Sweet bickering...

Andrea's POV

I totally forgot how much I loved this place. The faint smell of the wet mud, the soothing sound of the water from the lake, the never-ending grass in the backyard, the calm greenery, the beautiful sunset, the chirping little birds, the vast mountains, all make me want to stay here forever. People are often behind a comfortable and rich life, but in the search of gold we lose a diamond. The cities and towns do not stand a chance in front of the simplicity and beauty of this place.

"Come on Andy.. What are you even thinking about for last fifteen minutes?" Said Victoria snapping me out of my thoughts.

Nothing.. I was just thinking about the time we used to come here in our childhood.

Of course, how fun it was. You people weren't even annoying that time. Well! No, my bad. You people weren't this annoying that time.

It would have been fun for you Vicky, but for me it was a nightmare. Remember Mr. Williams? He was the most frightening creature I ever met. Pretty sure I would never ever visit this place if it meant meeting him but then of course, this place is so beautiful that it always managed to win over my fear. I sometimes wished he just didn't live here.

"Here comes the timid and feeble Andrea. Why am I picturing a little girl trembling just by the thought of visiting this place? Oh yea, it's none other than the little version of you." Said Kol smirking.

Gosh!! I am not timid, I was merely a child that time. Why do you think my fear wasn't justified? Anyways, not like he was any helpful either, every time we came here all he did was rant about his so called meet with the devil, his deal to become the future devil, rule the world and all of that nonsense. Can't believe I actually fell for all of that but his eyes emitted such determination and honesty that anyone could believe him.

Come on Andy, it wasn't his fault. You know he wasn't mentally stable. We used to come visit him because mom always hoped he would get well if he was close to people. He always saw things, believed them and started to picture himself as a part of it. All that devil stuff he talked about must have been some story he heard. He started to believe it was real and pictured himself in it. Anyways, he was so sweet even when he talked about the devil after all he was my uncle. God knows why were you so scared of him.

"You are absolutely right Vicky but ofcourse our Andrea was always a scaredy cat. Can't help it." Said Kol while making fun of me.

Yea Yea. Do you guys have anything better to do than making fun of me?

Well! We'll let you know as soon as we do but until then, bear with it.

Haha! Very funny Ryan. How are you so funny? I totally want your sense of humour.

Sorry. Not for sale miss.

"You little brats, enough of this sweet bickering. Shake your hands and get this matter over with or I am gonna have to beat the shit out of both of you." Said Victoria sarcastically.

Ok people if you are done, can we go out to have something? I am anyways dying to meet people, I can't actually believe I managed to stay alive without any human interaction at all for days.

Well! Kol, how exactly do you mean to say no human interaction when we have been together all this time?

Actually Andrea, the thing is, you people are not exactly included in the category of humans.

Anyways, we managed to stay alive without human interaction but bet Tyler had the best days of his life.

Actually, no I didn't. Even though it was good that I didn't exactly have to talk to other people but being with you guys doesn't exactly qualify as the best time of my life you know.

Oh my god!! He speaks.

Yea Kol. Real funny. Now I actually want that sense of humour at any cost.

Like I said, not for sale..

We spent the day reminiscing the times we came here. It was all so beautiful and lovely, we often spent most of our vacations here. Early morning walks, mountain climbing, late night camping, bonefire, we planned to to do all of that all over again today and not to forget we have to do some clean-up. We couldn't exactly live in a place which wasn't cleaned for months. Victoria's mother always got this place cleaned once in every six months since it was her brother's possession that she kept as a keepsake. As much scary as he was to me, but he was still very sweet. All of us really loved him and his death was really shattering. It was all so sudden. He had another one of his episodes, some hallucination that practically scared him to death, doctors said he had a weak heart and couldn't take whatever he saw.. I don't even wanna imagine what he must have been going through in his final moments, all scared and alone, how miserable he would have been.