Part 2

The girls quickly turned around as they heard Jasmine's stuttered words. They all wore puzzled expressions except for Scar, whose face darkened, "Darling, what's wrong?" Lorraine asked but Jasmine just stood frozen in her spot while breathing heavily.

They soon followed Jasmine's gaze until it settled on a man, who was staring right back at Jasmine with cold, dark eyes, that penetrated her soul leaving her paralyzed.

"Do you know that man, Jasmine?" Alice asked but Scar replied instead in a harsh, cold tone," That's her father, that bastard abused her," she said as the girl's eyes darkened, "Let's go, Jas, we're not going to let this asshole spoil your birthday," Katie said taking Jasmine by the wrist before pulling her away from the salon and away from Lucifer, her father.