Chapter 7

Brandon's POV

"I'm telling you, it was amazing! Her tits were so big it would put Jupiter's moon to shame." Daniel whisper-screamed in admiration.

We were in the library studying for our next semester test. Or rather, talking about Daniel's crazy sexual adventures.

"Woah dude! You gotta hook me up man! I haven't gotten laid in like...ages!" Kevin cried out.

"You would actually get laid if you just grow a pair and make a move on a girl." Emily said rolling her eyes.

"Need I remind you, I indeed do have a pair. And they're quite big." Kevin retorted.

"Yeah sure. That's why so many girls are dying for your attention." Emily flailed her hands in the air, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The guys went on and on bickering about the stupidest things while I just sat there being ignored and not butting in. Don't get me wrong, Kevin and the others were my friends, but I just didn't join in in their conversations. Especially ones like this.

Daniel and I had met way back in elementary school, and we became best friends ever since. When we got to high school, we became popular. Daniel made friends here and there and I had to just befriend them so as not to make things awkward when we hung out together.

Even after doing so, I wasn't close to the others like I was with Daniel. It's not like they treated me badly or anything- heck, they respected me as much as they respected Daniel. If not more.

"Hey man! Got your eyes on any girl yet?" Daniel asked me after he was done fawning over some abnormally oversized female body parts I'd never understand what was enticing about them.

"Nah," I shrugged, "I just haven't met the right person yet." I sighed picking my words carefully.

That was exactly why I wasn't close to the others. They didn't know I was gay. Neither did Daniel.

I might've come out to my parents, but I couldn't come out to my best friend. Let alone my other friends. Unfortunately for me, my best friend was homophobic. I figured that part out back in middle school when one of our friends, Cory, made the grave decision of coming out to us. After Cory came out to us, Daniel ignored his very existence. And if Cory managed to earn his attention, Daniel would remind him of how unfitting he was just by giving him a look so cold and contemptuous that even the devil himself would flinch at it.

If Daniel ever found out I was gay, he'd treat me the way he treated Cory. If not worse. And that would hurt me as much as it would if my parents hadn't accepted me.

So, I decided to keep that bit away from Daniel and everyone else at school.

I was drawn out of my reverie when the library door swung open. Williams walked in with a scowl on his face. He was even cuter when he scowled. His curly hair danced slightly as the wind from outside blew into the room and attacked his hair.

I always wondered what it would feel like when I ran my hands through them while kissing him softly.

Ugh! I'm doing it again. I still didn't know if he was gay.

A sudden pang of jealousy shot through me when a girl hugged him from behind, making him smile.

Who was she? How dare she?! More importantly, were they...together?!

"Hey uh who's the new girl?" I asked looking at the guys.

"Who, Grace?" Emily asked, her face contorting a little.

"Man, that girl's bad news" Kevin said sneaking a quick peek at her and facing back at us. "One of my homies back at creekwood told me she got expelled because of some shit move she pulled off."

"Too bad. With all that money she's got, I'd definitely take her home." Dave said sighing.

"You're fucking pathetic, dude!" Kevin laughed out throwing a pen at Dave.

"Says the guy who hasn't gotten a single girl in bed with him since freshman year." Dave said smirking at Kevin who was now blushing.

"Burn!" The guys cried out laughing, completely forgetting about the Grace situation. I, on the other hand couldn't.

If what Kevin said about Grace was true, then I had to keep an eye on her. I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt Will.

Woah. I hadn't felt this protective over anyone since forever.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Will getting up pointing at the door and gesturing for Grace to do so too. They were leaving.

Okay. It's now or never.

"Hey uh I'll be right back." I told the guys getting up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" Daniel asked me before I could leave.

"To the bathroom, Mom." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hurry up, man. I'm about to tell the guys what happened after Candice and I made out in her garden." He said smiling proudly as if it he'd just won a nobel price.

Man, I needed to make friends who were gay. I'd probably die of nausea if I keep listening to Daniel's tales.

"Yeah because I definitely wanna hear that." I rolled my eyes at Daniel and left.

I headed downstairs and into the hallway, scanning for a certain curly haired boy. I spotted him at what I presumed to be his locker. He was laughing at a joke Grace told him which I could bet my balls wasn't even funny.

I sighed, calming myself and walking up to them.

"Hey." I said, making them stop their chatter to look at me.

"Hi!" Grace practically squealed. I gotta say, she was actually beautiful. But my heart was aching for someone else. Even if that 'someone else' probably hated me.

Will tensed up for a bit but eventually sent a slight nod my way which I would've missed if my eyes hadn't been on him the entire time.

"Uh can I speak with Will alone for a moment?" I said looking at Grace. Just immediately, Will held Grace by the hand making her stay firmly in place.

Well well. Two can play at that game.

I flashed Grace my award winning smile making her squirm slightly and jerking her hands away from Will, stepping aside.

"Yeah s-sure. I ha-have to go books my take anyway." She blabbered out now walking back. "See you later Will!" She waved at Will who was now glaring at her.

I resisted the urge to laugh out at the face Will had on.

Seriously, this boy was damn cute with any facial expression.

"Uh..." I drawled out after Grace was out of sight. "Are you two together or something?"

"Why do you care?" He looked up at me asking, an unfamiliar glint suddenly flashing in his eyes.

"Nothing. It's just- I don't think you should be hanging out with Grace. She isn't what you think-"

"No! She's exactly what I think she is! She's the only one who actually approached me and befriended me after I moved here. She accepted-" he hesitated for a while before speaking up again "She's been nice to me, and you just want me to drop the only friend I have just because you think so?!" He flared, the glint long gone from his eyes.

You know, now that I thought about it, I didn't think about it. Shit.

"Well, I'm not going to ditch her. Ever!" He stormed off.

Great. Just great. I just succeeded in making Will hate me even more.

And I didn't still know if he was gay or not.
