10. Damn Logic & Rip-Off

"Hmm? Where is this? What are you doing Jon?"-Nami saw Jon sit upside-down at the ceiling.

"!! O-oh Nami, finally you wake up. That's good. We're at dr. Kureha's place. Are you feeling better now?"-Jono

"Un, i feel lighter than before."-Nami

Jon smile hearing this (i'll use Jon not Jono to addres him from now on, so it matched with his nickname). Nami ask about the doctor's diagnose, so he tell everything that dr. Kureha said. Nami is shocked knowing she's about to die. Luckily they didn't go to Alabasta, she think that they really need a doctor in the crew, and Jon agree with her.

Then Nami see someone behind the door. Jon turn around to see it. It's a little kid wearing a red hat with a cross mark, but that's not important. The kid have hair, no, fur all around his body. It's definitely strange, human shouldn't have fur on his body.

He also look like he's trying to hide but his position is wrong, instead of hiding his body behind the wall and just peek a little with his eyes, he do the opposite, he show all of his body, but his hand still holding the wall and he posed like hiding.

'How can human have fur on his body?Is it a genetic mutation? Or he's using some costume?... Uh, nonono, i can't use earth logic here, i keep using it even tough this is maybe an anime world. Even in Naruto world, Kisame look like a shark even tough he is a human, i think. So maybe it' normal for someone to have fur here. Even Nami is not bothered by it, so it must be normal. I need to gather information later at Alabasta to fix my common sense in this world.'-Jon thought to himself.

"Isn't that position wrong?"-Nami said, making the little guy correcting his position.

"How are you feeling? Do you have some discomfort?"-furred kid

"I'm feeling better now, and i don't feel any discomfort. Who are you?"-Nami

"That's good to hear. My name is Chopper, i treated you before with doctorin."-Chopper

"Treat me? Are you a doctor Chopper? Also who is doctorin?"-Nami

"That must be dr. Kureha."-Jon

"That's right human, i learn to be a doctor from doctorin."-Chopper

"Heh, so you're a doctor, thank you Chopper. You're really great to be able to become a doctor."-Nami praise Chopper

"SHUT UP!! I DON'T NEED A COMPLIMENT FROM HUMAN, you idiot, hehehe"-Chopper said tsunderely while dancing happily.

'A compliment from human? That means he's not a human? Wait, that blue nose, and now that i see it, he has horns too.'-Jon thought and surprised at his late realisation.

"Are you that reindeer from before?"-Jon

"That's right human. Wait here! I'll call doctorin."-Chopper said while walking away.

Jon pondered a bit, a reindeer that can talk, behave like humans, smart enough to be a doctor, and he can even transform.

'How could he do all of that? Hmm. Wait!! Devil Fruit, the giants told me about it, but i have not saw devil fruit user that often, so i don't realize it. I've just saw that Mr.3 guy's power when he make the candle house and Luffy's while he stretch. Really, a mysterious power, it can even make animals become like human. I'll gather information about this world's power later on Alabasta so i won't keep surprised and think like some country bump.'-Jon

Then Jon go outside after some chatting and making sure Nami is alright. He need to calm his mind with all this new logic & experience. He keep using earth logic in this mysterious world. He doesn't want his friends to think that he is strange or crazy.

The knowledge he got from GOD and Giants are limited. GOD only give him some information that is known by general population in first half of grandline, the paradise because he live on Little Garden, so he's considered as a paradise native.

'Even in that information people is still sceptical about devil fruits. Some people even think it is a myth, but i've saw it, so it must be real. I need to find some big organisations to search about this world's powers. Hmm, maybe i'll infiltrate that Baroque Works, i believe that it's an underground force, i can train my skill too. I'll also ask Vivi to use Alabasta's library. I believe that a Kingdom must have lots of information about this world.'-Jon

Just when he plan his next course of action, he heard a commotion. He turn his head to see the source. It's Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper fighting with some people. It seems Usopp has yet to go down to pick Sanji up.

Jon is surprised to see that ship eater, Wapol and his henchmens here. There's a guy that wearing a joker clown like clothes, an afro haired guy that has afro on his palms too like a boxing glove. He also see dr. Kureha standing near the castle gate.

Luffy is facing Wapol, Usopp and Chopper face the clown and afro guy together. Luffy can win fast because he can blast Wapol with one attack earlier, but it seems they have some conversation to do.

"Conversation like this is the reason many protagonists lose their chance to win."-Jon pondered while looking at Luffy & Wapol

Usopp and Chopper seems to have a difficulty, their opponent have a good team work. Chopper seem to hesitate a lot, and Usopp is, well, being Usopp. He run around because he's scared, but his attacks always land.

"What happened doctor? Why're these guys here?"-Jon

"That Wapol is back and said he's gonna take the castle again and start to say something that make Chopper and Straw hat boy angry."-Kureha

"Back again? He lived here before?"-Jon

"Well, he was the King."-Kureha

"!!! So he was the King that ran away at pirates attack? We just met and beat him sometime ago, i even explode his ship, how can he come here?"-Jon

Just when Jon look at the fight, someone come from the gondola station. It's a skinny guy that wear yellow jumpsuit with black strip at the side, he also bring a double-stick. It reminds Jon of someone.

'Bruce Lee rip-off?'-Jon

"Wapol-sama, i have finally finished pedaling the gondola for 5 laps."-Bruce Lee rip-off

"You're late Jackie, i already tell you to stop pedaling. We have pressing matter here."-Wapol

"But Wapol-sama, it's cold so i need to warm myself up."-Jackie


'What? He's Bruce Lee but Jackie Chan?'-Jono confused now

"Whatever, just help us get rid of these peasant!"-Wapol

Bruc-no, Jackie start moving toward Luffy, but Jon flickered and intercept him with his kick.

'Fast!? He suddenly appear in front of me.'-Jackie

"Luffy, i'll take care of him. Blast that fatty again, captain."-Jon

"Shishishishi, of course."-Luffy

"Let's dance!"-Jon grin

'Wuoh, finally i can use Madara's line, i forgot to use it earlier on the ship'-Jon

"You're fast, but i will defeat you to prove my youth power."-Jackie

'Eh?! Now he talk like Might Gai and Rock Lee. What's this mixing?'-Jono

Jackie start attacking, he's fast and his body is really flexible, his moves are really unpredictable. Jon face him with his own technique, he just used taijutsu to hone his close combat sense, he will use ninjutsu if he really need it later.

They exchange blows but Jackie got the upper hand, he's faster and more efficient at using his techniques than Jon, really a matter of experience. Jon didn't want to use his sharingan at first to hone his sense, but he can't see Jackie's blows.

Jon keep getting a lot of hit, and barely avoid some, even tough Jackie's hits didn't have much power, but he's faster than Jon. Jon's, blows have more power buy he can't land a lot of hits. If he keep taking hits he will surely lose.

He know that he can't win without using sharingan so he activate it and now he can see it. He start to avoid some blows and countering with his own blows, but Jackie also avoid some of his blows. Now, they start to get more even in their fight.

After sometime, Jon notice that even tough he can give Jackie some damage, but Jackie always avoid damage to vital area. On the other hand, Jon can avoid more blows but he got some damage to vital area. Then he realised that Jackie use feints in his blows along with his blows.

Jon can't differentiate between those attacks. He's not experienced enough to know which one is the real attack or feint. So he decide to be fast enough to avoid everything, be it feint or not. He jump back some meters away.

"What are you doing? Afraid?"-Jackie taunt him.

Jono just smile and then he take the weights from his legs, hand, and torso. He hold it at his sides, then he dropped it to the ground.


The weight dropped to the ground, making the snow scatter around like smoke from the impact. All of the people there look at him, surprised that he is using those weights all this time.

Now Jackie know that Jon didn't use his full power, so he need to use all of his power too now. Jackie take out his double stick and swing it around. Jon hold kunai in each of his hand and get into stance.

"Play time's over, it's time to end this. I'll show you my full power."-Jono said while crossing his arms.