Tommy was mentally controlling himself to not murder someone as he heard his ex's name come out of Jasmine's mouth. He had no idea how Jasmine knew about his ex, but he's about to find out. In the car on their to the mansion, Jasmine nor Tommy said a word to each other. They both were pissed but for different reasons.
Minutes later, they arrived at the mansion as both Jasmine and Tommy exited the car and immediately walked inside the house. Voices from the living room were heard as Tommy walked towards it while Jasmine went up to her room. As Tommy walked into the living room, he met with Scar, Gray, and Mackenzie, the three individuals stopped talking as they saw their pissed boss entered the room.
Scar furrowed as she realized Tommy's change of mood from when he left the house, "Hey, Tom, what's-
Tommy quickly cut her off in a harsh tone, "Don't say f**king nothing to me, get in my office now," he demanded in a dangerous tone causing Scar to immediately get up and leave the living room. Tommy turned to Gray and Mack, who looked at him with risen eyebrows, "Keep a close eye on Jasmine or I'll bust a cap in y'all asses," he threatened as both Gray and Mack surrendered with their hands up before Tommy left.
Tommy entered his office slamming the door behind as Scar jumped at the sudden action. Tommy walked around her heading to his desk as he sat behind before leaning forward with his fingers interlock with one another, "I want to know everything that happened when I was gone, every f**king thing," he demanded in a harsh, blunt tone causing Scar to gulped, "After you left, Jasmine was really bummed out, so I took to her to a fight," she said as Tommy's jaw clenched and his eyes darken, "Is that all?" He asked as Scar looked down avoiding his deadly glare, "At the fight, I saw Isabelle, she was looking for you, I told her to stop wasting her time and that you didn't want anything to do with her," she replied as Tommy leaned back in his chair with her arms folded, "What else happened?" Tommy asked as Scar sighed fidgeting in her spot, "I took Jasmine and we left, I guessed she saw when I was talking to Isabelle and got suspicious," she said as Tommy nodded before standing up from his chair.
Scar took a step back, she was terrified when Tommy would turn into Tommy from the past because when he does, his heart goes hard and his sight is blinded by anger, it didn't matter who you were to him, once you cross that line there's no turning back.
Tommy's ex was a touchy subject and hearing her name come out of Jasmine's mouth or worst yet, knowing that Jasmine had an encounter with Isabelle really pissed him off to the max. "I assigned you one task, Scarlette, one!" He yelled causing Scar to jump, hearing her full name come out of Tommy's mouth, she knew, she was in big trouble. Tommy walked around his desk and walked towards Scar before grabbing a fist full of her hair causing her to wince, "I f**king told you, Jasmine was on punishment, training and that's it, did she even had training while I was gone?" He asked as Scar stayed silent, "Answer me!" He yelled as her eyes filled up with tears, "N-No," she mumbled before Tommy tossed her on the floor, "You're suspended, I don't want to see your f**king face, and you're not allowed to be near Jasmine, am I clear?" He asked as Scar slowly stood up on her feet sniffling, "Crystal clear, b-boss," she said in a shaky tone, "Get out" Tommy demanded with his back facing as she nodded before leaving.
As Scar exited Tommy's office, she broke down in tears. She entered the living room where Gray, Mack, and Jasmine sat talking. As soon as they saw Scar and her condition, they rushed towards her with worry plastered on their faces, "Oh, my god, Scar, what the hell happened to you?" Jasmine asked holding her face in her hands but Scar moved it away and stepped back, "Scarlette, what's-
"I have to leave," Scar mumbled as Jasmine furrowed, "Leave, why do you have to leave?" She asked but another voice immediately answered her question, "Because, I told her to," Tommy said entering the living room glaring at Scar, who avoided his glares, "What the hell did you do to her, Tommy?" Jasmine asked in a furious tone, "I did what I always do when my gang don't follow instructions, I suspend them," he replied as Jasmine stormed towards him, "That's so unfair Tommy, you can't susp-
A yelped left Jasmine's lips as Tommy suddenly grabbed her by her collar, lifting her slightly off the floor. Jasmine noticed the change of color in Tommy's eyes, terrifying the hell out of her, "You listen to me and listen to me very carefully, I didn't bring you here to tell me how to run my f**king empire so stay in your f**king lane, whatever I say goes, do you understand me?" He asked as Jasmine's eyes filled up with tears, "Y-Yes, T-Tommy," she said as Tommy shook his head, "I've been as kind and understanding as I can, but kindness and being understanding doesn't finish the job, it's boss to you and from tomorrow you'll see the real Tommy," he said as everyone's eyes in the room widened, "Do you understand, Jasmine?" He asked as she quickly nodded, "Y-Yes To-Boss," she stuttered as Tommy smirked, "Good, now get up and go to your f**king room," he commanded as Jasmine quickly got up and left without turning back.
After Jasmine left, Tommy turned to Scar, who still hasn't left the mansion, "Get the hell out of my mansion, Scarlette," he said in a harsh tone as Scar quickly left. Now it was Gray and Mack remaining before Tommy turned to Mack causing him to flinch, "You're dismissed," he said as Mack nodded before leaving.
Gray turned to Tommy with a serious look on his face, "What the hell was that, Tommy?" He asked as Tommy stared back at him with cold eyes, "Don't question my doings, Gray, you know better than to piss me off," he said as Gray quickly looked down, "I'm sorry, boss," he said as Tommy nodded, "I have a task for you," he said as Gray lifted his head giving Tommy his full attention, "Find Isabelle and deliver a message for me." He said as Gray's eyes widened but he eventually nodded before leaving.
Tommy went back to his now dark office as he poured himself a whiskey before walking towards his wide window, "The beast is back and he's angry," he mumbled before taking a sip of his whiskey.