On Monday, Ify and his two friends were delivering Iel to the station and his family, which the young man would use to go to school.

Ify and the others are quite satisfied together on this holiday even though they still want to linger together, but it can't be helped tomorrow is Monday and they will start school.

The rules for where Iel go to school are quite strict where they don't just allow their students to take holidays unless there is an emergency, if they violate the specified holiday time limit, they will be subject to fines.

Although not much, but with Iel's character, who doesn't want to burden his parents even more, he will force herself to come back on time even though he is asked to add more holidays by his own parents.

"Don't forget tomorrow's vacation." Ify said again reminding Iel for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah, yeah, miss chatty, just calm down, I'm not going to forget it." Iel replied exasperatedly while ruffling the top of Ify's hair.

"Hey Bro, don't forget to reply to my message when you arrive later." said Alvin next to Ify.

"Yoi, I won't forget. Because I don't want you to terrorize me all night." Iel's snort made them laugh.

"Later, when we return to holiday, we'll talk together again." asked Via, smiling sweetly.

"Okay, just calm down miss Chubby." Iel replied, pinching Via's cheek with exasperation.

Without them two realizing it, two different types of gazes stared at the interaction, but the saddest thing was that the owner of the sparkling light brown eyes was a little faint and tried to stay there without turning red in the face of sadness.

"Enough of the love and miss the train again." said Alvin, pushing Iel's shoulder playfully.

"Yeah, I know. I really want you to see me going quickly." complained Iel while pretending to display a sad expression but was ignored by his three friends because they were used to acting sadly.

"Later on during the holidays, if you want to continue flirting with Via, after all, she won't be taking it." Ify teased in return, her best friend gave him a sharp scorn.

Without waiting for the young man's answer, Ify, Via and Alvin immediately pushed Iel's back towards the open train door at the same time without paying attention to the protests raised by the handsome young man.

In addition, the train that Iel will ride will also get ready to start leaving, from the seat Iel chose when he entered the train he then waved at his two parents and friends who were standing at the seat. outside stared at him then cheerfully replied by them.

"Let us go home." asked mommy Iel after the train carrying her son had disappeared far away.

"Yes, aunt." they replied briefly in unison, accompanied by a moderate nod from them.



In a dirty room full of dust flying and messy, there are several people in it, each with different expressions.

One of the handsome young men with a proportional body stood towering in front of them and the two people who were bound, if only the frosty gaze was replaced with a warm expression accompanied by a smile, it would be sure to attract the eyes of all the girls.

But unfortunately the handsome young man who has black eyes without warmth is none other than Rio who is currently staring cruelly at the men and women who are bound by conditions that are far from good.

"I ask once again, who ordered you to leak all the information about the smuggling two days earlier to the police!?" Rio asked flatly with an intimidating gaze towards the two people.

"W-we really d-don't know b-boss, suddenly the computer at headquarters was hacked by someone." the man replied haltingly with fear.

"Tch! Looks like someone wants to play with me, huh." Rio's cold hissed made them tremble even more with fear.

"Take care of these two useless rubbish! I want to see who has the guts to try to make trouble with me" Rio ordered coldly and then left without heeding the pleas of his two men.

"You will feel the consequences." murmured Rio while clenching his fists in his black pants pocket.

Rio arrogantly walked towards his car park which was parked not far from the building where he left before then got in and immediately started his car and drove away from that place.

"Tsk, how disgusting!" Rio thought sarcastically.

While driving on the road Rio grabbed his cellphone then dialed Cakka's number, which he immediately answered.

"Cakka, investigate who dared to interfere with our transaction two days ago, report it immediately so I can relax!" Rio ordered coldly then without waiting for Cakka's answer he turned off his cellphone connection.

"Shit!" cursed Rio hitting the steering wheel of the car he was holding.



Kringggg ....

The loud sound emanating from an alarm clock in Ify's room annoyed the owner and immediately opened her eyes and then grabbed the alarm clock to stop the sound.

Sunday 06:15

With a smile as bright as the morning sun, Ify then darted to the bathroom to restart her usual day, but because she was too excited, she accidentally hit her own wardrobe because the floor was still slippery due to water dripping from her hair.

"Ouch, who the hell put the water in here. It's just wretched people." complained Ify while looking for her school uniform after stroking her leg for a moment, which hurt from hitting the previous cupboard.

It didn't take 15 minutes Ify was ready to put on her uniform neatly then started sorting through her textbooks today then took a backpack with an American flag model then started grooming himself briefly in front of the mirror to see how she looks today.

"Perfect." she muttered after that immediately went down to breakfast and took his lunch.

"Good morning everyone!" said Ify cheerfully when she arrived at the dining table.

"It's rare for Sis Ify to be excited like this and not babble." said one of Ify's youngest brothers named Rendi Ardidi without heeding his brother's greeting.

"Right, has he realized." said Ify's cousin, Laila Andira, who is younger than Ify.

Rendi and Deva are currently carrying their second year of junior high school education while Laila is one level above Rendi and Deva.

Laila is the daughter of Ify's, Deva and Rendi father's brother from his first ex-wife and was raised by her grandmother just like them.

"Shut up, you don't always say much." Ify replied curtly, making Laila shrug her shoulders indifferently.

"Grandma, later Ify will come home late because there is group work at a friend's house with Via, will you allow it?" Ify said at the same time asking permission so that her grandmother was not worried and looked for him later.

"Yeah, but don't come home too late." her grandmother's advice made Ify smile.

"Okay, then Ify is leaving."

After saying goodbye, Ify went out to meet Via, her spirit was still burning, even the sun lost her enthusiasm this morning.

"You are really excited, sir. Amat, the meatball maker in front of the supermarket isn't as excited as you." Via's sarcastic comment made Ify show a grin.

"It's up to me, wlee." Ify replied while clicking her tongue, making Via just snort in embarrassment.

"Alright, let's go." invite Via while walking ahead of Ify.

"Hey, wait for me!" shrieked Ify then chased Via.

Far at the crossroads, a boy stood silently watching from the start of the two's interaction without showing any expression.

When he saw Via and Ify starting to walk, the man walked along while trying to keep his distance from them so that they were not found out, the man continued to follow Ify and Via to the front of the regular bus stop where the two of them waited for the bus.

Even on the bus, the man continued to follow Ify and Via while still maintaining a safe distance, it seemed that the man was trying to hear the conversation of the two while showing a flat face.

"Uh, you know Riko asked me out last night." Ify's story that the man could clearly hear.

"Then what is your answer?" asked Via curiously.

"Yeah, I refused." Ify replied quickly.

"Why did you refuse, that's the first step so you can get a boyfriend to know." said Via making Ify purse her lips.

"You want me to be hanged by my grandmother for leaving late at night, huh!" snapped Ify made Via nod.

"I really want, so that your level of weirdness is reduced." Via replied innocently, making Ify growl.

"Damn you, disobedient friend," said Ify, making Via chuckle with amusement to see her friend's childish behavior.

"Besides, you also said that I already have Alvin, how come now you're even telling me to have a boyfriend." said Ify grumbled to Via.

"Cancel." Via's brief reply made Ify immediately turned her head with a surprised face.

"Why didn't it?" asked curiously Ify.

"Yeah, it just didn't work." Via replied, making Ify sneer.

While the man who heard the conversation between the two still remained silent with his expressionless face but

with eyes that had darkened even more, but the strangest thing was Ify and Via, who from the start were followed by the man completely unaware of his existence with a male appearance. that man who was so flashy.

Where some of the girls on the bus occasionally glanced at him with red faces but it was as if they were the air for the boy because it was very clear to the boy's eyes that he was focused only on Ify.