe that person could help him.