Chapter 5:- Victoria Faith Wild (P.O.V)

It has been 1 week since that incident; I have made it a note in mind to get home before they are home. Today Jess and Axel both didn't come to school because Jess has the flu and Axel has business at his office to take care of. When I reached my locker, I saw Brittney was standing there along with her 3 minions. Something is up in her mind, because she is smiling towards me; and that never happened.

I slowly went near my locker by keeping my head down. But. The moment I reached their Brittney said, "Hey Vi."

Did she just call you Vi and that too sweetly?

Yes. I sighed inwardly and replied, "Hi" in a very low tone.

"Oh, actually I need your help?

"Help?" I was confused because what kind of help I can be to her?

"Yes. You have to write my assignments. Because I have to go on a date with Robert; he finally asked me out, but our English teacher gave us tons of assignments so you will write it." She said as a statement like it's final, like do I have a choice to say no. Usually, I would have tried but I am tried of fighting.

"Sure" I replied.

"Okay, I will drop you a message with what assignment you have to complete."

"Hmm" I replied uninterested.

"Bye". Before I could reply she vanished in the sea of students. Right then Kell came and I think so she noticed something is off; "What was Brittney doing here?"

"Nothing. Just behaving as usual."

"Are you sure? Because if she bullied you; you can tell me okay?"

"Oh Kell, really she was just her usual. Nothing more." I replied with little confidence.

"Okay if you say so." She replied unconvinced. Before she could ask me any more questions I asked her, "Hey, how was your date with Thomas. You never told us."

"Oh my god Vi, he was so romantic. He took me to a beach hotel and booked the whole roof-top so that we can have privacy and then we talk about everything. He was so nice, I had a great time with him." She continuously went on and on, I tried to concentrate but I couldn't because I have lots going on in my brain, like how will I finish mine and her both assignments, Why can't she just leave me alone and give her assignment to someone else, why was Robert taking her on a date?

God my mind will explode. At that very moment the first bell rang and I made my way towards our Psychology class.

The moment I settled down on my seat, Mr. Jackson came in to start the class. He was in his mid-forties. He always has this frown on his face which never tends to disappear, I think so he has never smiled in his whole life. He has dark brown hair which was slowly graying white and he had light brown eyes. The class started and he announced that "For this semester project you all will be paired in a group of two and you will pick one Psychological disorder and make a project report on it. It should be at least 50 pages and maximum it can go up to 90 pages, not more than it. You can put real-life experiences in it. You can take references and that references should be mentioned in the project. Is it clear? Does anyone have any questions?" Few students asked questions and he replied to them.

"Okay, so the deadline is before this semester ends. Which is hardly 3 months; so buckle-up your belts and work. Okay? Once you have given me the topic you cannot change it. Now partners will be chosen by me; and by the end of this lecture, I want your project topics. Now partners. Sofia and Blake, Jamey and Jeffery, Brittney and Mia, Carola and Christian, Harry and Lucas, Victoria and Billy, Cameron and " He went on and on but my heart stopped because I was paired with an Elite.

I turned around looked at him, he looked at me and just nodded. Gosh! These mysterious boys. He has dark brown eyes and light brown hair. His abs can be seen through his shirt.

Mr. Cullen then asked us to sit with our pairs and start giving him the name for the project, Billy came and took a seat beside me. It was awkward because I never had a conversation with him or any other Elite; he seems to be a person with few words so I finally asked him, "What do you think, what topic should we choose?"

He shrugged and said, "Whatever you are comfortable with. " I sighed inwardly. He is of no use to me, I opened our psychology textbook and started looking at different topics.

"How about sexual abuse?" he asked. The moment he said that I stiffened and all the memories of my parents came down rushing and I didn't realize that a tear had spilled from my eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" he looked at me with concern.

I hid my face with my hair and said, "Yes, I am fine. Don't worry. The topic, yes right. I am okay with it." He looked unconvinced but didn't say anything. Rest of the lecture neither he said anything nor did I, at the end of the lecture Mr. Cullen started collecting everyone's topics. The moment the bell I was about to bolt out because I couldn't hold back the tears which were threatening to spill out any moment but Bill stopped me and asked, "How about we meet this weekend and discuss the project?"

"Sure." I was not sure about it, but I wanted to get out of here.

"Okay, can you give me your number. I will send you my address."

"Okay." He gave me his phone and I hurriedly typed my number and saved it under the name Victoria Wild and ran away from there.

Tears started to spill, but no one could see as I was running, so I ran faster. As I took a turn left for the washroom, I bumped into someone. I couldn't see the face clear because of my tears. So, I said sorry and went into the washroom.