54. Recuperating

The Strawhats decide to stay on the island for 4 days to let Jon and Robin rest and recuperate. Jon use this time to think about his fight with Aokiji. He never met someone make him felt so helpless to fight.

When fighting Crocodile and Enel, he always know that he have his friends on his back. But now they met someone that no one of them can defeat. If Aokiji did not decide to let them go after Jon's defeat, all of them could be dead already now.

He know that there are people that are much stronger than them. But he never thought it will be this fast to meet someone like that. He keep thinking that he will become strong enough when he meet someone like that. He also believe that with how they're keep growing, it will not be a problem.

'Sigh, why should a high level boss level like him appear in lower level place like this?'-Jon

Jon keep reviewing his fight to discover his flaws and what he need to do.

'There is no problem at all with my technique actually, my opponent is just too strong. He has mastered his power to a very high level. If Enel is like him, Skypiea will be gone even before we come there. He can change his body into ice to avoid damage.

Also when he was hit by multiple rasengan, it's like hitting a very strong barrier. I don't know what happen, i can't see what he has done even with my sharingan. But it shouldn't be his body that are very hard. It must be a technique that i don't know.

His physical power is also no joke at all. I can see his strong muscle and bones even if he look skinny. This world people have different body structure from earth. Their size can't measure their strength. Big not always strong and small not always weak.'-Jon

Jon now start to think of his physical attribute too. His physical power haven't grow much than before. He didn't focused on his physical training and more on his chakra and ninjutsu training since he left Little Garden. But seeing Aokiji's ridiculous physical power, now he know the potential of physical power in this world.

Chakra is a combination of physical and spiritual power. So if he can train his physic until it became very strong, maybe he will be as strong as Six Path Sage in physical aspect, or even more. Just like Gai when he open the 8th gate but Jon can reach it without opening gates. Well, he can only dream for now, he need to train long to reach that level.

Jon make a note about the physical training, he can only train it after Merry got fixed. Luffy has decide to search for a shipwright when he sleep, so Merry will be able to hold his training. Then he also make a list of what he need to train.

He also check the shop for ninjutsus, he read every ninjutsu description. Jon make a list of those jutsu that he might need but he didn't buy them now. He still have many ninjutsu scroll that he haven't read. He will finish them first before learning new ones, except it's needed like kirin before.

'Ah, i forgot about the Mind Manager. System, open Mind Manager!'-Jon

The system open Mind Manager, and it looks just like desktop on computer.

'Why is the interface change? It's not system upgrade right?'

[There are too many folders and files in the system from memory scan. To make host more comfortable, system has change the interface to something host familiar with, computer]

'Well, it become easy to understand. There are many folder and files here. Also some icon like apps are in here too. Now if the system interface become like computer, can i change the background?'-Jon


'Great! Then use a photo of me and Vivi when we date in Alubarna, also put my family photo on right top and the crew photo on left top.'-Jon


'Ah, system, can you make an image as your A.I character in this new interface?'-Jon


'Hmm, then use Happy with wings form.'-Jon


'Good, now you look better with image, not just voice. Maybe i'll relax a bit now. I can't move freely afterall. System, play Slam Dunk from episode 1.'-Jon


Jon just lay there while watching one of his favourite anime. It's such a long time since he feel this relax. He close his eyes and he can still see the system. He didn't want his friends to think he is spacing out because it will look like he watch the ceiling all the time.

Just like that, 2 days passed since their encounter with Aokiji. Jon has checked system's new feature and got surprised. The so called immunity of mind control or brain damage is actually firewall and antivirus. Well, that's the application name. The system make it like that for convenience.

At the second day, something bad happen to Jon, Vivi called him. Normally he will be happy but now, he feel scared. He hasn't call her since they go to Sky Island. He is too busy enjoying the Sky Island afterall. It has been more than a week since they talk, and he's sure she is mad. Jon go to the crow's nest so no one will hear him.

"Y-yo, Aqua"-Jon

"...."-Vivi didn't answer



"W-what do you mean 'So'?"-Jon

"When do you plan to call me?"-Vivi

"W-well, you know, we're pretty busy these days. Lot's of battles that we can't even rest."-Jon

"Hmm, so you can't even give a call?"-Vivi

"T-that's...i forgot, sorry."-Jon

"Sigh, i'm not asking you to always call me. But at least tell me your condition. Did you know what i feel when i call Nami 3 days ago and she said you will sleep for 3 days and you can die? *sniff* Did you know what i feel when Nami told me what happen yesterday? *sniff* Did you know how hurt my heart is after i know my boyfriend is almost die twice and he didn't told me anything? Wuaaa"-Vivi

"I'm sorry, really sorry. I'm fine now so don't cry. I just want to save everyone. I only have you and them as family now. I can't see my family leave me again."-Jon

"THEN HOW IF YOU DIE? Did you want us to saw our family member leave? *sniff* Did you want to leave me?"-Vivi lower her tone at tge last sentence.

"No, i will never leave you, that i promise. But if i need to save my family, i will do it even if i die."-Jon said with a firm tone.

"DON'T SAY THAT YOU WILL DIE FOR US! LIVE FOR US! Even if you lose, live. You can put you lives on the line, but don't die. I know our lives are always on the line, but don't throw your live easily. Promise me you will live! Find a way to live! Even if you almost die, live! For us. For me."-Vivi

"I promise."-Jon

Jon & Vivi have more talk that night. Mainly Jon hear Vivi's rant and lecture and he just follow by agreeing everything. He know it's his fault for not saying anything to her. He also realize that if Aokiji didn't give mercy to him, he will never hear Vivi to be this mad to him.

"Always try to live huh? I know that, and i always try to live in every battle. That's why i made those choice that even put my life on the line. That's my best chance to survive. But hearing you this worried really make me happy."-Jon

Jon always think of a way to survive in every scenario so far. He has died once and don't want to die again soon. He has calculated that Aokiji will let him live after he saw Robin didn't get killed. He bet that Aokiji has another agenda of his own, and didin't come to kill them.

But if he accept his offer, no one know what will happen. The WG and Marines can accept Aokiji's proposal. But they can also refuse it and he will be jailed or executed. He can even become slave for World Nobles. Too many uncertainty so he choose the highest chance to survive.

For these 4 days rest, Jon just relaxing and store chakra in his Yin Seal. When he fight Aokiji, he depleted his chakra very quick. He has continously using big moves. He can't fight someone that can freeze him at close range, and he always activate his lightning mode.

He use more chakra than usual in his jutsu because he know normal attack won't work on Aokiji. But even then, he still can't scratch him at all. Just because he can use S-rank jutsu didn't mean he can fight anyone.

He also train his newly acquired Shadow Imitation Jutsu. It can be trained silently afterall, not like elemental jutsu. He trained it on his own shadow clone so he know the feeling of being captured by this jutsu to understand it better.

After 4 days rest end, they sail again. Jon & Robin have recovered fully. Well, Jon has recovered 2 days ago, but he just want to relax and watch his favourite anime in the system. He really like that system has become like a computer now.

When they sail, Jon also train at raising his chakra capacity. It's his shortcoming now, and also his chakra control. He want to cut some hand seals so he can execute jutsu faster. But he need higher chakra control. Now he train chakra control by trying to separate 2 colored sand from a jar.

He also learn hand seals deeper, because if he want to create a jutsu or lower it's chakra usage, he will need to understand hand seals more. His first experiment is using Naruto's hand seal for shadow clone. But it really spend more chakra so he try to cut one hand seal first.

After 3 days of sailing, Zoro saw something unbelievable. He saw a frog swimming with free style. They can't believe it until they saw it for themselves.

"Chase that frog!"-Luffy

The boys row the ship and chase the frog. Luffy said he want to eat that frog, and the other also curious about that thing. While they think how a frog can swim freestyle, Jon have different thought.

'Why is there a frog in the sea? Frog will die if stay in salt water right? Or not? Shit, this is too strange.'-Jon

"Wait you guys, why did you change the direction?"-Nami

"Nami, we found a frog that swim with freestyle and we want to catch it"-Luffy

"Why would you catch it?"-Nami

"I want to eat it"-Luffy

"NOOO!"-Nami object but the boys didn't hear her.

"Where's that frog go?"-Luffy

"It move to that lighthouse!"-Jon

"Why is there a lighthouse there? It's not close to an island"-Nami

They saw a lighthouse, but normally a lighthouse is on the island or at least close to it. But this lighthouse is far from the island. They haven't even see the island but they saw the lighthouse.

When they row and chase the frog, suddenly their ship got stopped by something. They all go to the front and saw the frog standing on the sea. Jon use his sharingan and look below the frog. He saw something unbelievable and follow that thing. Their ship has been stopped by that thing too.

"No, impossible, why did something like that is build on the sea?"-Jon

"Huh? What do you mean?"-Nami

Suddenly they heard a loud ringing sound. Jon is familiar with this sound. Sound of warning bell in railroad crossing. Now he widened his eyes, he really see the warning lamp. The thing he saw before is a railroad. A railroad that has been build on the sea.

"Wait, if there's a warning bell, then.."-Jon

The Strawhats saw it, something run toward them at fast speed.

"Oi, row back, we will crashed with that thing"-Jon

They row back and escape narrowly. Jon immediately go to the side and look at that


"Oh my god, that's really a train. A train that run on the sea."-Jon

Jon saw a long green train run on the rail that was build on the sea.

"How can something like that.."-Nami

But then they saw the frog stand on it's way and it got hit and flung away. The train go away with fast speed and didn't even slow down before it hit the frog. It have smoke & steam, so it must be steam engine. But it's as fast as modern train.

"Unbelievable, a train on the sea. This world sure is interesting."-Jon