90. The Great War


Jon hear Ace shout, but he didn't care, it is Luffy that being called, not him. Luffy hear Ace clearly, but he still fight anyways. Ace then tell him that he didn't need Luffy's help. He have his own friends that will save him, so he didn't need Luffy's help. Jon know Ace just want Luffy to leave because this war is above their league for now. But Ace underestimate Luffy's will too much.


The marines are talking among themselves about Luffy being Gol D. Roger's son too.


Luffy's speech raising the Shirohige pirates morale. They have the same resolve, and hearing Luffy make their resolve higher. Jon & Luffy keep going forward, and Jon use ninjutsu sparingly. He don't know how long this war will be, so he need to save his chakra and spend it efficiently.

Suddenly, two giant vice admirals got in their way. The giants attack Jon & Luffy with their weapons, axe and metal club. Luffy use his gear 3rd and make his right hand big to attack the giant with club. Jon make 2 clones and they create a super big ball rasengan to attack the giant with axe.

"Shit, i still need clones to make Super Big Ball Rasengan this fast. I still have a long way to go."-Jon

Luffy attack his opponent and defeat him with one attack. Jon also clashed his Super Big Ball Rasengan with the giant's axe. The Super Big Ball Rasengan really live up to it's name. The axe is destroyed and Jon continue to attack the giant. The giant got flung behind and fall, together with the one that Luffy defeated.

Then, both of them continue to move forward, and suddenly, Sengoku make a big reveal. He reveal that Luffy and Ace are sworn brothers. Also that Luffy is actually Dragon's real son. Of course this make a big impact and surprising many people.

Dragon is considered the worst criminal and the most wanted man now. So a news about he have a son, and the son is also one of the best rookie pirates will really become a big news beside this war. There are too many shocking news in this day, and it is being broadcasted to the nearby islands. So, many people will know about this.

Luffy & Jon didn't care about this revelation. Luffy never met his father, and he didn't even know what a revolutionary is. Jon didn't care because it's not his father that being revealed here. It will be crazy if they know who his father is. Suddenly, a zombie army attack them, and they know who is it.

"Moria, you're still alive? I thought the Marines will dispose you after your defeat."-Jon


Jon smirk and make Moria become more furious. He command his Zombies to attack, and Jon want to fight back. But then a lot of water poured on the zombies, and their shadows left their bodies. Jinbe suddenly come out from the water and ask Jon & Luffy to go first.

Jon & Luffy go first and continue plowing their way forward. While they move forward, the Whitebeard pirates suddenly spread to the sides of the battlefield and attacking Marine battleships. Jon see this, and altough he didn't know what happen, Whitebeard must've had a plan, or he discovered Marine's plan.

When Jon & Luffy move forward, suddenly Smoker come and attack Luffy. It looks like he ignored Jon completely because he have a grudge with Luffy. Jon know Luffy can't touch Smoker's body, so he intercept Smoker's jutte attack. His jutte have a portion of seastone in it, so Luffy will get weakened. Jon use his Kusanagi to intercept the attack.

"My captain didn't have time to fight a smoking addict like you here. Luffy, go first! I will hold him here."-Jon


"Demon eyes, what are you doing to Hina?"-Smoker

"Eh? I electrocuted her, why?"-Jon


"....!! Ah, is she your girlfriend? Don't worry, she's alive."-Jon

"She's not, tch. Anyway, your feat in Enies Lobby was impressive. You're smart enough to have a strategy that can destroy a Buster Call, but in war like this, power matters more."-Smoker

'Is this guy seriously tell me that? Didn't he saw me defeating a freaking Giant? Ah, maybe it's because of his logia body, sigh.'-Jon

Jon take out his seastone staff and attack Smoker's face with it. Smoker that caught of guard because the staff come out of nowhere, got hit and flung away.

"You think only you have seastone weapon? Heeh, maybe you should be more carefull in the future. But using this will take out the fun, so let's remove it."-Jon

Jon store his seastone staff and Kusanagi in his inventory. Then he take out his two chakra blade and hold it in reverse way. He use lightning chakra mode and flow lightning chakra at his blade.

"Here i come!"-Jon grin

Jon flashed to Smoker that reflexively defend with his jutte. But Jon have an unconventional way of fighting. Jon spin his body, swing his righ leg, and kick Smoker's body. His leg is covered with lightning chakra, so he can touch Smoker's smoke body.

Smoker flung a little, but he correcting his stance immediately, then stand up. But Jon has appear right in front of him with his right arm open. Smoker want to put up his hands but it's too late, Jon never wait for his opponent to get ready. He is a ninja, not a fair fighter like Luffy.


Jon use Raikage's and Killer Bee's favourite attack. He train it because it's easy, and he can use it with lightning mode. He want to train 3rd Raikage's Nuken, but his fingers are not strong enough for the impact.

Jon pull Smoker with his lariat and slam Smoker to the ground. Smoker got damages, and spat some blood, but Jon just left him. Jon didn't want to dwell in fighting one enemy. But he still want to give Smoker damages, so he say something.

"Don't be overconfident and think no one can touch you, Smoky!"-Jon

Jon left and see Luffy is with a Sichibukai, Boa Hancock. It didn't seem like they are fighting, but he can't be so sure. So he run there and surprised to see Luffy suddenly hug her. Jon is speechless, but he keep running there. Then, Luffy leave her and she suddenly fall on her knees.

Jon can't process what happen, but he forget about it and follow Luffy. He arrive beside Luffy and ask about it. Luffy just said that she is a good girl, and she is helping him. Luffy even show the key for Ace's handcuff that Hancock give to her.

'She gave him the key? Where did she got it? No, why would she gave it to Luffy? Aahh, whatever, one less enemy is better.'-Jon

Jon think of Hancock reason to help Luffy, but he can't think of one. He would never thought that she is actually falling in love with his Captain. Jon stop thinking about it and continue to move forward. But then, they arrive where Iva and Kuma fight.

"D-did we move in circle?"-Jon

Jon look around and relief they're not moving in circle. It seem Iva & Kuma move pretty far in their fight, and arrive here. Iva keep talking to Kuma why he would attack, they're friends afterall.

Suddenly, another sichibukai, Doflamingo appear and tell Iva that Kuma is not who he was used to be. He has become a robot that only move using programs, the real Kuma 'is dead'. Of course Iva wouldn't belive this, and Jon want to tell him what he know, but it's not the time.

Suddenly Kuma appear between the okamas and attack them with his air pressure and beam attack. Iva got angry that Kuma attack his follower, so he decide to attack Kuma too. Iva use a technique that roll himself and make his face appear in many places, Face Spectrum. It's like he make many clone but only for his face. Then he use Galaxy Wink, and it multiplied because he have many faces now.

"Luffy, let's go! Iva can take care of himself."-Jon


Jon & Luffy move forward again and fight some marines. But another troublesome opponent is blocking their way. The strongest swordsman, Hawk-Eye Mihawk, stand in front of them.

"Tch, really a high ranked war."-Jon

Jon take out his Kusanagi, activate his Yin Seal at 100%, and put more chakra to his lightning mode. He even activate his new mangekyou, because he need to use all his power now. The one in front of him is a man that stand above every swordsman in the world, and he don't know how strong Mihawk is.

Luffy also seem to understand just how strong Mihawk is, so he use his gear 2nd. Then, Mihawk attack them with a down slash from his sword. It created a strong flying attack, and Jon didn't dare to take it head on even with his Kusanagi.

Jon think it is not wise to fight Mihawk here, and Luffy also understand it. They move past Mihawk and try to run away. But this dude won't let them get away, he chase them and attack again.

Jon & Luffy immediately jump away from the slash. Now they didn't have other choice than fight back. Jon take out some senbons attached with paper bombs and throw it to Mihawk. Mihawk try to deflect it, but Jon immediately ignite the paper bombs.


The paper bombs explode and create a rather big explosions. Jon look inside the smoke with his sharingan and clicked his tongue. He see Mihawk is fine without a scratch.

"Luffy, stand back a bit!"-Jon

After Luffy move back, Jon make some hand seals and put his hands on the ground.

"Chidori stream"-Jon

Lightning stream spread in the area, and Jon make sure to avoid the pirates. Altough some unfortunate ones got attacked, but it's only a few. His main target is Mihawk, so he move it toward Mihawk.

He see the lightning reach Mihawk, but then he is surprised. Mihawk send another attack and stop his lightning. Mihawk's attack keep coming to him, so immediately jump away and pull Luffy. But then, another attack come when they're not ready to dodge.

Jon immediately take out his kusanagi and flow it with chakra, much more than usual. He need to take it head on, because behind him, Luffy is not ready to dodge, and there are the okamas too. If he dodge, they will get attacked, and Jon can't let it happen, they are allies afterall.

When the attack almost reach him, Jon immediately use his right eye to stop the time. He didn't have much time, so he immediately counter the flying attack with his sword. Jon slashes 5 times with all he got from the left bottom to right top. He know he can't destroy it, so he redirect it away. Then he also store space in the right and take it out at the left side of the attack.

That's all he could do in 2 seconds, he need to be faster if he want to maximize his 2 seconds. Because the time is stopped when Jon countered the attack, the power behind it also increase a lot. The flying attack redirected to the right, altough not much, but it will not hit any of Jon's allies.

Jon is relief, but then his right eye hurt and blood flowing down from it. Jon closed his right eye with his hand and flow his chakra in it. Stopping time seem to be a lot harder than storing space.

Everyone else is surprised seeing Jon redirect Mihawk's attack, altough a little. Mihawk also surprised, because even if his attack is not the best he did, but it's strong enough to defeat someone at Jon & Luffy's level right now. Mihawk look at Jon that cover his right eye and have blood flow down from it.

"Excelent, but the price seem to be high. Then, how about this next attack?"-Mihawk

Mihawk slash horizontally now, and it have more power & speed than before.
