In Autumn everything falls, but the tree always stays sharp. It does look lonely up there, but it beautifies the streets with gold, red, orange, and sooner it grows back prettier leaves. Seasons don't have an exact date to fade in and out, technically we know that a season lasts about three months, but it differs from north to south. However, feelings are not so different, they may freeze but never dissolve, they always come back when it's about a soulmate and not just a usual partner.
Griselda thought that Jonathan's story has ended, or at least it's in progress. She didn't plan yet how it might be when she sees him.
. GRISELDA: What happened? when did you talk?
· ANGELICA: The first time was six weeks ago. He didn't tell me the problem, he wants you to know first, and he doesn't want you to hear his story somewhere else. Even his family doesn't know anything. He is only asking about you whenever he talks.
· GRISELDA: Then why he talked to you instead of me?
· ANGELICA: You changed everything, your number, your email, you deleted your accounts on social media. I couldn't give him anything, because I was afraid that you will be mad at me, and he understood. He asked me to check first if you want to talk to him before making a move. He's waiting for the right time to not lose you again. I'm watching you every day withering day by day, changing to the worse instead of the better.
· GRISELDA: I'm not going to say that you did well because you didn't. You shouldn't have talked to him.
· ANGELICA: I'm sorry, but I love him just as much. I didn't answer him in months, but he was so desperate and I couldn't handle it. I can't just watch you guys destroying your love that way. It's so childish.
· GRISELDA: Childish! Yeah right. It's so childish to talk to your best friend's ex behind her back, planning their future without her permission.
· ANGELICA: Don't be ridiculous. I'm not planning anything, he is. Plus, he doesn't consider you as an ex. And he's not my best friend's ex he's more like my brother.
· GRISELDA: Open the door! I don't want to hear this anymore. I'm done.
· ANGELICA: No, I'm not opening the door, and we are not going anywhere before we can figure this out. I love you, stop being so harsh on both of you.
· GRISELDA: Are you serious? What do you want me to tell him! Oh hi Jona, welcome back! I forgive you because you left me heartbroken. Oh yeah! and guess what, I'm still broken to pieces, you can gather me up and leave again.
· ANGELICA: I'm not pushing you to do anything, for two reasons. First, you are not going to listen, obviously. Second, it's your choice whether to destroy your heart or rescue it, it doesn't depend on love to live, honestly, it's about the person if they are strong enough to face it all or not. "She stopped for a minute and added", I'm sure that he didn't do it on purpose. Seriously, something bad did happen that made him cut the lines.
Angelica opened the door and went to their place next to their friends with an upset look on her face. Griselda was still looking at herself in the mirror thinking of what Angelica just said. She was so confused about whether to follow her heart or her brain. "Did something bad happen? Or are they just trying to ruin my progress", she thought. Suddenly, she widened her eyes in the mirror, "What progress, I'm still in my hole."
Days and nights had passed, they haven't mentioned Jonathan again, and he didn't talk too. Four months later, her yearning for him increased after what Angelica had told her. She has been thinking that she's so stupid for letting Angelica change her mind. Before she had known that something happened to him, she hated him day after day, even if she is still so in love with him. After that day in the café, their conversation stabilized on her mind. She couldn't think of anything else except for what could have happened to him. However, Griselda's bad thoughts about Jonathan have changed, from the chump who left her for a better-looking girl, to the poor person who found difficulties in settling as a stranger.
One year and three months have desperately passed since Jonathan has left. Ultimately, he talked to Angelica and told her the good news that he would soon come home. However, he asked her help to meet with Griselda.
· JONATHAN: Ange, I finally brought the good news. I'm coming back home soon. I had finished my probation work, and my exams are almost done too.
· ANGELICA: Did you finish your studies already? What's going to happen next?
· JONATHAN: No dummy, I will finish exams. Are you sure you graduated?
· ANGELICA (rolling her eyes): So, when are you coming?
· JONATHAN: Maybe in a couple of weeks.
· ANGELICA: Maybe!
· JONATHAN: Yeah maybe, if they let me have a vacation in two weeks, I'll come immediately. Otherwise, I'll be there in a month.
· ANGELICA: Anyways, it's good to hear that. It doesn't matter when. What's more important is that you are coming soon. So what do you have in mind?
· JONATHAN: I need your help.
· ANGELICA: I already know that. Illustration, please!
· JONATHAN: I'll go see her and talk to her, as simple as this. The sooner the better.
· ANGELICA: Are you sure she is going to listen?
· JONATHAN: You doubt?
· ANGELICA: Ninety-nine percent yeah.
· JONATHAN: I'll give it a try once, and twice, and always. I'm not giving up on her, even if I have to try for the rest of my life. She's my everything, I can't risk losing her. Therefore, I'll do my best.
· ANGELICA: I'll do mine too if she wouldn't listen to you.
Angelica was so excited and happy that they will finally make up their lost days. At the same time, she is afraid that she would make a scene. Despite the happiness and the excitement, she was concerned, and claustrophobic that something bad is going to happen. Angelica's sensations are always right.