122. Wood Release

[Accepting reward of raising earth & water chakra mastery to 90%: Wood release.

Accepting hidden reward for raising all basic chakra mastery to 90%: 10 units of White Zetsu]


Jon is flabbergasted by the hidden reward. He never thought that Zetsu can be a reward too. He's happy with the wood release, but he's confused with the White Zetsu. He check the information and it seem the Zetsus will only follow his command. They're still clear without any memories or control from Black Zetsu.

"Hmm, i can make use of them, White Zetsu is very useful for spying job. Ah, and i can use them to protect Vivi. If only they are smart, then i can use them to teach ninja arts in the village. But they need to be fused with chakra to be useful right? Especially wood chakra to make them like plants."-Jon

Jon left the White Zetsu for now, and he look at his wood release reward. He try to meditate and feel the wood chakra in his body. When he concentrate, he can feel a new type of chakra in his body. He try to gather it in his palm and suddenly a bud of plant appear.

Jon feel happy and he immediately buy all the wood ninjutsu. He try them but he didn't succeed, even the easiest one. Then he remember that he need to train his control of the wood chakra. He's too excited that he forget this basic thing. Beside, wood chakra is a kekkei genkai and not a basic element, so it will be harder to use immediately.

Jon buy the wood basic control manual and sigh. Then he call the East Army, they will come tomorrow to send his food supply. Jon ask them to bring many tree seeds when they come. He need to grow those seeds into trees to increase his wood control.

Jon then just try to gather the wood chakra and flow it in his body. It's also a kind of chakra transformation training. Jon now can use all chakra transformation to augment his body like lightning mode.

He get the method coincidentally when he want to stop his lightning mode and cool his body using water chakra at a hot day. Lightning chakra make him faster, but water chakra make him move very smoothly. Then he try the other chakra too, earth chakra make him stronger, fire chakra make his attack more destructive, and wind chakra make him very agile and can even manouver on air.

He could flow each chakra on his body before, but not augmenting his body like lightning mode. So now he try to flow wood chakra to every cell of his body and make his body accustomed to it. When flowing his wood chakra, Jon feel strong vigour and life force flow in his body.

"Life force? Is this the reason Hashirama have his super regeneration? Just like plant, he can regenerate his body, plus with his strong medical jutsu, he can do it easily."-Jon

Jon just meditate while flowing wood chakra in his body until the day end. The next day, his supplies come and he get his seeds. He just sigh when he see Betty has come too. She keep trashtalking and insulting him by saying his work is slow.

"I'm training in here you know, if i didn't need to train and cover my weakness, i will finish it faster."-Jon

"Then hurry it up, trash! The WG start to suspect that something is wrong here. We can't keep capturing their agents and think that they won't find out."-Betty

"How long?"-Jon

"2 weeks, they will send Marines to come if there's no news from their agents in 2 weeks."-Betty

"Alright. Wait, let's just finish it today, i'm getting bored and lonely here."-Jon

"Today? The bridge is still about 100 km long, and you can only destroy 260 km in almost 2 months. Don't boast too much idiot!"-Betty

(a.n: There's no real information about the correct size of Tequila Wolf, except that it's as big as an island. So i'll just make it to be 360 km long, because it has been built for 700 years, even tough it said to have slow progress.)

Jon just silent and summon Kurama in giant form, surprising everyone. He jump on Kurama's head and go to the side of bridge. Kurama then gather chakra on his mouth and make Tailed Beast Bomb. He shoot it to the bridge and destroy a big portion with just one attack.

"Kid, i'll go all out."-Kurama

"Alright, just do as you please."-Jon

Kurama run while shooting his beast bombs numerous time. The revolutionaries can't believe their eyes. Kurama's raw power is just that strong, but Jon can't utilize it like what Naruto did at 4th Shinobu war. He's not accustomed yet to Kurama's chakra, while Naruto has adapt with Kurama's chakra since he was in his mother's womb.

For now, Jon can only hold Kurama's chakra up to 4 tails without injuring himself. Even if he has befriending Kurama, but Tailed beast chakra is harmful for human. He need time to adapt with that chakra, and he know that his Hashirama's gene make him adapt faster.

Kurama predict that Jon can do Naruto's feat in using Kurama's bright glowing chakra cloak in some months more than 2 years time. He's not that worried though, because he won't rely on it too much. Jon also thought about Minato, but maybe he can adapt faster because he is an edo tensei, not a living man in his flesh, or he is just a genius.

(a.n: i just made this up, lol)

Kurama is going all out with the bridge demolition. He destroyed 90 km in an hour before his summoning time ended for today. So now it's up to Jon to finish the demolition job for 10 km more.

Then Jon activate his susanoo in humanoid upper body form. His susanoo wield 2 red ninjato swords. It has 4 hands, so it held each ninjato with 2 hands. Jon make his susanoo swing it's swords and start to destroy the bridge.

"If he have this kind of power in his arsenal, why don't he use it since weeks ago?"-Ahiru

"Like he said before, he is training his weak point. Dragon send him here not just to demolish this bridge, but to train too. There's no point in training if he can't cover his weakness. This kind of power must have restriction. That Nine-Tailed Fox also suddenly disappear right? There must be time limit, so he can't always use it."-Betty

Jon keep going, and he realize that the further he go, the easier it is to destroy this bridge. He start from the most recent construction to the older ones. It become easier not only because he grow stronger, but also because the bridge is in bad condition. There's no maintenance at the old construction, make him question why they even bother to build it.

Jon can destroy 7 km with his susanoo, but his time limit has come. He still can't activate his susanoo for a long time. Even with Hashirama's gene, his eyes still hurt if he use susanoo for too long. Now he use his Adamantine chains and twin swords to continue. Jon use all his power and use every drop of his energy left.

Jon finish the demolition at night, and when he arrive on the island where the bridge start, he collapsed. The Revolutionaries check on him and he's just tired. They brought him back to the base and let him sleep.

Jon wake up the next morning, and he train again like usual. But now he train in East Army base, so he's not alone like previous weeks. Now he start to focus in training his wood chakra, but he'll still train his other chakra and sword art.

"Trash, Dragon say that you will go back to Baltigo and take missions under Sabo in Grandline after this. The ship will sail next month, you can do as you please for the next month."-Betty suddenly came with Ahiru

"Alright, will the ship sail through Reverse Mountain?"-Jon

"Yeah, why?"-Betty

"I'm just excited, i've never see that place."-Jon

Now Jon is excited, finally he can sail on Reverse Mountain. That place is the connection of all seas, and the entrance to Grandline. But it still a month, and Jon didn't want to just stay here to train. He want to have some fun too and maybe flex his body by fighting.

"Old hag, can i borrow a boat and East Blue map?"-Jon

"Where'd you want to go?"-Betty

"Hunting some pirates, i'm bored fighting stones everyday. Ah, i need East Blue bounty posters too."-Jon

"That will be an overkill isn't it? East Blue pirates are the weakest of all seas, the highest bounty here is 30 million."-Ahiru

"I don't care about their strength, once they decide to be pirates, then they must prepare to fight all kind of enemies. And i need money too, so i will take their bounty."-Jon

"Alright, just don't create trouble for us."-Betty

After Betty & Ahiru leave, a man come and bring a stack of posters. Jon put them in his inventory and he focus on his wood chakra training. He will hunt pirates tomorrow, so now he train his new ability.

Jon try to grow a seed and he can only create a bud from it. He can't make it grow past that stage for now. He keep training until his chakra depleted and he can only make the bud grow to 20 cm at the end with all his chakra. It's always hard to do it for the first time, he know that.

Jon wake up the next day and he prepare to hunt some pirates. He change into his new perfect Deadpool costume that Lisa made. He leave after breakfast and he sort his targets on the boat. He remove some pirates that didn't cause civilian casualties from his list and prioritize those that attack civilians.

'Kid, i want to fight too.'-Kurama

"No, i want to get used to my swords for now, and fighting is the best way."-Jon

'Tch, so stingy.'-Kurama

"Come on, they're just some weaklings. They're only better than dummies, i'll let you fight the ones on Grandline next month."-Jon

'You better hold your promise, kid!'-Kurama

Jon make a clone and command the clone to steer the ship. He will train his wood chakra for the time being. They're going to Foosha Village, Jon want to see Luffy's place and maybe he will meet a pirate crew on his way there.

Jon use his jet dials to make his sail faster, and he arrive in Foosha at noon. He didn't meet any pirates on his way, but he's not too disapointed. He go to the village and find a bar with name 'Makino's Bar'. Jon remember Luffy's story about someone with the name Makino that always help Luffy when he's a kid.

Jon come inside and see many people are there. They all look at him, and make him confused. Then he remember that he's wearing a mask and will look suspicious, but he won't take it off. He just enter, order some food and a mug of Ale.

Jon eat & drink while only open the lower half of his mask. He just eat without care even though everyone looking at him. Luffy is right, Makino's food is tasty, he even order more and more. Still, Luffy never said that Makino is pregnant. Well, i's almost a year since he left his village, so he won't know.

The villagers start to ignore Jon because he's not hostile. They just think that maybe he's a weirdo or his face is ugly. The situation in the bar is merry and Jon like this kind of situation. Until suddenly someone open the door loudly and shot his gun to the air, startling everyone there.


"Oi, give me all of your best sake if you want to live! I am Baros, Captain of Black Leaf pirates, my bounty is 15 million, you better do as i say."-Baros