Chapter 7

Tommy returned home after teaching Jasmine's father a good lesson. Scar had called him to inform him that she had taken Jasmine home, which he was grateful for. Both he and Gray were seated inside of his car outside the mansion.

"What are you going to tell her?" Gray asked as Tommy scoffed. "I don't have to tell her anything, it doesn't concern her," he said as Gray slowly nodded. "Are you going inside?" He asked as Tommy sighed.

"Yeah, let's go inside," he said as Gray chuckled before they exited the car. Tommy's men greeted him and as usual, he ignored them while moving to the entrance of his mansion but then he suddenly stopped.

"Come on, Tommy, just go in, take any teenage tantrum she throws at you, and then it'll be over," Gray said, shrugging his shoulders as Tommy rolled his eyes before entering.

As he opened the door, Tommy unexpectedly received a forceful blow knocking him off his feet. "Damn, Jasmine, what was that?" Gray asked shocked from what he just witnessed as Jasmine scoffed while shaking off the pain in the hand, glaring at Tommy, who held his jaw while returning the glare.

"I'll come to pick you back, Jasmine, my ass," Jasmine said as Tommy slowly stood up on his feet. "What the fuck was that for, Jasmine?" Tommy asked as he gritted through his teeth. "Where the hell were you, Tommy?" She asked, crossing her arms as Tommy let out a breathy laugh before walking towards the kitchen with Jasmine hot on his tail.

"Stay out of things that don't concern you, Jasmine," he said before freezing in his spot after hearing her words.

"It does concern me, when you went to see my fucking father, Tommy," she said as Tommy swiftly turned around before grabbing her by the collar of her shirt. Anger laced through his eyes as he spoke. "Watch your mouth, Jasmine and that man is not your father so drop it," he said before gently pushing her away exiting the kitchen.

"What did you do to my father, Tommy?" She asked walking after Tommy, angering him even more. "Jasmine, enough," Tommy said before Gray pitched in. "Jasmine, I think you should stop-


I SAID FUCKING ENOUGH, JASMINE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME HUH, THE MAN AIN'T YOUR FUCKING FATHER," Tommy yelled immediately silencing Jasmine until she mumbled.

"You know nothing," Tommy scoffed, "Oh, sweetheart, I know enough, you think what your father did to you was abuse, naw, you ain't seen nothing yet, now do me a favor and fucking drop it and go to your room," he said as Jasmine coldly stared at him.

"Go to hell, Tommy!" She said before running upstairs towards her room. "DON'T JASMINE, I'M ALREADY GOING!" Tommy yelled after sitting next to Gray before the slamming of Jasmine's door echoed through the house.

"So much for a teenage tantrum, damn, boy, she knocked your ass off your feet, how is your jaw feeling?" Gray asked as Tommy rolled his eyes before touching the side of his jaw where Jasmine punched him.

"I'm fine, but that punch shows that Scar is training her well," he said as Gray nodded. "Damn right, but Jasmine has some serious anger issues," he said as Tommy sighed. "She does and I gotta take care of that before she does something that will cause her harm," he said as Gray hummed before pouring a glass of whiskey.


Jasmine paced back and forth in her bedroom, anger was raging from her body. She was angry that Tommy went behind her to go see the man that made her like this. Jasmine could care less about that bastard but after everything she's been through and after all the things she told Tommy, she wanted to put everything behind her.

Jasmine needed to cool off, she couldn't stay in this room or be near Tommy right now, but how would she escape. Running her hands frustratedly through her hair, she sat on edge of her bed.

"Shit! There's no way I could escape this prison, there are guards everywhere," she mumbled before glancing at the window causing events from last time to flash in her mind.

Jasmine took a deep breath looking up at the ceiling, saying a silent prayer before yanking the sheets off her bed.

She made sure the door was locked just in case Tommy came checking up on her before walking towards the window. She took a deep breath before pushing the windows open making sure no guards were insight, which they weren't.

"Tommy really needs to fire these guards," she mumbled as she watched the sheet tumbled from the window. Making sure the knot was secured, she slowly climbed out the window while tightly holding onto the sheet.

Her breath hitched as she looked down from where she was dangling. She prayed to god, that Tommy wouldn't catch her otherwise it was another ass whooping.

Jasmine took a deep breath as she closed her eyes before slowly loosening her grip, which caused her to slide down the sheet, safely landing on the grassy lawn.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she looked around making sure no one saw her before she made a ran for it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The sun had now set and in the meantime, Jasmine was chilly at a diner. "Hey, kid, we're closing, you gotta go," the waitress said as Jasmine sighed before leaving.

"I guess, it's time for me to go home, Tommy will definitely kill me," she mumbled as she walked down the street which she thought was the right way back.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Jasmine must've been walking for a good 25 minutes before she realized, she was lost. "Shit! What am I going to do now," she mumbled before an unexpected voice made her flinch.

"Don't worry, baby doll, we can help you find your way," the person's voice came out seductive and creepy causing Jasmine to immediately turn on her heels to face two tall guys, dressed in black as their faces were covered by their hoodies.

"I d-don't want any t-trouble," she stuttered as her heart began to race. The two guys darkly chuckled taking slow steps towards her as she immediately stepped back.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, this would be over before you know it, just close your eyes and let us take care of you," the guy said causing her to gulped before she nods causing his smirk to widen.

"Alright, but I gotta go," she quickly said before taking off with the two guys hot behind her tail.

"Come back here, you bitch!" One of the guys shouted causing Jasmine to giggled before a yelped left her lips as she tripped and fell.

The guys stopped in front of me as they breathe heavily. Jasmine looked at them with horror in her eyes.

"Got nowhere to ran, huh?" The guy said as he chuckled before signally the other guy to grab her.

Jasmine screamed and fought as the guy held her. "LET GO OF ME!" She screamed while kicking her legs before a gasp left her mouth when a full-on blow bashed against her ribcage.

"Can't make another sound can you, all you gotta do is be cute little bitch and stay quiet," the guy harshly whispered in her ear as her tears continued to fall.

The only thing going through her mind was, "Tommy, please, save me."

The guy, who punched her was about to tear open her clothes when a gun went off followed by the guy holding onto Jasmine to fall onto his knees bringing Jasmine down with him. The other guy took off running but he wasn't able to make it far until the gun went off again as he too dropped to the floor.

"You gotta lot of nerves to be out here by yourself, Jasmine,"