Ify school is now filled with gossip about the Mafia who likes to kidnap beautiful girls, who knows where the rumors come from so many people talk about it.

So do we now theme it, oh that seems like a really bad idea.

When Ify sits down, she accidentally overhears that her classmates are also gossiping about a novel that tells of a handsome Mafia who falls in love with a high school girl like them.

With a storyline full of action and tense stuff and then ending with a romantic scene where the two main characters get married and live forever, it's quite a cliché, but many are interested in this type of story.

"Lin, what are they talking about?" Asked Ify curiously to Linda, even though she had briefly heard a little of their conversation, Ify still didn't know exactly what they were talking about.

"They say they ran into a handsome Mafia boss." Linda replied lazily but it made Ify's light brown eyes sparkle as if they were emitting a flickering starlight.

"Handsome? How handsome? Is he like Kuroko or Sasuke? If he's so handsome I want to see too." Ify asked in one breath, making Linda roll her eyes in embarrassment.

"Apart from being handsome, they said that he was cruel and sadistic. They said he liked girls who liked to be imagined to be made into dolls." Linda continued, glancing at If, making the girl speechless.

"It doesn't matter the important thing he's handsome." Ify said hesitantly, making Linda grin.

"In addition, if you meet him, you will be made into a toy and a fireplace display by him like the one in the movie." added Linda with a serious face as if whatever she said to Ify wasn't a lie at all.

"Is there anyone who wants to make a human as a display of a fireplace?" Asked Ify innocently making the background dark and creepy, Linda deliberately destroyed it instantly with Ify's innocent question.

"Don't know, maybe with you trying, you will know that." Linda replied curtly, making Ify nod her head.

"Fy, you were called by the teacher!" shrieked Via suddenly from the direction of the classroom entrance, making Ify jumped in surprise and almost fell out of her chair.

"Tsk, your voice makes me have heart disease, you know what! I almost fell, if I fall, the charms I have will disappear. Then no one will like me anymore! Oh no!" shrieked Ify exaggeratedly made Ify's classmates sigh tiredly with her dramatic attitude.

"Stop that and hurry up and go, if you keep acting like this here, Mr. Heru might be tired of waiting for you." replied Via boredly making Ify pout her lips.

"Yeah, I've been there first, you all don't miss me." Ify said lazily.

"Will not!" simultaneously they answered Ify's words made him show her wide grin.

Walking lazily in the school hallway, Ify only lowered her face so that her hair bangs covered part of her beautiful face, which is currently counting her own steps.

Tokk ... Tokk ... Tokk ...

Ify limply knocked on the door of the teacher's room named Pak Heru, who was none other than a counseling teacher for students who had problems, not long after knocking on the door, an entrance sign made Ify ventured to open the door and then entered.

"Come on, sit down first." told Mr. Heru to be friendly

"What did you call me?" Asked Ify immediately politely after sitting on the chair in front of Mr. Heru's table, so the two sat facing each other.

"There is something important that you want to tell you so that you asked Via to call you here." said Mr. Heru still with a friendly smile.

"You see, there is an inter-school competition in the framework of the annual event of reforestation and cleaning of trash in the forest on the mountain climbers' path where they ask each school to send three representatives to participate." clearly Mr. Heru nodded understandingly by Ify, but she was confused why Mr. Heru called him just because there was a race.

It seems that seeing the confusion felt by Ify, Mr. Heru continued his explanation so that Ify could understand it well.

"There are several competitions that will be held including painting, playing music, performing, singing, science quiz, English quiz and the last one is physics quiz." said Mr. Heru, mentioning what competitions will be held later.

"Very much." Ify commented when she finished hearing the words of the man who was her teacher.

"Indeed, and according to the results of the previous teachers' meeting it was decided that one of the three representatives sent was you."

Hearing Mr. Heru's next words made Ify surprised, she did not expect that he would be chosen to become a school representative for such a big event as it could be said to be the first event that she experienced.

"Me, sir?" Ify asked while pointing at himself with a confused and surprised face.

"Yes, the school decided to send you to take part in music playing and science quiz competitions." Pak Heru replied, telling Ify what competition would be followed.

"But sir, I'm not very good at science. Why was I included in the competition?" Ify asked in surprise.

"But according to some teachers you are very good at science, especially this time the theme is about things that exist in outer space."

"Then who are the other two sir?" Asked Ify no longer denied and accepted what was decided for him.

"The other two are, Khaerul from Ipa X 1 and Rina from XI Ipa 2." Mr. Heru replied to tell Ify.

This time, Ify did not comment at all because the representatives decided by the school were people who had the best achievements in school, besides that one of them was the student council president from the school itself.

"Oh yeah, how many days will this event be held, sir?" back Ify asked.

"Only four days and three nights and all the facilities will be provided by each school so you only have to bring whatever personal equipment you need." The answer made Ify nod her head.

"Fine, but is there a letter for parental consent to give us?"

"Of course the school will make you a notification letter which you will give to each of your parents and guardians."

"Maybe that's all sir, if there is nothing else may I go back to class."

"Oh please."

After Ify had actually come out of the room, she walked back in a daze while thinking about what Mr. Heru had previously said to him.

In Ify's heart, in fact, she was not at all interested in following things like this which felt so troublesome for him, but no matter how reluctant she was because this was the belief of the Ify school, she did not dare to reject him.

While still in a daze, Ify continued to walk to her classroom without paying attention to the astonished looks or greetings from the seniors and juniors who knew him, even when in Ify's class she didn't talk much, the girl's classmates were surprised by her unusual behavior.

"Fy, what's wrong with you? How come after returning from Mr. Heru's room you became quiet like this?" Via asked in surprise, followed by a nod of approval from Linda.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking." Ify said, making the two beautiful girls in front of him stare at him with a shocked look as if they saw something very terrible.

"Why are you two looking at me like that." snapped Ify uncomfortable.

"Fy, what did Mr. Heru talk to you to be enlightened like this?" now Linda asked.

"Are you Ify? Or are you the ghost of Mr. Heru's haunted room." added Via.

"Ish! You are nothing."

"But it's not usually an Areify Saufira to think so seriously like that." said Via innocently, Linda agreed again, making Ify furious.

"Damn, so you think I have no thoughts." snapped Ify.

"It's not like that, it's just magical to see you can think seriously like normal people." Linda replied.

"Oh you mean you said that I was abnormal before?" Ify asked, frowning.

"It's not like that, but usually you always act weird. It's so strange that we are confused about which planet you come from."

"You thought I was an alien."

"Stop now, it's very tiring to communicate in one direction." interrupted Via with a sigh.

"You say-"

"Enough Fy I'm tired, so what did Mr. Heru say to you?" cut Linda.

"He only said that the school would send me to be a representative for the school's annual event in the context of reforestation and cleaning up trash around the hiking trail." Ify replied while repeating what Mr. Heru said.

"It looks like fun." Via comments.

"What fun, we will also race there." said Ify annoyed.

"Then what competition did you get?" Linda asked curiously, ignoring their argument.

"I got a music competition and science quiz on the theme of outer space." Ify replied making them both stare at Ify silent.

"What is wrong?" Ify asked confused by the strange behavior of the two.

"Nothing, I just realized that you are actually very smart. So far we only see your strange and absurd behavior and forget about the strengths you have." Linda replied in a tone of admiration and envy.

"That's right, I've only known Ify since he was a child and realized that." said Via causing Ify to want to hit the two girls.

But Ify did not do it because she also really realized how she was in the eyes of everyone and Ify also did not blame it all precisely with that she was comfortable hanging out with them because according to Ify, without them looking at the cleverness of the friendship between them, they were much closer.