98. Grieve

The news of war, have shaken the world. Ace & Luffy's bloodline, make a big sensation in all over the world. Pirate King's son and worst criminal's son, there's only a few people know it before, so it is a big news.

Then Whitebeard's death also bring different reactions. Those that have good opinion about Whitebeard are in grief. They're mainly citizens in his territory that feel protected by his pirates. While those that feel hate toward Whitebeard & all pirates, feel happy. They thought that pirates will lose courage after Whitebeard's death.

But his last word about One Piece change everything. People that were sceptical about One Piece's existence, now become more convinced. Those who believe it from the start, have become more fired up. That's why so many people start to sail to the sea, just like 20 years ago after Roger's execution.

The Marines are surprised, but some people like Sengoku, Garp and the admirals aren't surprised anymore. What surprise them now is that the broadcast is always on when the war happen. They all make an emergency discussion just after all the pirates left, but their room is destroyed, so they discuss outside.


"M-my apology Fleet Admiral, but a Tenryubito that passing by in Sabaody, make an order to not stop the broadcast again after it stopped once. The guard asked us to not call the HQ, or the broadcast will stop. We can't disobey it, so we can't inform you about what happen."-Marine A


Sengoku slam the ground and break it, he know the marines can't disobey Tenryubito's order. Now they have a big problem to clean because of it. The main problem is not the broadcast, it's the narration from Jon's clones. It really steer public opinions to their disadvantage. The narrators also posing as marines that make the story more believable.

"I told you those nobles are only problems for marines."-Garp


Garp just snort and he leave the discussion, he's in a bad mood because of Ace's death. He just came because Sengoku call him, but he didn't care anymore and decide to go home to East Blue.

"How will we handle this Sengoku-san?"-Kizaru

"Hmph, just leave it to those 5 geezer. It's their job to clean Tenryuubito's mess."-Akainu

"That's right, i'm too lazy to do that."-Aokiji

"What do you think, Tsuru-chan?"-Sengoku

"We can only ask the Gorosei (Five Elders). Most likely we will need to make some arrangements, but the job will be for Cipher Pol agents. You need to make sure of that, the Marine is still in mess afterall."-Tsuru

Everyone agree with this arrangements, so they leave the place because the war has just ended. As the ones with highest rank, they need to lead the marines for their next action. Marineford is almost get destroyed, so they need to rebuild it again. Many marines also lose their life, so they need to take care of it too.

Meanwhile, in the Heart pirate's submarine, all the crew are busy with their new patients. They are professional medics and their captain, Law, is a surgeon. They take off Jon, Jinbe and Luffy's clothes and surprised at their condition.

"How could they still alive with condition like these?"-Shachi

"They're monsters even among rookies, and one is a former Sichibukai, so it's not surprising."-Penguin

"Stop your blabber and start to work! We need to treat them fast."-Law

"Aye aye captain!"-Crew

Jinbe have a hole in his body, that going from his back to his front. But the hole was burnt, so there's no blood flowing out. They need to remove the burnt tissues and transplant some organs. They're surgeons, so they have plenty of saved organs.

Beside, Law have a special devil fruit that is very useful for surgery. He have Ope Ope no Mi or Operation fruit, that make him able to do any kind of of surgery. That's why he became a surgeon, but it also can be used to fight with user's creativity.

The crew also checked at Luffy, and his main problem is his psychological state. They can treat Luffy's wound, but only Luffy himself that can heal his psychology. So he need someone that can help & understand him later.

The main problem for them now is Jon's condition. It's the most severe case they have ever find. Jon's body is almost break completely, inside or outside. It's closed by his clothes, so no one can see it before, including Jon himself that is in Iva's hormon influence.

"Captain, how will we treat him?"-Uni

"We will treat him last, for now we need to stabilize him first. We can't treat him until he's stable, so we will treat these two first."-Law

The surgeons treat Luffy first because Jinbe can hold longer. Fishman's body is 10 times stronger than human, so Jinbe can hold longer than Luffy. After some hours of operation, they finished treating Luffy & Jinbe.

They want to treat Jon, but they need more stable place. The ship is unstable when sailing, so they need to find an island and dock, but Marines are pursuing them. They can only did some easy procedure first and make his body stable.

Suddenly, a marine ship come and they seem to have find them. So Law get out, but the marines on the ship has turned into stones by Boa Hancock. She track the sub using her snake's ability. Then suddenly, another marine ship come, but it is filled with the okamas from Impel Down.

Law finally explain the situation to them. Altough he didn't know why Hancock is here, but he believe Iva, because he helped Luffy in war. Jinbe also suddenly come out, and thank Law.

"How is Luffy?"-Hancock

"I have done what i can, his body is not the problem, it's his mental state.The one with worst body condition now is Jon-ya. His body is in a very bad shape, and if he fight any longer, maybe all his bones will break and his muscles will torn completely. I need a stable place like an island to treat them. Straw Hat-ya also need a stable environtment when he wake up."-Law


"I don't know, it seem to be his injury before this war. It haven't healed properly, so it just worsen his condition."-Law

"You need an island right?"-Hancock

"Yeah, but Marines will find us if we dock somewhere."-Law

"Then let's go to Amazon Lily, you can go there with my permission."-Hancock

Then they part with Iva & okamas that use the marine ship. Bon also go with the okamas because he is still not wake up since they leave Impel Down. Hancock's ship have come after she call them sometime ago. Now they move to Maiden Island, Amazon Lily.

Some hours later, they arrive in Amazon Lily, but the Elder Nyon can't let the males to step their foot on the island. After some discussions, she allowed it, but only in the other side of the island, where there's no one that stay there. It seem Luffy was thrown here and the girls took a liking to him.

They move to the other side, and they put Luffy and Jinbe outside, and they will operate Jon. They need to focus because it will be very hard. After they finished their preparation, the operation start.

Law cut Jon's body into many pieces with his power. His devil fruit allow him to cut body without killing the patients. They can't even feel the cut at all, so he can see their inside easily. Law and his crew fix all of Jon's broken bones, stitch the wounds inside and outside, and do all procedures needed for Jon's treatment. Surprisingly, they don't need to replace any organ with transplantation.

When they operate on Jon's body, suddenly there is a loud bang from outside. Law tell his crew to ignore it, and focus on their job. He know it is from Luffy that must have been wake up and remember everything that happen before. They can't do anything, so they must focus on their job.

Outside the sub, on the coast where the temporary camp is built, Luffy has woken up, but his mental state is unstable. He start to break many things and scream, he keep calling Ace. Jinbe, and some Amazon Lily girls that see him get worried. Then Luffy run to the forest and Jinbe decide to follow him.

Inside the forest, Luffy is crying while punching anything there. He keep saying to himself that Ace was not dead and it was just a dream. He try to convince himself, but it wouldn't work. Jinbe come and tell Luffy that Ace is really dead, making Luffy cry even harder.

For sometime, he is still crying and grieving. He still can't accept his brother's death, it's normal, but Luffy is hurting himself by punching anything there. It won't solve anything and will only make him suffer more than he already is.

Jinbe tell him to stop, and say his heart is weak. Jinbe also say that he doubt Luffy can become a Pirate King with his weak heart. Jinbe say that Luffy can't do anything about what have happened and about Ace's action to protect him.

Luffy refuse to listen and he try to punch Jinbe. But his attack is weak because of his body that haven't healed and his unstable mental state. Jinbe easily avoid it and throw Luffy over his shoulder and slam him to the ground. Luffy is stopped and Jinbe sit down, but then Luffy bite Jinbe's hand so he get mad. Jinbe throw Luffy to a big rock and pin him.

"You never doubt your strength, and believe you can do anything. But now when you lose your brother, you lose your confidence. It may be hard right now... But you must silence those thoughts! Stop counting only those things that you have lost! What is gone, is gone! So ask yourself this: What is there... that still remains to you?"-Jinbe

Luffy try to struggle, but when he heard Jinbe, he calmed down. The darkness in his mind start to get filled with some bulbs of light. His friends face start appearing in his mind. He almost forgot about what he still have when he lose Ace.

"My friends,... I still have my friends."-Luffy

Luffy start crying again, he has calmed down, and altough he grieved, he finally have strength in his eyes, not a very lost look like before. Jinbe release him and sit there near Luffy. Jinbe is also grieving, but he has gone through a lot more, so he can handle himself better than Luffy. Afterall, Luffy is just a young teenager and haven't live that long.

Meanwhile on the coast, the Heart Pirates have finished their surgery on Jon. Now they are resting on the island and eat some of the meal. Suddenly, a seaking come out from the sea, but then it's dead. Everyone are surprised, and then someone come out from the water.

It's actually Rayleigh, and he come to Amazon Lily by swimming. If Jon see this, he will say that the geezers in this world sure are crazy. Whitebeard, Garp, Rayleigh, Sengoku, and even that old women Tsuru still have much power in them.

Rayleigh ask about the situation to Law, and he can only answer truthfully. Law is not Rayleigh's opponent yet, so he can only give up of any ideas. Then Rayleigh ask them to leave the island, because he will have some business with Luffy here. Rayleigh tell Law that he can ask Luffy for his plan later.

Law didn't have any choice, so he take Jon out from his sub and leave with his crew. Sometime later, Luffy and Jinbe come out from the forest and surprised seeing Rayleigh. They checked on Jon and relief that he is fine altough he will need to recover for some months.

"Luffy-kun, i've come to give you two options, and it's entirely up to you to decide."-Rayleigh