12: Taylor

"Trinitus, dear. Where are you?" a woman calls into the dark and gloomy hallway, her voice echoes across the walls as the shadows seem to keep expanding, covering more and more in the eerie darkness that suffocates the hallway. "Trinitus!?" yells the same woman appearing around one of the great pillars, her form appearing small against the massive stone. Her footsteps echoe as she reaches a big wooden door, bigger then most of the doors that occupy the stone walls.

"Trinitus! What have you done?" the woman screeches, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. She gapes in shock as Trinitus stands over a young girl, his hands and clothing covered in a red sticky substance. Blood covers his face as his fangs retract into his mouth and a cruel smile takes place.

He licks his lips and sighs at the predicament he's in. His eyes shine with joy and malice as he looks at his mother. Eyes pitch black, he smirks and brings his hand up to his mouth to lick the blood from his fingers.

"She smelt so good mother. I just had to have a taste. Her blood so thick and heavenly, making me crave more, more then you can imagine", he says while crouching down to look at the young girl properly. "Such a pity really, don't you think? A girl her age dying before she can even blink. So weak and fragile" he moves a blonde strand from her once tanned face, now pale and grey looking from all the blood that was drained from her. Her eyes a lifeless green, fear once plaguing them now no more.

"You are to head downstairs now son. There are people awaiting your presence" Trinitus chuckles and stands to walk to his mother, a grin spreads across his lips as he kisses her cheek. "We wouldn't want to upset our company, would we mother?". Aridia shudders and takes another look at the poor girls body as Trinitus walks out of the room. She sighs and calls for her husband and a few of the maids to dispose of the mess.

Salivere smiles cruelly in delight at the mess his son has made, and grabs the girl by the arms, chucking her lifeless body over his shoulder, her body swaying as he makes quick work down to the dungeons. Blood trails against the ground as it drips down the girls hands and mouth, the air reaking of blood and decaying flesh.

Chucking the body onto a bench, Salivere walks over to the wall that has many torturous tools used to dismember his victims. He hums as he picks up to or three of these devices and a wicked smirk forms on his face. He picks up one of the girls hands and uses a pair of pliers to rip her nails off before moving onto her fingers.

"These will make great presents to send to her family" he chuckles darkly as he starts removing her fingers before moving onto her toes.

Blood paints the walls of the smelly cells as he continues to dismember her body, his clothes covered in what little blood left in her body and her organs hanging from racks lining the roof. He'd dry them out and give them to the butcher to make sausages out of to give to his warriors.


I wake with a start as sweat drips from my eyebrow, leaving a cool sensation against my hot skin. I look around my room and sigh in relief as my poster covered walls look back at me instead of the stone walls that plagued my dreams.

I relax slightly and move the covers that are drenched in my sweat as I make my way to the bathroom to have a cold shower and cool down.

"It was just a dream".