Cat Fight...

Victoria's POV

I swear I will die and this will be the worst possible way to die. I am gonna die breathless. My lungs feels like rubbing sandpaper. I-I-I need air. I'll die.

Shut up drama queen. We are just climbing a hill, not walking to to the moon. Sit down and catch your breath.

We just jogged for an hour and now climbing. Don't you think you should go a little easy on us?

This is what happens when you are a couch potato.

"Well! Kol, it's not gonna help. Stop wasting your time. All of us very well know none of us are gonna get any better no matter how much we try, irredeemable you know. We are all way much dramatic and it's time we accept ourselves with all our flaws rather than being ashamed or annoyed of it." Said Tyler.

"That's ok Ty but what book did you read last?" Questioned Andrea raising her eyebrows.

"Acceptance." Replied Tyler.

"Of course. Makes sense now." Said Kol making us chuckle softly.

Gosh.. I wanna eat. I am dying. Let's just go back now. I AM FAMISHED.

Yea yea, better luck next time. Move fast, or we are gonna leave you here to become the lunch of bears.

My goodness! I am so scared. Please don't leave me here, I beg of you.

I thought you were still scared of bears. What a shame.. Remember, how you used to shiver just at the name of bears.


Yea sure. Why not? I am gonna hold the most grand funeral anyone would have ever seen if only that means we'll finally get rid of you. So a deal huh?

You hate me so much huh Andrea?

Without a doubt.

Well! People. Just a quick question, do you not ever get bored of this cat fight?

"That's the best part, Tyler. U don't get bored of this. Ever." Said Andrea.

ugh!! I want to go back now or I'll die. I am tired.

"Fine Vick. U clearly have no stamina.. let's go back." said Tyler.

Stamina u say. U do realise u can't even comment on that topic after knowing the reason for your current breakup...

WOAH KOL SHUT UP.. U need to know how to keep that little tongue of your in control.


"God it feels so good to be back. That Trekk was a complete torture." I said while making my way to the couch and finally collapsing on it..

"Oh well whatever but I loved this. Coming here was probably the best decision we have made in a month or so. We have already wasted our entire vacation because of a damn wrong turn and ended up being stuck in that hell of a mansion, atleast we had a little fun coming back here. I cant forget how this used to be our favourite place." Said Ryan.

Very true. I miss that fun. We still have that camp fire left so don't forget that guys and no the Trekk wasn't torture. Vicky u are seriously so dramatic. We hardly climbed for some 2 hours, how are u even so tired? We couldn't even get to the top of the hill because you wouldn't stop throwing tantrums. What is even the use of climbing when you don't reach the top..

"Oh Tyler, stop complaining like a baby.. It seems like you have actually never been on the top.. I feel bad for ya." I said with a smirk on my face and everyone started laughing leaving Ryan annoyed realising how his words were interpreted.

After talking, making fun and insulting each other, making a plan of activities for the entire day, discussing the basic itinerary of the time remaining for the trip and just slacking off a little the room was covered in a soothing silence. Probably because everyone is tired or else these people shutting up their mouths is no less than a miracle.


Just as I almost drifted off to sleep, the doorbell woke me up with a jerk. It was rather strange for someone to visit this place.. The next moment I could hear Andrea practically shouting and jumping with what seemed like excitement hopefully..

Woah Andy what even happe-

"Look who's here." Andrea said, brimming with happiness cutting Tyler off.

Any other day, I would have been bothered enough to go check what was all that commotion was about but at this moment all I needed was my sweet sleep. I wouldn't be getting off this couch even if they murder each other.

After some good 5 minutes I could see them making their way towards the hall closing the door behind them but now I could see 5 silhouettes. I wonder who this new addition is. I wanted to move a bit forward to check who it is but my body gave in the second I walked through that door. I make it work anymore and might as well end up dead because of exhaustion.


Hey guys.. If u are wondering yes I am still alive. I am so sorry for not updating for months. It's just school and homeworks and exams and then I lost the will or the interest to write but today all of a sudden an idea clicked, I decided yes I am definitely not giving up on the story and here I am with a new update. If u guys forgot the previous story do go and read it to connect the dots, I did have to read it all again too and ofc its just gonna gimme more views. Nice scheme right?

Also do tell me in the comments how did u find this story, if you found any kind of improvement in the writing style or the overall story from the first chapter because I am reading A LOT lately just trying to improve my writing skills so hope it worked out atleast a bit..

And lastly, who do u guys think is the new addition now?