"No woman should be made to feel inferior, No woman should give any being the power to belittle her, for she is strong, beautiful, smart and unique. And all chauvinistic bastards can choke on their vomits."
Then I stared, with fisted hands suspended in the air, awaiting the applause. 1 second, 2 , 3 ...... 37; none, now, this is just awkward. So, with hands withdrawn and head hung low, I retreat, with further efforts suspended for the moment. Stepping down from the stage, I exhale a lung full of air, assume a slouched position, then take on the task of walking back to my locker. "Wait! Where are you going, stop!" That's what I heard in my head, but then, I actually hear, "Mtchwwww, wasting our time unnecessarily" punctuated by the sound of retreating footsteps. Maybe, it's a useless cause, or maybe girls are too accepting of their roles in society, roles appointed to us by men. Men, the protectors, the most honourable, intelligent, all these, bestowed upon themselves, by who, them (insert : eyeroll) but we, the 2nd class citizens, also bestowed upon us by the man, and this, this just makes my existence sad.
I don't hear it till I feel it, Ekene, "Maybe, not today, but one day, they will hear you. Things are changing, the world isn't as it used to be, people are getting enlightened." Then, I stop, wait a few seconds then, turn, and there he is, with his ever dazzling smile complimenting his bronze coloured skin, his almost infectious smile, almost. I sigh, shake my head, then look up at him and say, "You're living evidence, but for now, I don't believe it." Not waiting for a response, I turn around and flee, I don't need to see it to feel it, to feel his smile melting into an expression of sadness, but right now, I don't care.