Enough you dumb nuts....

Enough you dumb nuts!! There is no need to find any excuse. Just check the date. Vacations over, time for college. Now, not like mum dad are gonna ask us to stay back and miss college.

Well!! I'll have to admit, first time this thick skull got us out of a problem instead of getting us into one.

"Ajay.. Come on, atleast put your sarcasm aside while praising somebody. Anyways, Sajay's right. No way our parents are gonna let us miss studies. They are already diehard obsessed with it." Said Divya.

"Fine.. Then we'll leave on this Saturday like we always do. Make sure they don't get even a hint of what we are up to." Commanded Rohan.

"Sounds good. So we are all sorted, I'll just mail our leave applications to the head mistress." Said Divya.

"Yeah!! Just hope that nosy headmistress doesn't call our parents." Said Sajay.

"Exactly.. God knows why the hell does she have so much interest in our lives." Complained Ajay.

"Well!! I thought solving the mystery about that day was much of our priority but it now seems to be the nosy H.M. Isn't it??" Questioned Divya.

"Ok then. We are going back to college this Saturday is something our parents should be convinced about. Make sure none of us makes them suspicious at all and Divya, sure as hell don't forget to submit the leave letters or we are done for". Said Rohan.

"You guys are leaving so soon. We couldn't even spend time together in this vacation. Whatever happened in this vacation..". Said Mrs. Malhotra (Reema).

"Mom.. It's ok.. Please stop crying." Said Divya.

"Honestly, I am very surprised and proud that even after whatever happened you guys gave priority to your studies. No way you guys compromised it." Said Mr. Malhotra(Aditya).

"Thank you, Dad. You guys are the ones who taught us to set our priorities and what we are doing right now is exactly what you taught us." Said Rohan.

"Guys, we are already late. Let's get going." Said Ajay.

They bid their goodbyes and leave for their destination.

"I just wish we get to the root of our problems and we find her. I miss her so much." Said Divya.

So do I.

1 month ago

Riya!! Shouted Divya.

Everyone was shocked seeing the visual in front of them. It was their worst nightmare. Their eyes saw nothing but Darkness. They were numb and no idea of what was going on in their surroundings. All they knew was something had happened that shouldn't have.. Something that was inevitable but they still wished there was some or the other way to stop it. Like they could go back to time and re-visit the black moment when they decided to come on this trip. The dead silence lasted only a few minutes. They could hear the sound of the siren of a police jeep. Everybody was completely clueless of how did the police reach over there but were no way in a position to even think forget about questioning the police. After that, all they remembered was getting into the jeep. It was like they weren't conscious anymore. They couldn't move, couldn't understand anything, couldn't speak. Like, they were having sleep paralysis.

The police asked them millions of questions like who were they, what were they doing there, did they know her, had they seen something and what not but all they knew was they had lost an important piece of their life that they couldn't forget. The interrogation lasted for hours but the police had not got any answers that could help. They were then put in the prison cell and their parents were called there right away.