Beyond our brains...


"I have no idea what we are going to do. Whatever we saw that day and whatever we understood is no way the truth. The truth is something else that was definitely beyond our brains. There was definitely something more to it." Said Rohan.

"It was definitely really complicated. I don't think that we were capable of interpreting the truth and even if we were capable, we couldn't do it at that moment. Seeing that visual I felt as if the entire world had turned upside down." Said Divya while tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I agree.. That day was the most horrible day in my life. It was something that I can't put into words, in fact, nobody can.. It is something that can't be expressed." Said Ajay.

"Guys!! Everyone's asleep. Our path is clear.. Let's leave" Said Sajay.

"That's fine but where were you?" Questioned Rohan.

I had gone to check if anyone's awake and luckily nobody is..

"That's great!! Let's leave before somebody spots us." Said Divya.

"Is somebody going to tell me what's happening here? Why are we sneaking out??" Questioned Ajay.

"Come on Ajay.. We can't really talk over here. What if somebody overhears? Mum and Dad were already questioning us and I don't think it is a good idea to risk getting overheard.

1 month ago

"God!! Seems like this place hasn't aged even a single day which is just so obvious. Nobody can even see this place, forget about touching it and how will they? This place has the best magical layer making it impossible for any normal human to see it. Anyways, I'll have to find the truth and leave from here as soon as possible.." Said Riya.

Just as Riya enters inside, the place turns into a small, dark cottage and then disappears.

Riya goes inside the locker room and just as the locker opens it leads to a secret tunnel. She enters the tunnel and the door closes.

"It isn't there.. God!! It isn't there. It is missing. Does that mean it actually is the time? If it is the time then I need to go to everyone and make sure they are safe. They need to be safe. They have no idea what is going on. They have no idea that it is time for them to return to these own selves. It is time to leave.

Present day..

Now that we are out I want to know why don't we just get out of here. I mean we can't just sit here and expect to get all the answers. We need to go back and just find the answers. I am repeating, sitting here and waiting for a miracle to happen so that we get all the answers is not something I am looking forward to. Let's just go. Earlier we had a fair excuse of the case to not leave the city but now the case is over. What's the problem then?

"Come on Divya, we'll look into it but how are we gonna convince our parents to let us go to that place again?? It is just next to impossible." Questioned Rohan.

Then let's just don't tell them about it.

"Come on Ajay. I don't think we shouldn't tell. Rather, why don't we just tell them what we saw? Whatever happened was not normal and it was clearly evident. How are we so sure they aren't gonna believe us??" Questioned Sajay.

"That's not the point Sajay. Even if they'll believe us, no way they are gonna let us go there again. Then, forget about going there, we won't be even allowed to step out." Said Ajay.