Chapter 6 :- Robert Aspen Anderson (P.O.V)

"Mr. Anderson, please wait after class." I groaned intently fully knowing why she said to me to wait after class. John and Thomas both looked at me and giving me what-the-fuck-dude look. I just shrugged and waited for the lectures to end so that I can get away with this as soon as possible. The reason she is asking me to wait is that I failed the psychology test and the reason behind it I couldn't focus on my studies ever since that incident.

I tried to focus on my studies but I am failing miserably and that is the reason she is asking me to stay and I don't want Mrs. Alister to inform my dad; he will be deeply disappointed and that's the last thing I want him to feel right now because I can't handle that disappointed look in his eyes. Mrs. Alister has always been the best teacher any child can get because she understands the situation, listens to your explanation, and judges you, not like other teachers nowadays. I am pretty close to her and no one knows about this , not even my best friends and I tend to keep it that way till this senior year ends.

The school bell rang indicating the lecture had ended, everyone started leaving the classroom whereas I sat silently in my place. After everyone was out and the classroom cleared I moved and sat on the first bench. Mrs. Alister cleared her throat to get my attention and started,

"Robert you failed in the psychology test yet again, if this continues you won't be able to clear the exams and will have to repeat senior year."

My jaw dropped this can't be happening, no it can't happen.

"Mam, please give me one more chance. I promise I will study hard and clear the test."

She sighed and replied, "Look Robert this is your last chance and I don't want you to ruin this chance-

"I promise Mrs. Alister I will study hard and pass this test"

"No, I can't trust you on this again, so I have called one student who is brilliant in psychology and will help you clear all your doubts and concepts. Right after 3 weeks, I will be conducting your test and I want you to pass, and I don't want any tantrums and you will treat her good if I heard from her that you harassed her, shouted at her, or insulted her. I will certainly tell your parents about your grades. Am I clear or not?"

"But, mam I don't want a tutor please." I pleaded with her but it fell on deaf ears. She calmly replied, "You do as I say or shall I call your parents to meet the principal. The choice is yours"

"Okay, Mam. I will do as you say." I replied defeatedly.

"Good. Her name is Victoria Wild. She always top's the exam so she will help you with this, and if I hear any complaints from her, then forget about passing this year." She warned me.

I sighed and said, "Yes, mam I will treat her well. By the way where is she?"

I think so I have seen her before or heard about her, but-

"Mam, you called me," said the most beautiful and angelic voice I have ever heard. Don't know what happened but my heart started to beat faster just by hearing her voice. I turned around to have a look at her and my breath hitched by just seeing her, she had the most innocent face I have ever seen. She has these big dove eyes which shine beautifully, it's color is green. Her eyebrows are light brown color, and her nose is the cutest nose I have ever come to know and her lips were light pink which was so plumy and I just wanted to kiss her till she is breathless.

What the hell Robert! Control your feelings. You never behave this way. Idiot.

I know right. Don't know from where these feelings were developing which were both scary and beautiful at the same time and I wanted to discover this because I have never felt this way, not even when I dated Alice.

"Robert, this is Victoria Wild. Who will be helping you with your grades, and Victoria this is Robert Anderson, please make sure he passes his exams which are due in three weeks. I trust you with this. Okay"

Wait this is the same girl I collided yesterday with, she was crying when I was making my way out of the washroom. But, my question is why was she crying? Don't know why but my heart constricted by just thinking that she was crying yesterday. I just want to know the reason and I will know it one way or the other. In these tutoring sessions, I will make sure to ask her that and I intend to get my answer one way or another.

"Yes, mam. I will try my best." She replied shyly.

"Okay. Now I will leave you two." Mrs. Alister said and left the two of us alone in the classroom. She turned towards me once Mrs. Alister was nowhere to see and said shyly, "Hi"

"Hi," I replied and confused what should I say further. Then I got an idea and I immediately asked her, "Hey, listen I am free tomorrow, So we can meet at my place and study as Mrs. Alister said I have to go in these sessions and I can't bunk these sessions. So what do you?"

Please say yes! Please!

"Sorry, but tomorrow I am going to meet Billy at his house." I frowned as to why she has to meet him tomorrow at that too at his house.

"Why are you meeting him at his house?" I gritted my teeth at only mere thought of her and Bill in the same room alone. No, I won't let this happen. She is mine, only mine.

Wait! What!

I frowned at the mere thought and why I just said that I have known her for just a few minutes and I was going crazy already. I don't know how I will pass these three weeks without embarrassing me. I don't know.

"Oh! I have a group project along with him for psychology so we are working on it and for it, I am meeting him." She replied innocently.

Oh my god! What I just thought was so wrong.

For God Robbie clam down

I ignored my consciousness and asked her, "What about Sunday?"

She taught for some time and replied, "Sure"

I smiled and gave her my phone so she could put in her phone number. After that, I said my goodbye with the mere thought that I will see her tomorrow at Bill's house. She will be surprised to see. I grinned at the mere thought and walked out of the classroom.