Inevitable deaths..

Ryan's POV

Wake up and shine sleepyheads!!

Oh my freaking god!! Are you out of your bloody mind? LEMME SLEEP.. I wanna sleep..

Of course, Tyler could leave anything but his sleep.. Even an introvert like him would start shouting if anyone ever tries to snatch away his sleep. He would practically fight the devil just for his sleep. I sometimes wonder who does he love more, us or his sleep.

"Draw the bloody curtains and let me sleep. I will freaking kill you, lemme sleeppppppppp!!" Shouted Tyler.

Well Well Well! Looks like the answer is now pretty obvious, no room for confusion.

Look how peacefully everyone's sleeping. Why does my not very kind part always come to surface pushing back my kind one every time I find a chance to trouble someone, especially these people. I have messed enough with Tyler so not taking a chance with my life now but these people are kind enough to spare me alive even if I spoil their sleep.

"WHAT THE HELL.. WHAT'S HAPPENING??" Victoria wakes up, startled. So does Andrea.

Was that a Tsunami? Earthquake.. What was it?

"Well! Nothing of that kind Kol. It was just our extremely loving and sweet Ryan who could not think of any better way to wake us up other than this. Is it not?" Said Andrea rubbing her eyes. Her sarcasm has always been on the peak every time she was annoyed.

Come on Ryan.. You could have let us sleep. I still haven't finished my sleep..

Who exactly had asked you people to be awake all night then? You were all being way too sentimental, reminiscing good old days, playing games and as much as fun it was now we are getting back on our way and going to the place we started for. We have already wasted two days of our trip, I can't afford to waste even a single more second.

"Aye Aye captain!!" Said all of them at once, of course, Tyler was still asleep and no body dared to even try waking him up, even though the chances of him killing us for waking him were less but nobody was daring enough to take the odds. We decided to wake him up after we are all ready and for a change, it was me and Andrea who were cooking today. We had the basic culinary knowledge and our time with Tyler made us confident enough to actually try making the meal.

"What is happening there?" Asked Andrea.

Well! Vicky and Kol are just finding ways to either ditch the breakfast or their inevitable deaths after the breakfast..

Oh my god! They do not trust us even a single bit, we wouldn't kill them with our food. Would we?

Well! I can't exactly guarantee but we'll have to try our best. I don't wanna kill them without actually completing the trip first.

"Come on people! So sensitive. We can practically hear you from miles away. Thank god at least you are not planning to kill us any time soon. I think I might take the odds and have breakfast now." Said Vicky.

"Woaahh guys!! That's not fair.. Kitchen was my area, you can't take over my place.." Said Tyler rubbing his eyes, looking like he just woke up from a long slumber.

Well! You are late and we weren't exactly in a mood to famish to death so decided to take over your place.

Fine, you guys continue, I'll freshen up but please tell me you guys can make food good enough to at least be chewable.

"Just go away Tyler.. What do you think are we? Three year old? Of course we can make chewable breakfast." Said Andrea throwing off a cushion at him while we all started to chuckle.

We left off for our destination after having breakfast. Tyler finally managed to call our parents after two days, this is the poorest reception we have ever experienced. I don't even wanna know how much scolding he has already had in the last half an hour but pretty sure he is the only one who could have done that, being quiet and just nodding. All he said was, hmm, sorry, we lost way, poor network and then again a bunch of sorry. Looking at his expression it doesn't exactly seem like they'll hang up anytime soon. After hours of drive, we finally managed to get out of that forest or whatever it was and where are we right now? Oh yes! North Carolina. How the hell did we even manage to reach North Carolina, when we were off to a completely different direction. Now that we are here, and we are not exactly following our plan for the past two days, we have decided to just visit our old lake house here. No way we would be able to catch up anyways if we go back to our original plan now..

"Finally!! I thought they were gonna talk me to death. I wasn't the only one who came to this trip, then why was I the only one who was scolded. It wasn't my fault." Said Tyler while leaving a sad sigh.

"My goodness!! Someone's whining. A very rare sight indeed.

Go ahead, Kol.. Make fun of me, you'll know what I feel after you are tortured this bad for literal one hour.

"Life's sad.. Can't help it. Now please stop crying son." Pouted Andrea while making fun on Tyler.