Chapter 7 :- Victoria Faith Wild (P.O.V)

"What happens? Why did Mrs. Alister call you?" asked me, Jess, the moment I stepped in the parking lot.

"She wants to tutor Robert for Psychology?"

"Why?" Kell asked me, eyeing suspiciously. I don't want to tell them that Robert failed in psychology because that is his decision whether he wants others to know or not.

"I mean he is smart and intelligent enough to understand psychology so why do you need to tutor him?"

"He is having some difficulty in some concepts so that is why Mrs. Alister asked me to help him." I replied cautiously. The scene of the class replayed in my mind.

The moment I entered the classroom the air knocked out of my mouth upon seeing him there standing and talking to Mrs. Alister. His broad shoulders, his wide back which clung his t-shirt perfectly. The moment he turned my knees buckled, if I didn't take the support of the desk I was sure I would have fallen and embarrassed myself.

His grey eyes gave so many emotions at one time. It was getting hard for me to focus on anything else than his eyes. I was shocked to hear that he was failing in the Psychology test because he is a very intelligent student and I have never heard him failing in any subjects. He is one of those students who come top in the class. But, who am I to judge anyone.

The moment Mrs. Alister left the classroom, it felt like the temperature in the classroom had increased and the classroom started feeling small to me. When he asked me to meet on Saturday I was disappointed to say no, because I have to meet Billy otherwise I would have said yes to him.

But, now my main concern was how I will go to Billy and Robert's house on weekends? Because if my parents know that I am visiting some boy's house they will intensely accuse me of being a slut and God knows how many bad words and beating I will have to endure. That thought alone made a shiver run down my spine.

I will have to apply for a holiday at Bailey's for two days. Bailey's is a small café that I work in for weekends because my parents don't give me money for anything so I have to earn so that I can fulfill my daily needs. Bailey is owned by Mr. Smith, he is a very sweet and kind person I have ever met, and he knows about my parents; yaa, I know my best friends don't know about it but he knows how?

Once I was changing and he unknowingly entered the room and saw the marks on my stomach and hands; so I had to tell him about it, but I took a promise from him that he will not tell anyone. He even offered me help, but I refused because it is of no use.

So, I will call him once I reach home and tell him about my leave.

"Vi, to earth." Said Jess.

"Sorry, what were you asking?"

"When are you going to tutor." Asked Kell

"Sunday. Mrs. Alister said every day after school, but he wants to start as soon as possible so we are meeting on Sunday for the first tutor session."

"Oh! Wow, Vi tomorrow you are meeting Billy, and the day after tomorrow you are meeting Robert. I think so the Gods are in your favor today." Said Kell and Jess hummed in response.

"Will you two shut-up. I am meeting them for studies and not for some date. Stop making a fuss of it. Understood." I almost snapped at them.

Keyword almost.

"Yaa, yaa. Whatever." Said Jess.

"By the way, Kell. How did your date with Thomas go?" I asked her about changing the subject because I don't want them to pry me anymore on this subject.

"Yes, you never told us properly. Give us details. Did he ask you again on a date?" Jess pouted and asked her.

" yes he asked me again and I went on a date again," Kell replied. Something is up because she is stammering and she is looking nervous.

"So, how did it go," I asked her.

"I will tell you on Monday because I have to go home early today as I have to get ready for a function I have to attend with dad and mom. Okay, Bie guys." She replied and before we could reply she rushed towards her car and drove away.

"Okay, Vi what was that?" asked me, Jess, after her car drove away from the parking lot.

"Don't know, but we will find out. Whatever it is. We will get our answers on Monday for sure." I replied to her question.

What is she hiding?