Chapter 8


The guy, who punched her was about to tear open her clothes when a gun went off followed by the guy holding onto Jasmine to fall onto his knees bringing Jasmine down with him. The other guy took off running but he wasn't able to make it far until the gun went off again as he too dropped to the floor.

"You gotta lot of nerves to be out here by yourself, Jasmine,"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Jasmine's tightly shut eyes immediately snapped out as she realized that voice. The sound of heels echoed throughout the lonely street until a pair of black pumps came into the sight of Jasmine.

Before Jasmine, was an annoyed Scar, who stood with her arms crossed over her chest. "What the hell are you doing out here, Jasmine? She asked, while Jasmine slowly sat up with her hand pressed against her ribcage as a groan left her lips.

"It's good to see you too, Scar," she said, followed by a weak chuckled. "This isn't funny, Jasmine, you could've gotten seriously hurt," she said as Jasmine rolled her eyes. "You sound like Tommy," she said as Scar helped her onto her feet.

"Trust me, love, if Tommy had found you," she said giving her a look, "You'd be dead," Jasmine chuckled as Scar helped her towards the red Mazda MX-5.

"Hey, Scar, can you not take me back to Tommy," she begged to only get a sigh in return, "That's not a really good idea, Jasmine, especially if Tommy knows you're gone," she said, as Jasmine scolded.

"Why does he even care, all he does is cuss me out," Jasmine complained as they both got inside the car. "Look kid, if Tommy didn't care about you then he would have wasted his time on you," she said looking directly at her in the rearview mirror while Jasmine sat silently.

"I'll tell you what," she said as Jasmine lifted her head. "I'll take you back to my place," Scar said as Jasmine's face lit up. "But, I gotta call Tommy to let him know, I got you and that you're okay," she explained as Jasmine's facial expression instantly caused causing Scar to chuckle.

"Don't worry, Jas, I got you, girl," she said before driving them out of that street and towards her.

There was a question itching Jasmine's mind since Scar had saved her and she didn't consider asking until now.

"Hey, Scar!" She called out as Scar hummed in response while concentrating on the road. "How did you find me?" She asked as Scar chuckled before answering her question.

"I wasn't looking for your troublesome ass, Jas, I was just in the area because some bitch owed me money," she said as Jasmine silently 'O' with her mouth. "Besides, your ass is lucky I was there because you've been in some deep shit," she said, earning a giggle from Jasmine.

"Watchu laughing at, girl? She asked, eyeing her in the rearview mirror. "Your twang, it's funny when you say certain words," she said, earning a chuckle. "Yeah, well, I'm from Atlanta, so my twAng is different from yours," she said mimicking Jasmine's twang earning another giggle from Jasmine.

"Why did you leave?" Jasmine asked as the car immediately went silent causing Jasmine to regret asking such a sensitive question. "Look, Scar, you don't have to answer, I'm sorry," she quickly said, earning a weak chuckle from Scar.

"Hey, Jas, it's ight, I don't mind," she reassured before continuing, "I left Atlanta because it had nothing but bad memories there," she paused, taking a deep breath, "My little brother was killed by the streets and it will forever be heavy on my heart, I never had that mother-daughter bond shit, I grew up with a mother who was dead ass loyal to my father, who a drug addict," she said as she shook her head while laughing bitterly.

"My father had influenced her greatly and soon she started taking drugs, they both were taking drugs like it was medicine," she laughed, "One day, I guessed they took too much and overdose," she sighed leaning her head against the car seat. "At 17 years of age, I had no parents, no siblings, so I decided to leave it all in the past," she said as Jasmine's heart sunk at Scar's confession.

"I'm sorry, Scarlet," she said as her voice held so most honestly and sincerity earning a smile from Scar. "Don't sweat it, baby girl, after all that happened, my life turned out pretty damn well, I met Tommy and he made me a part of a family that I wouldn't trade for the world," she said as happiness was clearly noticeable in her voice.

Hearing how Tommy changed Scar's life and made her into this hardcore, badass woman. It had Jasmine doing some thinking.

Maybe Tommy was really trying to help her and change her for the better.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Both Scar and Jasmine settled in her apartment. Jasmine was exhausted and Scar could tell as she chuckled. "Make yourself at home, kid," she said as Jasmine plopped down on the couch. "You want anything, Jas?" She asked walking to the kitchen but Jasmine declined. "Ight, well, I'm going to give Tommy a call," she said as Jasmine's eyes widened.

"Hey, Scar, why don't you call him tomorrow morning instead, you're probably tired," Jasmine said trying to convince Scar to only get laughed at as Scar entered the kitchen.

Jasmine was really starting to regret running away as she heard Scar speaking in the kitchen. She was in real deep shit once she faces Tommy and she knew that too.

"I'm so dead meat, but you know what, it's whatever," she mumbled, accepting her fate that she was going to get it once Tommy finds her.

Scar's voice went quiet making Jasmine nervous because it only meant two things.

One could be that she finally finished with her phone with Tommy or two, he was probably cursing her out for not bringing her back to the mansion.

Jasmine's eyes snapped open as she heard Scar coming back into the living room. Scar's face wore an apologetic expression causing Jasmine's heart to drop to her feet.

"I'm sorry, kid, but Tommy is on his way over here."