June 25th...
The night before the day that everything changed for the better or the worse.
It was another miserable and unfortunate night at Jasmine's house as she was curled up in her closet with a pair of earplugs shoved down her eardrums as it drowned out the disgusting sound of her father having sex with another groupie, he probably picked up at the bar or something, but either way, Jasmine so was disgusted and ashamed of being the daughter of a monster she called her father.
It was the night before tomorrow and Jasmine was excited to spend the entire day with Linda.
☀️ ☀️ ☀️
The next morning, Jasmine woke to the sound of yelling.
"Get out of my house, you crazy bitch!" Being able to recognize that voice anyway she sighed walking out of her closet.
"YOU DISGUSTING PIG, YOU RAPED ME," the woman yelled causing Jasmine to halt in her steps.
"Why would I rape you when you were enjoying it, huh slut, you were moaning my name I bet it kept my daughter up," he said.
Jasmine's face scrunched in disgust before it turned into a shock one.
"GO TO HELL, YOU DISGUSTING BASTARD," the woman yelled before...
The room suddenly went silent after that slap echoed throughout the house.
Jasmine froze at her spot trying to sense any kind of sound until…
"Omg, Robert, I didn't mean to hurt you, baby, " the woman pleaded as fear could be heard in her tone.
Silence once again filled the house until a loud crashing sound was heard followed by Jasmine's father yelling.
"YOU DARE HIT MY B**CH," he yelled as the woman cried out followed by sounds of punching and kicking.
Jasmine panicked as she quickly ran to the bathroom to hurry the hell out of this house.
After freshening up as fast as she can Jasmine exited the bathroom to meet the silence of the house. Only heavy breathing could be heard as it slowly made its way to her bedroom. Thinking fast she gathered all the things she needed before heading to the window. As she was on her way out, her door busted open realizing the beast she called her father who had rage engulfing his eyes.
"Where do you think you're going, huh brat?" He quickly gripped onto her left leg as she was climbing out the window.
Jasmine acted fast and kicked him in the chest causing him to lose his grip but unfortunately, Jasmine ended up losing her balance causing her to fall out the window, landing face first.
Inhaling desperately as she clenched her chest, Jasmine coughed up a bit of blood as felt a sharp pain in her chest causing her eyes to fill up with tears.
Hearing the sound of someone running downstairs, she quickly got up running as far as possible away from her home which she will never return to.
Jasmine ran all the way to Linda's café before stopping dead in her tracks a few feet away gasping at the sight before her.
Tears trickled down her face as she suddenly felt weak.
The café was on fire as it was being put out by the fire department. Without thinking twice Jasmine ran onto the scene to only be stopped by a police officer.
"I'm sorry Miss, but you can't go beyond this point, " the police officer said.
"No, officer you don't understand, I know the owner of this café, where is she?" Jasmine struggled in the officer's hold as she tried to look for Linda.
"Calm down, Miss, tell me everything you know, " he said in a very calming yet serious tone.
"Her name is Linda, she's very elderly, my mother was good friends with her but she died a long time ago,
Linda looked after me, she was like a mother to me, please tell me where she is?" she pleaded as her tears continued to fall.
The officer stared at Jasmine with eyes of sympathy as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, kid, but the owner was inside when the café was caught on fire, she didn't make it, " he said as Jasmine backed up shaking her head in disbelief.
"No, you're lying, I was supposed to meet her here after school, so we could- we could, " Jasmine struggled with her words as she choked on her sobs.
The officer tried to comfort Jasmine but she ran away without looking back.
The sun was now setting and the place was getting dark rather quickly before that didn't stop Jasmine from running, she ran until her feet felt numb and her lungs burned from the lack of air.
Her mind screamed stop but her fragile heart pushed her through as if it was leading her somewhere.
Jasmine felt nothing at this point, she just lost the only family she had left and now she was sure to die from sufferation and loneliness.
As she barely kept on running her feet immediately gave up on her as she came crashing down to her knees. Desperately inhaling the air that her lungs longed for she started crying uncontrollably.
"Why! Why!" she continued mumbling until voices were heard.
"Exactly, sweetheart, why?" A group of men came out of nowhere instantly surrounding her, "Why is such a beautiful young woman like yourself doing out here in the danger zone, " all the men had disgusting smirks on their faces, licking and biting their lips while undressing Jasmine with their eyes while she looked at them with an emotionless face.
"Look, I'm not looking for any trouble just let me leave, " she said in a cold tone.
"Don't worry, baby, all you gotta do is be a good girl and there will be no trouble, " a man with an adenoidal voice said as he leaned forward to stroke her cheek which was harshly slapped away causing the man to chuckle.
"Alright, you wanna play hard to get fine, we like to play, " he suddenly wrapped his arm around Jasmine's neck, pressing her back against his front as another man ripped off her shirt.
She tried to scream out for help but the pressure being placed on her neck muted any words that tried to come out.
Just as her bra was about to be ripped off there was a gunshot.
Every man jack ran for their lives, leaving Jasmine there a sobbing mess, she stood there hugging her body as her eyes were glued to the floor not daring to look at as a pair of expensive shoes came into her sight.
Her chin was soon lifted to meet a pair of hazel brown eyes that immediately seemed to calm her.
"Are you alright, kid?" his deep, soothing voice sent chills down her spine as her eyes filled back up with tears.
"N-No, I was almost r-raped, I'm very much not fine, " she said shaking the tears out of her swollen tears, earning a sympathetic sigh from the man.
"Would you like to come with me?" he asked, causing her to immediately step backward.
"No, I can't trust people, you might be someone trying to hurt me as well, " she earned another sigh.
"Listen, I promise, I'm not trying to hurt you, I just want to help, you look like you don't have nowhere to stay, no food, clothes, please let me help you," he practically begged.
Jasmine stared into his eyes looking for something people don't have nowadays, generosity.
"Fine, I'll go with you, but I'm not staying, " she said.
"Alright, it's your choice I'm not going to force you, " he said before lifting her bridal style, startling her.
"W-What are you doing?" she asked, avoiding contact with him.
"Carrying you, it looks like you're about to pass out, " he said as he made his way to the black wagon gently laying her in the back seat before climbing in.
"Thank you, " she mumbled as the man started his car.
"Don't mention it, " he replied focusing on the road.
"I'm Jasmine, what's yours?" She asked as he sighed hesitating.
"I'm Tommy, "