97. End of War

"Zehahaha, Whitebeard's era have come to an end. Now the new era have start, and this is now my era."-Teach

The top of building's on Marineford is start to crumble from the intense war. Even the ground in Marineford has start to become uneven. Blackbeard pirates get away from each other, and Teach ask everyone at how he should begin using his new power. He answer himself, and say he will sink Marineford to it's core.

Suddenly Sengoku appear in his Budha form and attack Teach with his shockwave. The base can be rebuild, but Marineford is the core of this world, and he can't let it getting destroyed. Teach challenges him to protect it, and they fight.

At the other side, Akainu is still persistently chasing Luffy. Iva, Inazuma, and all the okamas are trying to stop him. They attack with all they have, but it didn't affect Akainu's logia body at all. He keep moving forward and made his way past them.

"Jinbe, hand over Dragon's son to me and i will spare your life!"-Akainu

"I refuse, i will protect Ace's brother even if i have to die."-Jinbe

Jinbe then try to get into the sea, and want to take advantage of being in the water because he is a fishman. However, he realize that everything has frozen and become ice. Aokiji has freeze everything from far away back in Marineford. He apologize to Jinbe, but no one can hear him because of their distance.

"Jinbe, move.... Akainu.... is behind us."-Jon

Jon said slowly with the last will he have to stay conscious. All of his clones have disappeared right now, because he can't mantain his chakra flow anymore, so they got dispelled. But Jon keep his consciousness with his sheer will. He can't do anything at all if he passed out.

Jinbe look behind and see Akainu is right on his heels. Jinbe try to run, but Akainu jump and try to punch Jinbe to the ice. Jon activate his mangekyou forcefully and take out the space that he store before. The space appear between them and Akainu, pushing the admiral back.

Akainu didn't give up at all, he run and jump again. Jon want to make susanoo to protect them, but he is really on his limit, and finally lost consciousness. Akainu punch Jinbe to the ice, and Jinbe is still trying to protect Luffy.

Akainu's punch pierced through Jinbe's body and strike Luffy. Luckily, Jinbe tilted his body a little, so the attack didn't pierced Luffy too, altough it leave an X mark on Luffy's chest. Jon has lost his consciousness, he pushed himself too far and his body can't take it anymore.

Now the three of them are in critical condition, and there is still Akainu coming toward them. Akainu just about to attack again, but then suddenly his body is cut in half by a sand blade. Surprisingly, Croccodile decide to help them, and he say if Whitebeard pirates want to protect Luffy, then do it properly.

Crocodile make a sandstorm that lifted up Jinbe, Jon & Luffy to the sky. Akainu want to pursue again, but the remaining of Whitebeard commanders stop him in his track. They will protect Ace's brother at all cost, pissing Akainu further.

Jinbe still holding Jon & Luffy even if he's also severely injured. The sand storm flung them away and then someone catch them. It's actually Buggy that try to run away by flying using his power. The escapees mistook it as Buggy want to save the three of them.

Buggy now have no choice except helping them, because not only the escapees that see him, but also the commanders. Buggy fly toward the sea and try to find a ship that can be used to escape. Suddenly there is a yellow submarine that appear on the surface and someone come out.

"Who are you?"-Buggy

"I'm Trafalgar Law, bring them here, i'm a doctor!"-Law

"Huh? I don't know you, why should i trust you to treat them?"-Buggy

"We don't have time, their condition is in critic stage, and the enemies are still coming. Hurry up!"-Law

The marines start coming and shooting at the sub. They assume that Law is an accomplice and come to help. Many more marines come out from the hidden passage from underground in Marineford, and they all try to attack the fleeing pirates.

Suddenly, the island tilt, and the sea water is rising and make a massive waves to flow around. Blackbeard is using his new quake power to destroy Marineford. Cracks appear on Marineford, and Blackbeard say that he will kill Sengoku & Garp like Whitebeard.

Despite all of these damage on Marineford, Akainu is only care about chasing Luffy. Buggy have throw Jinbe, Jon & Luffy to Law's ship, after Kizaru shoot a beam at his direction. The commanders start to retreat after seeing Luffy, Jon & Jinbe are about to escape.

Akainu is still chasing Luffy, and he only focus on it. When a marine soldiers near him try to help the injured one, he scold him instead. He say that they don't have time to treat the injured ones, and only need to focus on catching the pirates. Of course this surprised everyone there, including Smoker & Tashigi.

Akainu want to attack again, but suddenly a marine stop him. Surprisingly it is Koby, Luffy's friend that stop Akainu. He stop Akainu not because he want to save Luffy as his friend, but because he heard many 'voice' disappeared.

"Please stop it, there's no point in continuing this war. It will only cause more casualties, wether it's marines or pirates. The marines have family waiting for them. The ones that die after this are just being wasted. We have reached our goal in this war aren't we?"-Koby

Of course Akainu won't just say he understand and agree. Akainu is a believer of Absolute Justice, where everything is allowed for Justice, even killing marines or civilians. He send a punch to Koby, but suddenly a sword stop Akainu's attack.

It is Yonkou 'Akagami' Shanks, that come and stop Akainu's attack. The marines are surprised seeing him here. They know Akagami pirate is in conflict with another Yonkou crew, Hundred Beast pirate, just yesterday. But he is here, so they have finished it only in one day.

Meanwhile, Kizaru want to attack again, but he is stopped by Benn Beckman from Akagami pirate. It's strange seeing Kizaru is stopped, because Beckman just using a gun. Dude can move as fast as light, but he choose to stop, showing the strength of Beckman.

Shanks call Buggy and ask him to give back the Straw Hat that fall from Luffy when Akainu attack him before. Buggy refuse it, he seem to have a grudge with Shanks, they're just like Zoro & Sanji. If only their strength are on par, maybe it will be a lot better.

After Shanks bait Buggy with a treasure map, the fool easily agree. Buggy bring the hat and throw it to Law that is commanding his crew to prepare the sub so they can escape. Law take it and they finally ready to dive and flee.

Just after they dive for a moment, the sea start to freeze. Aokiji try to stop the sub by freezing the sea. Law command his crew to dive faster and deeper. They keep diving until the sub's frame is wheezing. The water pressure is almost breaking their sub and they can't dive deeper. But the ice keep coming toward them, so they don't have other choice.

Sometime later the ice stop coming, and they are relief. But Law know it's not the end of it, and keep vigilant. He's right, because a moment later, the ice start to break. Light beams come, and they try to move their sub away and avoid the beams.

On Marineford, Kizaru stop his attack after sometime when the ice has break completely and the sea is filled with water again. He said that if the submarine can get away, then they can only give up for now. Akainu is not happy with this, but he can't do anything too.

Meanwhile, Buggy ask Shanks about the map, but the red hair say he didn't have it. Buggy is furious and they interract just like siblings in fight. This make Buggy's followers are respecting him more now. After sometime, Shanks & Buggy stop their banter, and Shanks crewmates come when he make a statement.

"I've come to put an end at this war, if any of you still want to continue, then come! We will gladly accompany you. What will you do, Teach?"-Shanks

"Zehahaha, you look more handsome with that scar on the eye, Akagami. Let's go, we've accomplished our goal!"-Blackbeard

Blackbeard pirates retreat, and so are the Sichibukais. Mihawk retreat immediately after Shanks appear, he agree to fight Whitebeard pirates, but Akagami is not their deal. Other Sichibukais also put their hand down.

The marines didn't want to accept Shanks's words just because he want it. But Sengoku agree to Shanks, and say he will accept the responsibility for it. Shanks also ask Marco and other pirates to stop. Then he also want to take Whitebeard, Ace and other fallen pirates to bury them properly. Sengoku agreed despite the marines objection, and with this, The Great War of Marineford is ended.