Chapter 3

Without awareness of the road or the rain, the car moved over the highway, lights on full beam. Jasmine watched how the yellowed yet bright light played in the droplets, showing the deluge, this flood from the sky, in apparently solitary drops. Nobody rarely said anything as the car remained silent, Jasmine's eyes remained glued outside the window. Tommy on the other hand couldn't help but glimpse at her from time to time while he drove them to his home.

"Why did you save me?" She asked as her voice came out almost like a whisper. Tommy cleared his throat getting ready to answer the girl's question. "I really don't know why I saved you," he responded, earning a scoff from Jasmine who whipped her head towards Tommy's direction. "What do you mean, you don't know why you saved me, that doesn't make no sense," she argued as Tommy rolled his eyes. "Look, kid, I saved you because no child deserves to be treated that way," Tommy replied, slightly raising his voice.

"That's all you gotta say, Mr. Power Mafia and for the record, I'm 18 years old so I'm not a child," she said crossing her arms as it was Tommy's turn to scoff. "Right now you're acting like a child and you know who I am?" he asked as she shrugged. "Who doesn't," she mumbled, earning a hum from Tommy. "What was that?" He asked, glimpsing at her. "I mean, of course, I know you, you're well known around the city," she replied, turning her back to stare out the window.

"You don't act like people who normally hear my name and title," he said as Jasmine chuckled without removing her gaze from the window. "That's because I'm not afraid of you," she said, catching Tommy's attention. "You have no idea what I can do to you kid, so you should be very afraid," he said followed by a chuckle as Jasmine quickly turned to face him as she furrowed clenching her tiny hands. "At the age of 5 years I was beaten without mercy, I earned bruises and cuts that turned into scars, I witnessed and received things that no child should ever have to feel or witness," she said as Tommy let her speak while he listened attentively. "You're a powerful mafia, you kill without mercy, you torture people who wouldn't give you what you want, the only difference is that I'm not dead yet, and trust me after all these years I wish I was," she said as the car finally came to a stop causing her to face him.

The look in her eyes reminded him of someone and he knew from then what exactly he had to do. "We're here," he said as Jasmine exited the car followed by Tommy. "Nice place," Jasmine mumbled as Tommy led the way. "Thanks, but you could consider this your home as well," he said as Jasmine sighed. "I told you, I wasn't staying," she said as they entered his mansion. "Come on, Jasmine, where are you going to stay?" He asked, turning to face the 18-year-old who was busy checking out the place.

"I don't know but I'm not staying here, I've already caused you enough trouble," she replied as Tommy stepped forward holding her by the shoulders. "Please let me take care of you," he said tucking a curl behind her ear, earning a frustrated sigh from Jasmine who removed Tommy's hands from her shoulders. "Listen here, Mr. mafia, I'm not your responsibility, I'm my own responsibility," she argued as Tommy started to get frustrated with her attitude. "Well, hate to break it to you sweetheart, but you are my responsibility after I saved your ass," he said as Jasmine's face began to swell with anger. "I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR SAVIOR," she screamed causing Tommy to lose it. "WELL I DID, SO DEAL WITH IT," he yelled as Jasmine shot him a cold glare while Tommy frustratedly ran his hands over his face.

"Please go to your room, Jasmine," he said but quickly got back angry after hearing her response. "I told you I'm not staying here, what part of that you don't under- TOMMY PUT ME DOWN, RIGHT. NOW." Tommy swiftly threw her over his shoulder heading towards the stairs as Jasmine kicked up a storm while yelling which Tommy paid no mind to.

Walking up the stairs as he made a right going to the hall before he stopped in front of a door. He harshly shook Jasmine as she couldn't stop moving. "Tommy, I swear to god, if you drop me, I'll kill you," she threatened as Tommy giggled as they entered the room. Tommy tosses Jasmine on the bed like a sack of potatoes before walking towards the door. "I'll see you in the morning," he said and before she could protest he slammed behind him not forgetting to lock it.

Jasmine immediately got up and ran to the locked door as she pounded her fist against it. "TOMMY, LET ME OUT THIS INSTANT!" she screamed but got nothing but silence in return. Jasmine stomped her foot in anger, mentally cursing Tommy in her mind before making herself comfortable.

Tommy made his way downstairs while shaking his head to Jasmine's screaming. As he reached into his living room he stopped when he spotted a familiar person. "Hey, Gray," he greeted his right hand and best friend. "Yo, Tommy what's with all the noise man?' He asked as Tommy sighed, taking a seat opposite him while pouring a cup of whiskey. "Long story, man, he replied as Gray laid back, getting comfortable. "I got time," he said signally Tommy to carry on causing him to sigh before explaining the entire situation.

After the whole storytelling, Gray raised his eyebrows in shock. "Damn, that's a lot for an 18-year-old," he said as Tommy shook his head in agreement. "So what are you going to do with her?" Gray asked as Tommy rested his cup down. "I'm going to train her, turn all that anger and hatred into a weapon and at the end of the training she'll have to repay me," he said as Gray furrowed in confusion. "And how is she going to do that?" he asked as Tommy smirked.

"By becoming my wife"