It was finally time, the mission was officially held today, and Jasmine couldn't help but feel nervous. She didn't want to let her team down especially Tommy, he was counting on her, and she wanted to make him proud.
Her birthday had ended up with them in each other's arms wrapped around in Tommy's sheet. Sadly they didn't have sex, but Tommy held her close, basking her in his body warmth.
The next day, the girls were eager to know what had happened between Jasmine and Tommy. Although Jasmine and Tommy had decided to keep whatever they have discussed a secret, Jasmine was too excited to tell the girls what had happened that she accidentally told them about her soon to be engagement.
Everyone was shocked except for Scar and Gray, who Tommy would've spoken to at the beginning of his plans. Soon shock turned into happiness as everyone congratulates both Tommy and Jasmine except for Shawn, who nodded with a deep furrow on his face before leaving.