31. A Dying Old Man?

The crew arrived on on top of hill and saw an unfinished ship there. Usopp scared and freak out seeing a lot of small dots of lights.

"GAAHHHH! It's dead people soul."-Usopp

"Nonono, it's fireflies"-Jon

Nami went inside very fast then the others also go up the ship but there's nothing on there. Nami then get out dejected, she didn't find treasures. She teorized that the ship is used by the old man, Zenny to run away with his treasures. But Robin object because it's on the cliff and will break if it's going down to the sea.

"Even if he use it to run away, there's no way he left his treasure here you know. He will take it when he's about to leave"-Jon

"....T-that's right."-Nami

They decide to go back to the old man's house and he already sleep. So they continue to eat after Jon gave his finding and they cook it. He got some small animals so they become happy.

"How's your chakra training?"-Jon

"It's good"-All

"But it's boring"-Luffy

"Be patient Luffy, beside we're mostly on the ship, so we can't spar or do extreme training. Our enemies will be stronger than before, you know. We can't even hit Crocodile without water. He's a logia user, and there're more logia like him. If we didn't get stronger we'll lose. I found out that when i use chakra to cover my hand when punching Crocodile, it can actually hit him."-Jon


"Is it true?"-Luffy

"Yeah, i can even demonstrate it for you now, so you can be motivated to train your chakra."-Jon

"How will you demonstrate it?"-Nami

"Luffy, stay still ok?"-Jon

Jon then stand behind Luffy and punch his head, but nothing happen.

"This is a normal punch, now this is a punch with chakra covering my hand."-Jon



They all surprised seeing Jon can hurt Luffy's rubber body. They never saw Luffy got hurt with a punch, because he's only got hurt by sharp object so far. Now they understand that this chakra is very useful for their future fight.

(a.n: Nami's punch make Luffy got bump is a gimmick alright?)

"If you can cover your attack with chakra, then you can hit a logia. But it's not cancelling their power. It just so you can touch their real body, so your attack must be strong enough. You also need to have good chakra control and you must have enough chakra to last until the end."-Jon

"Can it used to cover my sword?"-Zoro

"Yeah, i'll tell you how to do it after you can cover your hand in chakra. But you guys need to raise your chakra reserve first before trying to do it. Your chakra now is not enough for a fight, you just activate it afterall. It can't be used to cover your hand, it's only enhanced your strength for now."-Jon

The crew become motivated after they know what they can do with chakra. Now they all, even Luffy will train even if it's boring. They don't want to barely win like in Alabasta afterall. They want to surely win their fight and not depend on last moment luck when they got epiphany or find enemy weakness. It's not always happen afterall.

They continue eating their food and Chopper got inside the house to check old man Zenny. Sometime later Chopper come back and say the old man is sick and he will die in 3 days. They all surprises hearing the energetic and shameless old man will die. They feel pity and bad to him if he die alone and feel lonely before his death, so they decide to make him happy until he's dead.

They help him and do what he ask since that night, doing anything he ask and finished his ship. Jon make clones to train in the forest and gather food while his real body stay and help the crew. He won't let a clone help here after knowing the old man will die. He's a sincere man, so he won't help a dying old man with a clone while he train, even tough no one will know if it's a clone or him. But he still need to train so he send his clones.

Days passed, and a week has passed since that night, but the old man is still healthy. Chopper think his diagnose is wrong, so the crew decide to leave. They go to meet the old man that playing chess game with Nami and tell that they will leave.

"We can't leave, i always lost the chess and now we almost lost our ship."-Nami


"What kind of pirates that betting their ship?"-Usopp

"I thought if i win he will give his treasure location, but i always lose."-Nami

The crew try to interupted the game by shaking the table but the old man already pick up the board. The old man also said that they can only get their ship after 10 years. Usopp said that they can just leave but Luffy refuse because he will not break a promise, a bet is a promise for him. The crew become despaired but then Robin resume Nami's chess game and win. So they didn't lose their ship, make them relief.

Luckily their money is with Jon so Nami can't bet with it. They have a party that night because they didn't lose their ship and they will leave soon so they have some fun with the old man. Nami keep pestering him about treasure but he always said that what's there is his treasure.

"You guys are really a cheerful pirates aren't you? Hahaha, i never met pirates like you guys."-Zenny

Old man Zenny then tell his past to them. He was a money lender, he lend money to pirates so he often fight with them because they won't pay him back. He gather money for his dream that actually to be a pirate king, that's why he make that ship. But he gave up because he's old now, and Luffy said that age doesn't matter if he want to be a pirate. This make the old man motivated again and decide to sail once more.

"You're right Strawhat boy, age never matter isn't it? Hahahaha, then for Zenny's pirate crew birth, Cheers!"-Zenny


"Hey hey grandpa, you're too drunk"-Usopp

"Hahaha, i'm drunk with happiness"-Zenny

The next day they prepare to leave. They'll leave after helping Zenny bring down his ship. They go up the hill and make preparation for the ship launching. But they saw a Marine ship near Going Merry, so they run there. Only Jon & Robin stay behind to help Zenny. Luffy, Zoro & Sanji are enough to fight one ship afterall.

But then Zenny use his scope and saw many ships hiding in the fog, it's a trap. So they decide to go down with Zenny's ship now. Jon make some clones to push the ship, they have made a pathway for the ship before so it only need a push.

The ship going down the mountain cliff and surprising the Marines. Jon saw Usopp being held hostages by a Marine but he let go because the ship almost crash to them. The ship stop near the side of Marine ship and the Officer actually want Zenny's money. He even shot his subordinates that want to call their captain.

"A marine that kill even his subordinates. You must have made a lot of money right, Mr. Marine?"-Zenny

"I don't think so old man. Look! If he have a lot of money he will not look that ugly so he shouldn't have enough money for skin and face treatment. His hairstyle is bad so his barber must be cheap. Most importantly his eyes, he can't even afford to buy a glasses to cover that ugly eyes."-Jon

Jon comment make everyone even the Marines speechless. Then Zenny and the crew start laughing and Minchy fume with rage. But he didn't dare to attack. He is actually afraid to confront the Strawhats but his greedines make him make a plot that defy his Captain order.

"Hahaha, nice word. You hear that marine kid? Did you have enough courage to fight a pirate like me?"-Zenny

"Nice old man, now show him how a pirate fight!"-Luffy

Jon, Zenny, and Robin saw Luffy's hand stretched and he hold Zenny's ship.

"What's he want to do?"-Zenny

"Don't know, but it will not be good."-Jon

Jon is right, Luffy then drag the ship to crash the Marine ship and they move until crashing to a cliff. Jon, Robin, Zenny and the goats got a bump on their head, and the marines too. Minchy order his subordinates to attack so Zenny also attacked with his goats. But the marines didn't attack the goats.


"That's why we can't attack, because they're goats."-Marine A

Zenny also attack Minchy but their fight is a little funny to watch. The marines and goats keep 'fighting'. Well, more like the marines avoid getting hit by the goats. Jon got enough of this mans and goats fight, so he make some clones and knock off all the marines. He tied Minchy and bring him to the crew that come there.

Zenny then started to tell them that in the past he had cashed all the treasures to money. But then he got attacked and got stranded in the island. But when he woke up, all his money have been eaten by the goats. That's why he told them that they're his treasures. This make Nami and Minchy dissapointed.

"I may have lost all of my money, but i got friends instead. Hahahaha"-Zenny

The crew also laugh happily as what Zenny said is right and they too will prioritize their friends.

"Then old man, we will leave first."-Luffy

"Leave? Don't you think you can leave, there're 9 Marine ships waiting for you, hahaha."-Minchy

"We wil leave and nothing will stop us, hehe"-Luffy

Luffy then pick Minchy up with his left hand and stretch his right hand back.

"A little higher and to the right a bit Luffy."-Usopp

"Alright. Gomu-gomu no... Pistol"-Luffy

Luffy hit Minchy to the direction that Usopp mention. Minchy land right on the Marine captain ship and he got stripped from his rank and arrested.

"You scum that tainted Marine's name, you don't deserve this position. Arrest him!"-Moore

The strawhats then prepare to leave but the marine ship denden mushi ring and Luffy pick it up.

"This is Marine Captain Moore. We have no interest in Zenny that live in that island. We only come to capture you, the Strawhat pirates. But because you help in catching that scum, i will let you choose the battle place."-Moore

"We only want to leave, so we will come to you."-Luffy

"Are you sure boy? there are many ships there you know."-Zenny

"Don't worry old man, i'm not only strong but also lucky. Anyway we will sail first, i hope we meet again in the future when you have sail too old man"-Luffy

"Alright, let's meet in the future."-Zenny

"Bye grandpa"-Usopp

"Take care grandpa, it's fun to be with you."-Nami

"You guys take care of grandpa alright."-Chopper


"I also have made many medicine so don't forget to drink them alright."-Chopper

"Alright alright, don't worry"-Zenny

"Bye old man, i've leave dinner for you, so eat it"-Sanji

"Old man, don't forget to search for an old woman when you arrive on another island alright!"-Jon


"Of course i won't forget about that boy. You guys also take care, see you on the sea someday."-Zenny

The crew then left and Zenny go back to the island. Zenny got home and found so many medicine that he isn't sure if he will ever finished drinking all of them. He's very motivated now because of Luffy's words.

Back with the crew, they have met the marines and Luffy pointed to the foggy area. They move there but the battle that they anticipated didn't come. They're more focused on avoiding reefs that placed everywhere.

With Nami's skill and the ship small size, the Strawhats easily avoid the reefs and got out from the fog. But the Marine ships can't passes because their ship is too big and can't maneuver easily.

"You're so clever Luffy, using reefs to escape."-Nami

"Eh? What do you mean?"-Luffy

"Huh? You didn't think about it?"-Nami

"There's no way he think about that"-Sanji

"It must be his gut feeling"-Usopp

"When Luffy can think something like that, then we're already a Pirate King crew."-Jon

Usopp and Sanji nod at this.

"Will grandpa be alright alone?"-Chopper

"Don't worry about it, if he want to sail then let him sail, maybe he will find medicine if he sail."-Luffy

"Yeah you're right"-Chopper

"Then let's meet someday, Zenny pirate crew"-Luffy