30. Island of Goats

Please read it from chapter 28. I make a mistake and upload 29 first, and i just realize it. So i fix it just now


Some day have passed since they they have fun at the firework festival. They just sail like usual. Jon decide to note his progress after many days, he trained about two weeks three days since they leave Alabasta.

He finally mastered his Great Fire Annihilation, he just need more chakra, control of fire nature and experience by using it in battles, to be like Madara. His Water Bullet has been mastered too and it also need to be used in battles to raise it's mastery.

Basically all his jutsu that has been mastered need to be used in battles and can't be raises with training anymore. Madara's jutsu become that strong after he use it in thousands of battles so he understand the jutsu properly.

He also finished his rasengan and can make it without clone, unlike Naruto that use one clone. Naruto can't control his chakra properly because of Kyuubi's chakra interruption so he can't make rasengan without clone.

Now he will train to make a Big Rasengan then after that, Super Big Rasengan. Only then would he attempt to infuse elements. He also need to train his body first until it strong enough because even Naruto, a jinchuriki and Uzumaki at that, got damaged while using Rasenshuriken without Sage Mode.

'Sharingan really make my progress in ninjutsu faster. I want to train my body but i can't do it on the ship. It will damage the ship more that it already was, so i can only train my body on land.'-Jon

His earth chakra nature training also went well and start to catch up with his water chakra nature mastery. But they still fall behind his fire and lightning mastery. He have mastered his chidori and already train his chidori senbon, spear, and stream, some more days and they will be good to use in battle.

Shadow clone is really useful because he can train some jutsu at once. If Sasuke has shadow clone before, maybe he can have more jutsu than Kakashi at 4th Shinobi War. If Naruto use this jutsu properly rather than spam it on enemy, Jon can't imagine how scary that guy would be.

Naruto is actually a genius, he can even make Rasengan in just a week. Jon need one and half a week to make it with clone, then a week more without clone. Naruto just didn't have a good guide and environment until Jiraiya train him, but Jiraiya is focused more on his 'research', so Naruto still can't train properly. In this aspect, Orochimaru is a better teacher than Jiraiya. But even then, Naruto still catch up to Sasuke, really a genius.

That aside, Jon fuinjutsu training is not went that well. He need to learn caligraphy which is very hard and it used kanji. Furthermore he need to write it very fast and small which is very hard. Even some japanese can't write kanji properly, let alone him that always use alphabet.

He speak japanese now but this strange world use alphabet for writing. It's strange that they speak japanese but the writing is english, but they read it in japanese, what the hell. So he must learn from scrath wich is very hard.

He also start his training in lightning chakra mode, and some fire jutsu. He train the upgraded versions of fire jutsus that he already learnt. He start learning Big Flame Bullet, Fire Dragon Flame Bullet, Great Dragon Fire, and Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson.

He use 1 clone for each training now and he learn them rather easily because his basic ninja knowledge is good. He spent 2 years for learning all about ninja and not focusing on jutsus only. That, and he didn't have a lot of SP back then as he use it to fulfilled his everyday needs more than ninja training tools because he live in the forest. There's no way he will buy a ninjutsu if he can't buy a soap, tooth paste, or underwear.

Now he have so much SP and can buy a lot of things, so he buy it. Furthermore he have friends now and he get to civilisation so he can use money to buy everyday needs rather than SP. But he know that there're many items or things that can't be bought using SP in the system. For example, he can't find mangekyou or Hashirama's cell or Sage Body.

'Why Hashirama cell is not here? I ask the GOD to give me Madara's power after he got Rinnegan right? So he must give me Hashirama's cell or better his Sage Body. Did it need condition or i can only get that as a reward when doing something? Hmm, will i get it when i finished my main mission?'-Jon

He think for a while and that's the only possibilites. But when he didn't find Edo Tensei or Senjutsu training too, he became uncertain.

'Or is it because the system need more upgrade? Or i need to reach Kage level first? Or is it my earth and water mastery? Damn it, i don't know. Sigh, guess i'll just wait and see it in the future. I hope i don't get duped by GOD because i can't do anything if it is the case.'-Jon

Jon then continue his training with his clones. They occupied the whole back side of ship. Jon evem make a raft that being pulled by the ship so he can have more training space. That and he got hit a lot by Nami because he disturb everyone and make the ship vibrate when he train. But seeing him train hard make the crew also motivated and train more.

But this make another problem for them. Because they train harder, they spent more energy and need more food. So their stock diminished at fast rate and tonight it's completely run out, even tough they have a lot of supplies and keep fishing.

The next day, no one train and they try to save energy. The four youngest try to catch some fish but didn't get any. Just then, they passed by some Marines ships. Their Captain know the Strawhats flag and their bounty so he order his man to chase and capture them no matter what.

The Strawhats being chased and shot by Marines ships but they don't even defending. They're more worried about their food. Only Nami seem worried about the Marines.

"I'm hungry"-Luffy

"Then help us here to catch fishes. You're the one that eat most of our food."-Jon

Jon try to fire his chidori senbon in the water but there's no big fish that got caught. Usopp use fishing pole to catch deeper fish but he got no luck too.

"Damn, my chidori become a fishing method now. What a waste of good jutsu, but at least this is a good training."-Jon

But then Sanji come out with a tray of snacks and give it to Robin. Of course the four protested but Robin tickle them with her ability and distraught them from her snacks.

The Marines keep attacking them, then Zoro tell Nami that there's a thick fog in front. Nami tell Jon to control the ship way and he follow her order to run away from the Marines. They got inside a fog area and there's a lot of reefd. But with Nami's skill, it's easy to pass them.

They finally got out from the fog and they actually find an island. They're happy because they can search for food there. After they dock, they go up to the hill. On their way they saw a small goat. They immediately run to catch it, but it ran away and they all chased the goat. But then they got trapped when they chased it. They're surrounded by many goats.

"What the..!? These goats are very smart to make a trap like this."-Nami

"Maybe they're wolf's in goat skin. Only wolf are smart enough to trap their prey like this."-Jon

"That's impossible, it's only an idiom. Wolf can't be goats."-Robin

"...You don't get the joke do you?"-Jon

They all start to fight but Chopper try to stop them. He talk to some goats and find out that the trap is from someone that commands them. The crew and other goats didn't hear Chopper and still fight, so Chopper scream while transform into his heavy point.

"STOOPP IIITT!!"-Chopper

This make them stop and suddenly there's an old man fall from the tree. He's surprises and scared seeing Chopper transform and become big. Then he threat the crew but got afraid when they threat and scared him back so he ran way.

"Just roast or fry me! I will not give you pirates anything"-Old man

"Hoo, i'm a cook, so i can roast or fry you very good."-Sanji

He got really scared now and run away. When he run, he got entangled by branches in a bush. Zoro help him by cutting the branches with his sword but this make the old man scared and faint. But when Chopper check him, his heart beat has stopped. The others blame Zoro and he can't defend himself.

"Zoro, you.."-Luffy





"N-no, it's not what i meant, i just.."-Zoro

They bring the old man to his house and take care of him. The old man didn't die and only has a weak heart. But when he got up he immediately charge them for scaring and make him faint. He charge 50 million, but the boys didn't listen and just get out. But Nami stay and haggle the price and they got into a heated bid war. Finally the old man only ask them to help him in house chores. They helped him but then Zoro leave to look for food.

"Chop the wood smaller! There's still a thick dust here, clean it properly! There's a lot of holes so fix them! Hang the washed clothes properly! Massage my shoulder!"-Old man Zenny

The old man just keep ordering them and he just sit relaxed. Jon got enough and then decide to leave too. He make a clone to help the crew. He said he will search some food too but actually went to train. Still, he'll find some food so they won't suspect him.

"I'll search for food too, i don't know if Zoro can find enough food for you guys. I'll leave a clone here to help you guys. Just call me if anything happen."-Jon

"Alright, get lots of meat then!"-Luffy

"Well, there's a lot of goats here."-Jon

"You can't!"-Zenny

"Alright, alright old man, i'm just joking. Surely there're many rats or insects here right?"-Jon

"JON!! Just find normal food!"-Nami threatened him

"A-alright, im just joking you know"-Jon

He immefiately run to the forest and make some clones. He told a clone to search for fruits or vegetables, and another one to hunt animals. The other clones will train with him in ninjutsu.

"Alright, i guess i'll master my earth ninjutsu now. My earth and water type ninjutsu are very lacking. I mainly train fire and lightning, and leave water and earth. But i can train water type on the ship while earth can't. I will train earth type for now. It's very rare for us to land on earth at a long period."-Jon

He prioritized earth ninjutsu like before because he's on land. He train the all the C-ranks earth jutsu because he almost mastered them after training in previous island.

"Hmm, i think the clones are enough to train those C-rank ninjutsu. Ah, i will train my lightning chakta mode. I can't control it properly for now, and it destroy the wood on the ship and raft that i make for training before. I will train it now as it's okay if the soil break a bit. Hmm, and maybe chidori stream too. Or testing my Rasengan power to a tree and rock. Or maybe i can train my body again here? Damn, there's so much training that can only be done on the land."-Jon

Jon think again what he will be doing and devide to make more clones and tell them to train the C-rank earth jutsus, and the jutsus he mention earlier. While they train ninjutsu he will train his body because he want to train Eight Gates. It need a strong body so it will not injute him when he use it.

Jon want to be very strong first before attempting to open the gates. It's because he can do almost every type of jutsu. Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu even now he train Fuinjutsu. He's not Rock Lee that can only use taijutsu, so he's not in rush to open his gates.

He also didn't want to train too many jutsu at once and make the other jutsu that he train become lacked. Even he think his training now is too much because he learn too many jutsu at once. Beside, when using Eight Gates he can't do any ninjutsu because his chakra will overflowed and chaotic so he won't be able to control it. It's flow is more chaotic than bijuu's chakra. That's why it's only used by Taijutsu specialist.

He train until dark and go back to the old man house. He found the crew already eating some fruits and talk about the ship that Zoro had found on the mountain and they want to check it. Jon can't even gave them his finding because the crew has run to check the ship. When they arrive there they saw an unfinished ship with a pirate flag.