91. The Great War 2

Mihawk attack again, and Jon's right eye is still hurt. He didn't know that activating a mangekyou ability will be this hurt. Or maybe because he use it for the first time. But the attack is coming, so he need to find a solution fast.

'There's no choice, i will use my left eye again, it's less painfull.'-Jon

Jon plan to store the space above the attack and redirect it a little. The attack is horizontal, so it can be directed above. Just when Jon about to use his left eye, a shadow appear in front of him and stop the attack and repel it. Jon is surprised seeing someone protect him, and he know who is this guy. Mihawk also seem to recognize him, Flower Sword Vista.

"Go with your captain! I will hold him here."-Vista

Jon nod and go away from there with Luffy. That is not a battle they can join yet, and they need to reach Ace fast. Jon & Luffy keep fighting with marines that try to stop them. Jon's right eye also come back to normal, the side effect is only temporary.

'No wonder mangekyou ability can make the user blind. The burden in the eye is very high and it cost high chakra. Maybe the ability to stop time is also too strong that it need high chakra. I hope i can get that Hashirama's gene and it can solve this problem.'-Jon

Jon use a lot of chakra to stop the time before, but luckily he have Yin Seal that filled with chakra. If he only have his normal amount of chakra, he can only stop time for 3 times if he still want to be able to fight. Luckily his lefy eye is not using chakra as much as the right eye

Jon & Luffy continue their way forward, but then they heard many marines and pirates yell something and look at the side of battlefield. Jon & Luffy look back too, and they all see the guy that attack them in Sabaody, Sentomaru. There are many Pacifista too, and they all look like Kuma.

The Pacifistas shoot beams toward the pirates on battlefield. If they are still concentrate in the center like before, the casualties will be very high. Now it makes sense why Whitebeard command his crew to spread. Jon is very impressed by Whitebeard to realize about this.

"Really, wisdom come with age. I still need more experience before i can understand many things."-Jon

"Oi Jon, let's go from here, it's dangerous."-Luffy


Jon & Luffy get away from there so they won't get in Pacifistas attack range. They slipped in marines formation, and fight with them. But contrast to Jon & Luffy that get away from Pacifista, because they knew Pacifista's power already, some pirates try to fight back, only to get defeated.

Suddenly, Sengoku command the marines to cut the video live feed to the nearby islands. Jon just realize now that the war is being broeadcasted to the public. Sengoku cut the feed because they want to execute Ace faster than scheduled. Then, all the live feed denden mushi cameras are turned off, but there is one left.

Jon didn't have time to care for this, so he rushed forward with Luffy. But then Kizaru come and attack them again. They flunged back but they're catched by Jinbe. It will not be easy to reach the execution platform.

"Damn, that guy again."-Luffy

"It will not be that easy to reach that place, we've know that from the start."-Jinbe

"They want to trap us here, so the Pacifistas can attack us. Now they will only focused on keeping us in here."-Jon

"It seems so, those Pacifistas attack are terrifying."-Jinbe

Jon look around and realize that they haven't try to execute Ace. It seems the marines are hesitating because there is still one video feed that still on. Jon know it's their chance to stop the marine's plan, because the marine still need to maintain their dignity to public. So they can't ruin it by doing a dirty trick and execute Ace faster than schedule.

Jon see that Buggy and his stupid followers have the denden mushi. He want to go there but he need to be with Luffy. So he make 3 shadow clones to take the denden mushi. Jon transform his clones into marine soldiers, so they won't get attacked by marines.

When Jon focused on this, suddenly he heard a commotion. He look back at where everyone is looking, and see that Whitebeard has been stabbed by his 'son'. Jon is surprised, to think that there is a betrayal happen in this war. But the most surprising thing is that Whitebeard can get stabbed by that easily.

"I never think that geezer is that weak to get stabbed that easily."-Jon

"Pops health have degrading too much. In his prime day, that attack will not even pierce his skin, and he will realize the attack before it even happen."-Jinbe is angry

"At the end of the day, he is still a human. Age and health will affect everyone, no one can remain strong forever. Even Whitebeard can't remain as the strongest forever."-Jon

"That's right, but the problem is, why would Squard do that to Pops?"-Jinbe

They look at Marco that fly to Whitebeard and pinned down Squard. He ask why would Squard do that, so Squard revealed that he know Whitebeard have a deal with Marine that say they will spare Ace's and Whitebeard's pirates, as long as the other allied captains are killed here.

Jon didn't know Whitebeard or anyone in their crew, but even he will not believe Whitebeard will do something like that. As a Yonkou, his pride must be very high that he won't make a deal with marine over something like this. He will believe that he can take down the marine to save his crew.

'Even we have the courage to declare war against WG just to save Robin. There's no way a Yonkou like him will not do the same just to save Ace.'-Jon

Marco tell Squard that there is no way Whitebeard will ever do that. Whitebeard ask Squard who told him that lie, and Squard say that it was Akainu. Now Jon can't say anything again at how stupid that guy is, he believe his enemy more than his friends.

Squard then also say that he didn't know Ace is Roger's son. Squard have a resentment toward Roger for massacring his pirate crew in the past. Jon understand now that Akainu use Squard's resentment as fuel, what a cunning guy.

Whitebeard then got angry at Squard for holding a grudge for Ace. A son did not hold to his father's sin, and Jon agree with this. Whitebeard raise his arms on Squard, but he hug him instead of hitting him. He still love Squard as his son, even if he is foolish enough to get deceived by their enemy.

Jon didn't understand a father's love yet as he didn't have children, but maybe he will be like Whitebeard too when he have one. He start to imagine having children with Vivi and smile pervertly. He snap out of it when Whitebeard suddenly use his devil fruit power to break the ice behind him.


Whitebeard then jump from the ship and join the war. The Emperor himself has come to join the battle.

~Meanwhile with Jon's clone~

The three clones have transform into marine soldiers. But this make some pirates try to attack them. The clones just avoid to fight them, and just run to where Buggy and his followers are. But when they're almost reach that place, Aokiji come and freeze Buggy, his followers, and even the denden mushi.

The clones stop in their track, and wait for Aokiji to leave. After Aokiji leave, they immediately take the denden mushi and find a hidden place. They decide to hide in a battleship at left side of Marineford, so they can get a better view of the war.

They run, and because of Squard incident of stabbing Whitebeard, everyone have got distracted and not see them. Clone A take a barrel, then make a water jutsu to fill the barrel. Then, they put the snail inside the water to unfreeze it. Jon jave been freezed by Aokiji too, so he know how to handle it. It take sometime, but the snail finally can be freed from it's frozen state.

After the snail return to normal, Clone B give it a food that they have prepare to bait the snail. The clone ask the snail if it can take video again, and it nod, so they place it to capture video again. Clone C is nowhere to be seen.

Clone A hold the snail, and clone B make a camouflage to hide their position. Clone B will also guard them if enemy find their position. Clone C on the other hand, is inside the ship and controlling the main canon in case they got attacked. Now, the broadcast have continue, and they hope it will stop Marine's plan. Clone B contact Jon and inform him the situation.

~Back with Jon~

After Whitebeard join the war himself, the pirates morale skyrocketed. The Whitebeard pirates immediately follow Whitebeard and open a path for him. Jon give Luffy another chakra pill to re-energize himself a little. Jon also take some pills, and also prepare a military rations pill.

Military rations pill can replenish his chakra until he can fight for 3 days and 3 nights. His usual chakra pills are weaker version that can be eaten daily to replenish chakra. This is the concentrate version, but it will exhausted him greatly after the effect is gone.

Jon will only use it if his chakra depleted almost completely and they still need to fight. This pill have greater side effect than his normal chakra pills. It have more residue and toxin that need to be purified soon after he consume it. Jon also prepare one for Luffy, just in case he need it later.

Jon & Luffy move forward to the execution platform again. They realize that the marines have backed off to the plaza. Jinbe also think that it is worrisome, but they don't have choice than running there. Jon feel another plot is being used by marines, but he didn't know what. He realize that he is still green in strategy, so he need to learn more.

Suddenly, a giant vice admiral want to confront Whitebeard. Jon want to see how the geezer handle this, but he did something unbelievable. The geezer stab his bisento to the ground then he raise both of his hands. He looks like pulling something out of the air with his fingers, and Jon can see the pulling mark.

"What is he going to do?"-Jon

"That pose, don't tell me. HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!"-Jinbe

Suddenly, the ground, no, the island tilted, and the sea tilted. Everything tilted and it looks like the island and sea is being separated into circle parts and tilting to different directions. Jon can't believe his eyes, he feel like watching a movie or an anime, but he see it in real life.

Jon can't say anything, but he is very enthusiastic now. He think that if he has become strong enough, he will reach this level of power. His heart beat faster, he anticipated the day he will reach this level. The geezer has been weakened, but he is still strong enough to destroy an island, alone.

This is the power of the strongest man, and there are people out there with this level of power. Some people got discouraged by this show of power, but Jon become excited instead. He will reach it, it's not impossible, he just need to work harder than anyone else, and he will do it.

"The World is bigger than i have ever imagined."-Jon smile widely and getting exited.