55. Water 7

At the lighthouse, after the train left, Zoro saw someone coming out from the lighthouse. It's a small kid with green-yellowish hait.

"Grandma! Grandma! There are pirates here."-Kid

"What? That's bad, i must call the guards."-Grandma

The crew saw an old woman come out holding a bottle of wine. She make a call to someone that most likely a city guard.

"Hello? Who is this?... Eh, why i call? I forgot."-Grandma

"She's too drunk"-Crew

The crew come down and manage to calm down the kid. Then she introduced herself to the crew.

"My name is Chimney, this is my cat pet Gonbe, and this is my grandma Kokoro."-Chimney


'No matter how i look at it, that is a rabbit right? But it acts like a cat. Also her name is Chimney, is her name inspired by that train? Well, she's cute and funny so it's fine.'-Jon

The crew then ask about the train before. Grandma Kokoro explain that is a sea train, Puffing Tom, it connects some island. It's also faster than ship and can operate in any weather. People from these islands use sea train for transportation, wether for trading or just travelling.

Chimney also explain about the frog, Yokozuna. It always challenge the sea train to test it's strength every few days. Luffy cancel his plan to eat the frog after knowing that it has such ambition and courage.

'You actually start to respect a frog? Well, it's intelligent creature, and has strong will, so maybe it deserve some respect. Altough it annoy many people with it's action.'-Jon

They decide to go to Water 7, the island where the sea train made and where the log point.

"Grandma Kokoro? Can we fix our ship there?"-Luffy

"Of course, Water 7 is famous for it's shipwright. Our shipwrights also said to be the best. Here, let me give you a map and letter. Give this to a man named Iceburg, and he will help you fix your ship."-Kokoro

The crew thank them and Sanji give them some paeilla that he made earlier. They sail to Water 7 to search for shipwrights and fix Going Merry. After sometime, they saw the island and they got flabbergasted.

The island look like a fountain, a massive fountain. The island shaped like a mountain with the center being it's highest point. Water sprout from a big tall structure that built on the center. The water go down through many tunnels and rivers until they reach the sea. No wonder the island has Water as it's name.

"Hey, what's that number?"-Luffy

"I don't know"-Usopp

"Block maybe. The name of this island is Water 7 right? Maybe there are 7 blocks or district."-Jon


"It's just speculation"-Jon

They search for a place to dock and suddenly someone call them.

"HEY! Pirates can't dock on this area. Pirates need to dock there!"-Fisherman


"So pirates have special location to dock"-Jon

They go toward where that fisherman pointed at and they come inside a place with many shops and houses. The buildings are build on high foundation and the foundations are underwater.

"Maybe it's also why the city name is Water, the buildings itself are build on water."-Robin

"HEY! Pirates can't come here. Do you want to rob us, hahaha. Go to that direction."-Shopkeeper

"Alright, thanks"-Luffy

"They even joke if we want to rob them. They really don't fear pirates."-Zoro

"Maybe because we're customer"-Sanji

"Maybe there's more into it. This island must be protected by a strong force. Most likely World Goverment, because Grandma Kokoro said there is a special train route for goverment right?"-Jon

"So they don't fear pirates because they know pirates wouldn't dare to attack?"-Nami

"Well, the ones that aren't ignorant."-Jon

They follow the route that the shopkeeper told them. After sometime, they arrive in a place that lool like a junkyard with a lot of broken woods. It looks very different than the city that look beautiful.

"Let's take a look at the map and find that iceburg"-Nami

Nami open the 'map' but it looks more like a kindergarten drawing.

"Yeah, it's useless"-Nami

"Woah, it looks like Luffy's drawing"-Usopp

"Then maybe Luffy can interpret it for you Nami."-Jon

They dock and put down the anchor.

"Jon, give me some of the golds and jewelry!"-Nami

"Why don't you just use cash?"-Jon

"It's our chance to exchange the golds and jewelry. This island look to be very prosper, so we won't have problem selling those."-Nami

"Oh, right. But i think it's better to only sell the golds now. We don't know if the jewelries are stolen items or not. Jewelries tend to have owner, so we can be suspected as their thief. It's better to sell them in black market to avoid trouble."-Jon

"Hmm, you're right. This place may be supervised by goverment, so it will be better to avoid their eyes for now. Alright, let's sell the gold bars first, if we find black market then we will sell some jewelries."-Nami

"Alright, i will find that place so don't worry. Try to sell these bars in a real shop, so we can cover our trace. They will think that's how we got our money from. Also sell the required amount for repairing only."-Jon

"You want to show them that we don't have more goods or the stolen ones?"-Nami

"Yeah, i'll sell the others with disguise so no one will suspect they're our's. That way no other parties will try to get in our tail just to get the money."-Jon

"Hmm, then give me about 400 million worth golds. We don't know how the cost but that much should cover everything. Don't sell the jewelries too much, it will also lead to more problem. Left the other golds for now, we will sell them on another island."-Nami


Jon take out some gold bars and put them in some bags. Nami will go with Luffy & Usopp, they're very eager to get shipwright and fix Merry. Zoro tasked to guard the ship, he just want to sleep and the other also didn't want him to get lost in a big city like this. Robin left with Usopp to buy books. Sanji will go with them but he will search for ingredient first

Jon, as always will move alone, well, Jon and his clones. Jon make 15 clones and they spread after changing their appearance. They will collect informations and find black martket here. Jon also change his appearance, he change into Kujo Jontaro.

"*ehem* Yare yare daze *ehem ehem* Yare yare daze. Hmm, good, the voice is similar."-Jontaro

Jontaro walk around the city trying to look badass and cold. His handsome face and nice body attracted many girls. Even the ones that is in a date with their boyfriend.

"Hey there handsome, want to grab some bite?"-Girl A

"Hey, come with this big sister instead. I will give you unforgettable memories."-Girl B

"Forget those two old hag, come eat with this young girl instead."-Girl C

""O-old hag?""-Girl A & B

They argue and there are other girls that come and flirt with him too. Jontaro think this is the time for his ultimate move.



"Ye~s 💕"-Girls


'....It really works? Damn, Jotaro is so badass.'-Jontaro

Jontaro walk around again, he just try to search information slowly and passively. His clones have work actively afterall. He saw a bar and decide to try another famous scene. He enter and get closer to the bartender. He slide a picture of Aokiji to the bartender. The bartender look at the picture for a while.

"I'm sorry but this is a bar, please order something"-Bartender

The bartender is bald and fat, perfect for this scene.

"Then an iced tea!"-Jontaro

The bartender make an iced tea and look at the picture. He give the glass to Jontaro that just standing even when there are many seat around. Jontaro have a serious and dark face while waiting for answer.

"This person come here yesterday. He just relaxing on his hotel and walk around the town. I advice you to not disturb him."-Bartender

Jontaro keep his expression and take the glass and drink it fast and put it down with a slam, and he almost forgot to pay. So he awkwardly turn around and give some money that could buy hundreds glass of iced tea. Jontaro got out and walk around again.

'Aokiji is here? I just use his picture because he's close from here when we met him. I don't expect him to really come here. I must investigate his purpose. There's no way it's a coincidence.'-Jontaro

Jontaro keep his slow pace information gathering until he got hungry. He decide to have lunch in a small stall. He buy a bowl of spicy noodle that looks really red and scary. He didn't really like eating inside a big restaurant. Beside he can observe more people on the street.

When he eat, one of his clone dispell and he got information about the black market. He finished his meal and go inside an alleyway. After confirming that no one see him, he make a clone. He give the clone a scroll containing some boxes of jewelries. The clone transform and immediately go to the black market location.

Jontaro continue his walk, and he visit many shops. He just chilling, because it's very rare to get a relaxing day in a big town like this. He actually find some technology in this town. He find camera which not a snail, so of cource he buy it. Altough it looks like old camera but the picture is good. Then he stumble upon another bar.

'Oh, another bar. Then i'll try that famous scene.'-Jontaro

He walk in to the bar and saw many man drink their booze and eat some meals. He saw the bar table is empty, it's a perfect setting. He sit on a chair that near the corner of the table and call the bartender.

"Give me a drink, Bartender!"-Jontaro

The bartender look at him and raised an eyebrow, but Jontaro just stay silent. Then the bartender take a beer bottle and filled a woodwen mug with it. He walk and put it in front of Jontaro that have a dark look on his face.

'Dammit, it's not working. He should use glass instead of wooden mug like this. Then he should slide it here and i will not catch it until it fall and break.'-Jontaro

Jontaro feel upset, so he drank the beer fast and then slam it on the table.

"Thanks for the drink"-Jontaro

Jontaro pay and then left the bar that filled with people who have questioning look.on their faces. They don't know what happen to Jontaro that make him look upset. It's usual in a bar, so they forget about it and continue their drink.

Jontaro continue to walk around and find more interesting things. Then he found a blacksmith and decide to ask him to repair or remake his used kunais and shurikens. He need to cut some SP.

The blacksmith is your everyday uncle, not a big muscular man like in all animes. The clerk is a woman, most likely his wife. There's also a young man in his 20's that look like their son helping the couple.

"Ooh, a customer. What did you need?"-Wife

"Hey auntie, can you repair these?"-Jontaro

"Sure. Ah, my name is Hellen, this is my husband Jake and my son Bill."-Wife

"Alright, can you repair these?"-Jontaro

Jon take out some broken kunai and shuriken. They all look at the weapon, even Hellen. They never made something like this, they only saw it in a book.

"What are you? A ninja?"-Bill

"No, i just like to play with them since i was a kid. So i use them as my weapon now."-Jon

"Oh, i thought you are a ninja"-Bill have a dissapointed expression.

"Alright, i can repair these, but some will need to be remake. The ones with massive damage will be materials for repairing, how is it?"-Jake

"That's alright. Also, can you make 100 of each kind?"-Jontaro

"Yeah, but i need a good condition weapon to use as base. It will be needed for repairing too. I need to know the excact size and proportions."-Jake

"Sure, here. Also, can you make it with cheap materials? It's a throwing weapons, so it didn't have to be that durable."-Jontaro

"Alright, i have many scraps here, so i will use them."-Jake

After some discussion and negotiation, Jontaro go back to the ship. He doesn't know something has waited for him.