9. Winter Island

"GO AWAY FROM HERE PIRATES!!"-A man with green clothes wearing armor shout at them, maybe he's the leader.

""That's right go away from here you filthy pirates! Go! Don't come to this island!""-the people start to yell at them. They don't look like soldiers, they look like normal citizen.

"Heeh, they really hate us huh?"-Sanji

"Well, we're pirates, maybe they think we'll gonna loot their place."-Jono

Suddenly someone shoot his gun at Sanji's leg, he move his leg fast to avoid it. Then when he's gonna strike back, Vivi stop him. But someone shot again, Vivi got shot on shoulder and she fall.

The crew prepare themselves to fight and Luffy yell at the citizen. When Luffy start walking forward to attack them, Vivi hold him back.

"Stop it Luffy, I'm okay, it just grazed my shoulder."-Vivi said while suddenly she kneel down.

"Please help us, our friend have a grave illness, we need a doctor fast. We will leave immediately after our friend get the treatment."-Vivi

The crew are stunned seeing the princess kneel.


"Luffy, we can't fight here. What will happen to Nami if we fight here? Our priority now is getting Nami to a doctor."-Vivi

"...I'm sorry about earlier. Please help us, we need a doctor for our friend."-Luffy said while kneeling too.

Jono is surprised seeing Luffy kneel. The crew told him that since they meet him, they saw that Luffy is someone that never afraid of anything and never bow to anyone. Even when someone was about to cut his head at Loguetown, he smile. But here he is, kneeling for his friend.

Jono now believe that Luffy is worth his loyalty. The crew already told him the stories of their journey so he can guess their character, especially Luffy. They all respect and believe at Luffy, but Jono need to see it himself to know their real character to decide his future at this crew. Will he stay with them or not.

Now, seeing Luffy put aside his pride for one of them make Jono decide to give his loyalty to his captain. For him, a really strong friendship is worth more than being the strongest. What's the point of being at the top of the world when you feel lonely.

"Follow me, i'll lead you to the village."-Leader

The crew follow him going up to the village. Nami is being carried by Sanji, he said that it's his job as her servant. The leader's name is Dalton, he said that sometimes ago the island is being raided by a pirate crew named 'Blackbeard'. That's why the citizen became really wary of pirates.

Even the King and his subordinates ran away, leaving the citizen when the pirates attacked their island. So the citizen start to raise their weapons to protect themselves, because there's no soldiers left. Then, they arrived at Dalton's house, and Sanji start to make some hot drink for them.

"There's only one doctor on this island, and she is a witch."-Dalton

"Witch? Did she use potion and magic?"-Jono

""MAGIC?!""-Luffy & Usopp have stars in their eyes.

"Well no, we call her witch because she's old, her nose is rather long and pointy, her laugh is a little scary and she extorts her patients after treatment. But her skill is the best. Her name is dr. Kureha"-Dalton

"So she's Usopp & Nami's Grandma."-Luffy nod to himself

"Oy!!"-Usop slap the air.

"HAHAHAHA, Where can we find her old man? We need to bring Nami there fast."-Jono

"She live on top of that mountain, but it's really hard to climb it."-Dalton

"Don't worry i'll bring Nami-san there no matter how hard it is."-Sanji

"Let's go Sanji!"-Luffy

"Wait you two, do you plan to climb that steep mountain?"-Vivi

"Of course, we need to bring Nami-san there as fast as possible."-Sanji

"Sigh, if we bring Nami by climbing that mountain, then her body will be shaken a lot while you climb. And it's not really safe for her, how if an avalance happen? There must be a safe option right old man? The witch often come down so she must use something to come up and down."-Jono

"Hmm, now that i think about it..."-Sanji

"Hmm, what're you talking about?"-Luffy

"Oy oy oy!?"-Usopp slap the air again, poor air

"Well, there's a gondola but i don't know if it's still working."-Dalton

"Don't worry, as long as the gondola's rail is still intact, we can walk on it. It's better than climbing the cliff"-Jono

"Alright then."-Dalton

Then they go to the gondola railway. When they arrive there, they saw a small gondola. There's alao a big and long rope that connected to the mountain's top. The gondola need to be pedaled to use. (It's the one that being used by Zoro and Usopp).

They try to use it and it moves just fine. Luffy want to pedal the gondola, so Jono carry Nami on his back. Sanji want to go with them but he decided to buy some food with Vivi to cook for Nami after she wakes up. Usopp also want to try the gondola. Jono tell him he can follow but he will just pedal it when going down to pick Sanji up later.

The gondola moves really fast because Luffy is really excited and pedal it with all his power. When they arrived at the top, Luffy is panting hard and he can't walk because his legs are sore. Usopp now doesn't want to pedal the gondola. He said he have an 'i can't pedal gondola' illness.

"Sigh...You're overdoing it Luffy. Usopp, help him walk, let's go to that castle. That must be the place."-Jono

"Excuse me, anybody here? Dr. Kureha? Are you here?"-Jono asked multiple times, but no one answer him.

"M-maybe this castle is a-abandoned, th-there's no one here. I-i-it's a h-haunted castle."-Usopp said with his leg shaking

"Really?"-Luffy is excited and suddenly stand on his own and start running around, hais.

"No, maybe they're going down to the village. Let's find a room for Nami first, it's cold here."-Jono

Sometime later they found a room with a bed in it. Jono put Nami on the bed, he remove her jacket first because it's covered with snow. He search the room for a bowl and towel. After that, he get some water to make a compress. The water is really cold so hopefully Nami can feel more comfortable.

Then Jono hear someone laughing from the outside, he look out from the window and saw Luffy & Usopp playing with snow. He want to play with snow too but he need to take care of Nami until the doctor come back.

He keep changing her compress, and sometimes later, an old woman came to the room, she must be dr. Kureha. Behind her, there's a reindeer with a blue nose. Luffy & Usopp also standing there but their faces are swollen.

"Move boy! Hmm, 38.4 degrees, good job giving her those compress, or her temperature would be higher."-Kureha just touch Nami's forehead but she can tell her temperature accurately, A GRANDMASTER.

Then she start to diagnose and the crew stunned because she said Nami will die in 2 days if she doesn't get treatment, and it's an ancient poisoning from a bug called Kestia. Luckily dr. Kureha has the antidote that she made herself.

Jono thought just how old this granny must be to have an ancient medicine she made herself. But suddenly he got hit by the old wo- no, madam. She just feel that he thinks about her being old and hit him, so ridiculous. It must be the reason Luffy & Usopp's faces became swollen. She ask them to get out so she can treat her.

Sometime later dr. Kureha come out with the reindeer and said that she has finished treating Nami and said she just need some rest. Luffy & Usopp want to play again, but Jono ask Usopp to pick Sanji up later while he decide to look for Nami again.

Jono is still worried about her, he don't know why, maybe he remember about the illness that kill him. He just can't leave her until he's sure that she's fine. Even tough the doctor said she will be fine but she's still unconscious, so he think that he need to stay with her until she woke up.

He decide to do some small training while looking for Nami. He do some physical training, just enough to warm himself without wearing jacket. Then he sit cross-legged upside-down at the ceiling while meditating. He doesn't know if there's this training in Naruto, but he did it to train his concentration.

After sometime, blood start to rush to his brain, so he circulate his chakra to force the blood move to avoid it from flooding his brain and make the blood pump normally. It help him controlling his chakra better in all of his body, not just in his hands and legs.

He also can feel all the tenketsu points in his body. At past, he only feel the major tenketsu, but after he try to circulate his chakra all over his body, he could feel those small tenketsu points.

He thought that those are the tenketsus that Hyuga clan closed with their Eight Trigram Palms. But he can't see those tenketsu, he just feel it. Then sometime later, Nami wake up.