When XX

“Will you get out of here. Nonsense.” Leveling a hate filled gaze on me, he hissed. Turning away from me, he began to pour himself a new cup of gin, wine finished. Spirits dampened, I arose, shakily, I took a few steps back, focused on putting as much distance as possible between us. On nearing the door which led to the corridor, the words “You’re selfish” resounded within my head, bouncing off of the walls of my brain. Horrified, I turned to face nnanyi, “B-but, N-n-nda Ch-ch-chinwe, se-se-said tha-tha-that, you, you, you owe a de-dei-deity, an-and the-that” The sound of a glass cup shattering stopped my speech. I watched him rise from his seat, fists clenched, breathing forced, veins popping, and eyes murderous. For each step he took, I took two back.

On noticing, he rushed towards me, grabbing me by my arms, he slammed me against the wall.

His arms locked me in. I took in his expression, his teeth bared, seething in an overwhelming anger.