Chapter 6

After training with Scar, Jasmine was beyond exhausted, her body was in so much pain and she just wanted to go home. Tommy didn't show up like he said he would totally pissing Jasmine off. Scar had begun to like Jasmine as it reminded her of her boss in his teenage years and if Tommy intended to create a more powerful, skillful, and untouchable version of Jasmine then the mafia world has something to watch out for.

Relaxing in the launch was Jasmine and Scar, since Tommy was a no show, Scar thought she would keep Jasmine company and try to get to know her a little more. Jasmine sat on the couch across from Scar, resting her body until Scar broke the silence.

"Hey, kid, that night when Tommy saved you, what happened?" She asked as Jasmine opened her eyes, staring up at the ceiling before replying. "I ran away and ended up in the wrong territory these guys were trying to jump me but Tommy saved me in time," Scar tilted her head wondering why Jasmine ran away. Upon the silence from Scar, Jasmine continued why feeling nothing but numbness.

"That morning, I was trying to escape from my alcoholic abusive father, I was in my room when I overheard him and his groupie arguing. She had accused him of raping her and I guess things got a little heated because she had hit him. My father hated when people lay their hands on him, it was like a trigger to his inner beast and before I knew it, her screams and the sounds of my father's harsh hits only echoed throughout the house," Scar listened intensively as Jasmine continued.

"I didn't want to be in that house another second so I immediately got ready, gathering up a few things but I guessed my father was faster because as I was about to exit through my window, he busted through my door and seeing as I was about to escape angered him more, he charged towards me to try and drag me back inside but I managed to kick him off of me. I fell in front first out the window, I thought I was going to die but I brushed it off and ran. I ran to go see the only person I consider family, she was a friend of my mother's, she had owned a diner, my favorite diner when I was little," Jasmine said as her voice cracked making it very difficult for her to breathe and talk.

"What do you mean, had owned?" Scar asked as Jasmine smiled bitterly. "By the time, I reached the fire department was putting out the fire, I tried looking for her but she was nowhere to be found until an officer told me that she was in the building while it was burning and that she didn't make it, I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest, I had just lost the woman who I considered my second mother, I was completely alone now until Tommy saved me," Jasmine said finally looking at Scar, who had a blank expression before she sighed.

"You're not alone, kid, if Tommy is going out of his way to do this, then it's obvious that he wants you to be apart of his family and family is very important to him, he may come off as an asshole but deep down inside he cares," Scar said as Jasmine slightly smiled before furrowing.

"Where is Tommy?" She asked as Scar sighed. "I think I have an idea on where he is," she said as Jasmine furrowed deepened. "Where?" Jasmine asked before Scar replied.

"Knowing Tommy, he probably went to get answers to questions he can't answer himself," she said as Jasmine thought before her eyes widened.

"He went to see, my father,"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tommy and Gray both sat in his car outside of Jasmine's old house. "Are you sure this is the right place, Gray?" Tommy asked as Gray nodded. "Yes, this is it," he replied before Tommy signaled everyone to get out of the car. "What are you going to do, Tom?" Gray asked as they walked up to the house with Tommy's men behind him.

"I need answers and then I'll teach him a lesson, make him suffer like he made Jasmine suffer," he replied before ringing the doorbell. After a few minutes, the door opened revealing a mid-height, dark skin man who reeked of alcohol. "Can I help you?" he asked, observing Tommy and his men. "Are you Lucifer Dankworth?" Gray asked while Tommy scanned the man from head to toe, Jasmine had his eyes which angered Tommy. "Who wants to know?" He asked, eyeing them suspiciously. "Mr.Dankworth, we are here to discuss your daughter, Jasmine, can we please come in?" Gray asked as Lucifer nodded before letting them in. On their way inside, a half-naked woman ran down the stairs trying to wear her clothes as the men watched her in disgust.

"Sorry about the mess, Jasmine isn't here to clean since she stupidly ran away, can you believe it, teenagers," he said followed by a chuckle before turning to face the men.

"Grab him!" That's all Tommy had to say before his men harshly grabbed onto the man's arms as he struggled to be released. "What the hell, let me go!" He gritted through his teeth. Tommy stared at the man with pity before speaking up. "Do you know who I am, Mr. Dankworth?" Tommy asked as the angered man shouted. "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE, LET ME GO!" Tommy smirked stepping forward before saying. "You don't know who the mafia king is Dankworth, I think you should bow before your king," the man's eyes widened as he slightly shook in fear.

"It's funny how your name is Lucifer when you're dealing with the devil himself, now tell me Dankworth, why did you choose to make your daughter's life a living hell?" He asked as the man scoffed. "I see, that bitch ran to the mafia king, huh, so pathetic," he said as Tommy balled his fist in anger.


The man coughed as he dropped to his knees after collecting a forceful blow to the stomach.

"That bitch is your daughter, your own flesh and blood," Tommy said, throwing another forceful blow, pounding against the man's jaw causing him to groan.

"Are you going to kill him, Tommy?" Gray asked as the man gave Tommy a pleading look.

Tommy squatted down in front of the man taking his jaw harshly into his hand before whispering. "I wouldn't kill you," he said as the man sighed in relief.

"I'll let your daughter do it once I make her the queen of my empire and trust me, she'll be thrilled to place a bullet in between your eyes."