123. Just Going Here & There


"Oi, give me all of your best sake if you want to live! I am Baros, Captain of Black Leaf pirates, my bounty is 15 million, you better do as i say."-Baros


Jon can't help but laugh at this stupid captain. 15 million is high in here, but in Grandline it's just a joke. Everyone look at Jon with dumbfounded expression. Jon just didn't care and laugh. Baros get angry and try to attack Jon, so Jon just easily defeat him and all of his crew with fast speed.

"Hahaha, that's a hillarious entrance. But i finally got 15 million, just need to find a Marine base."-Jon

"That's a good speed, are you a bounty hunter?"-old man voice

Jon have a jolt because he hear a familiar voice. Jon turn back and really see a familiar figure. It's Garp, and he's just wearing a casual clothes and eating crackers. Now Jon is sweating hard, good thing he didn't take his mask off.

"Hmm? Your presence feel familiar, did we met somewhere before?"-Garp

"No, i don't think that we've even met before."-Jon change his voice to fool Garp

"Hmm, your voice is foreign, maybe i'm thinking too much. Well, i'll just call my subordinates that are near from here. You can get the bounty from them, no need to search a marine base."-Garp

"You won't cut the price right?"-Jon

"I'm not that cheap, cheeky brat."-Garp pick his nose with little finger

Jon agree and he tied all the pirates before enter the bar and eat again. His food has become cold because he need to fight some fools. Garp also come inside and sit beside Jon. Garp keep looking at him while narrowing his eyes, make Jon have cold sweats on his back.

Sometime later, Garp's subordinates come and they take the pirates. Jon also get his 15 million, bounty hunting can be a profitable business if someone have the strength to do it. Jon store his money in his inventory and ask Makino if there's a hotel or an inn. Makino show him an inn and he decide to stay there. But when he walk on the road, suddenly Garp talk to him.

"How's Luffy?"-Garp say behind Jon, make him jolt

"Sigh, so you know huh?"-Jon

"I've met you 2 times, and you give quite the impression. You can change your appearance or hide it, but you can't hide your presence. So, how's Luffy?"-Garp

Jon & Garp move to a coastal cliff and Jon tell Garp about what happen with Luffy after war. Garp has a dark face, but he's relief hearing Luffy is fine. He ask why Jon is here, so Jon just said that he is training, but he got bored and want to travel around while searching for opponents.

"Opponents? More like people to bully, someone with more than 100 million bounty hunt people with less than 50 million bounty. That is a bullying."-Garp

"Yare yare, even 1 million is money you know."-Jon say, make Garp sweatdrop

"So you just want to get money. Well it's fine, i won't capture you because you're Luffy's friend, and you even try to save Ace."-Garp

Garp leave & Jon didn't say anything. After sometime, Jon also leave and go to an inn. He stay for a night, and then he leave the next day. Jon plan to visit all of his East Blue friends home.

He visit Cocoyashi Village and meet Nami's sister Nojiko & an annoying old man, Genzo. In Syrup Village he see Usopp's girlfriend Kaya and his three minions. Then he go to Baratie Restaurant, and taste the food there. He even got some pirates to be traded for bounty after they left Baratie. He can't capture them inside the restaurant, but he can do it after they left.

Jon even go to Loguetown and see the execution platform that has been fixed. He go to Loguetown to get the pirates bounty, but he also take this chance to look around. There's nothing interesting for him except the execution platform.

Jon leave the island and go around to hunt pirates. He has collected more than 100 million berri from his hunting. The pirates here are weak, but there are plenty of them. He know it's because of Whitebeard's words at the end of war about One Piece.

It's one month already, and Jon has made some progress. Now he can make wood jutsus, altough only some simple ones. His new favourite clone is wood clone, because it can survive damage to some extent, unlike shadow clone.

But he also realize that wood release need more chakra than normal elements. Maybe it's because it use water & earth chakra at the same time. So basically, his chakra spending is 2 times higher than normal.

For now, Jon can do some of Yamato's wood jutsu, but it still not at Yamato's scale, not to mention Hashirama's scale. He also feel his chakra grow faster after he got wood release. His healing factor also grow stronger than before.

"Having Yang Release give me big lifeforce, but with Wood Release, it become stronger. No wonder Hashirama that has Yang from Senju blood, and Wood Release can regenerate so fast."-Jon

*purupurupuru* *kacha*


"Trash, it's time to leave."-Betty


"Can she explain it properly before closing the call?"-Jon

Jon then go back to East Army base, while training his wood release. He will leave East Blue tomorrow and see the reverse mountain. He can't wait to see that legendary place that everyone know.

Jon arrive at noon and he rest for the night. The next day he leave the East base to Baltigo. The ship sail to Reverse Mountain directly without transit in Loguetown. They don't need to gather supplies there afterall. They reach Reverse mountain after 2 days, and Jon finally see the place that defy his logic.

"The current is so strong that it can push the water up to the top of Red Line. What a crazy thing, and people still can't believe when they see the absurd things in Grandline after seeing this."-Jon

The ship 'climb' the mountain with fast speed, and they don't even need to steer it. The strong current make it impossible to steer the ship. It will just go following the current, and they just need to keep the ship from hitting the wall.

It didn't take long for the ship to reach the top. Jon see where the 4 seas meet and all the water go down to Grandline. The ship going down to Grandline at even faster speed than when it climb up. They need to furl the sail to not get too fast.

They arrive at the bottom soon, and Jon see the lighthouse of the Twin Cape. He look around to find Crocus or Laboon, but didn't find them. He sigh when the ship continue to sail, following the Eternal Pose to Baltigo. He can't just ask the crew to stop here because he want to see an old man and a whale.

The journey take 2 weeks, and it's already fast. Nornal ship will take 1 month to reach Baltigo from Twin Cape. Jon continue to train while he is on the ship. The crew even join Jon to train sometime. Jon teach them Rokushiki, because they already know about it after Dragon share it to all bases. Jon just need to share how he do it, and they will know the rest by themselves.

Jon now can use all Rokushiki techniques. He just need to raise his proficiency and learn Rokuogan. Jon even combine his Shigan with elemental chakra. Now he can use one of Ace's techniques, Higan. He can even imitate Hiken right now, but he still experimenting on the correct hand seals.

On their way to Baltigo, they meet several Pirates that try to rob them because they look like merchant ship. Jon use those opportunities to train again and he even get their bounty. Jon always defeat the pirates alone, and sometime he find strong opponent that can't be defeated easily with his swords only, but he still defeat them with Kurama's chakra.

He still need to hide his identity afterall, so at most he will change into Jinchuriki mode. That will make him looks like Zoan devil fruit user. Jon also make sure to hide the Straw Hat logo on his swords scabbard. He don't want to create trouble in these 2 years of training.

The ship arrive in Baltigo a little more than 2 weeks because Jon always go to marine base to get bounty reward. He had amassed fortune of more than 500 million, including the money he got from East Blue. Now he start to get his savings back, because he spent them all for his hidden village project.

Jon go to Dragon's office and he is tasked to work in Sabo's Division. He go to Sabo's office and Sabo say that his main job will be infiltration, information gathering and stealing resources. His first job in this division will be an infiltration in a war.

"We will go to Vira and finish the war that start some months ago. I believe that with your help, we can finish this war soon. Waiting for too long will only increase the casualties."-Sabo

"Alright, so what should i do there? Commanding a platoon? Hell naw."-Jon

"Hahaha, you will move alone and infiltrate their main base. I want you to create chaos in their base when we launch the last attack."-Sabo

"So i can do anything in their base?"-Jon

"Yeah, just be more modest."-Sabo

They sail the next day to Vira country, and Jon transform into one of his 'favourite' ninja, Speed-ó-Sound Sonic. But he use blindfold instead of lower mask, to hide his sharingan when he use it. He want to transform into an anbu, but remember that he haven't try to be Sonic.

Sabo explain the plan and the map of Vira country. Jon's job is to infiltrate the main base, which is the palace. Jon need to cut the communication from the main base to the troops.

"Should i destroy the palace? Or maybe even take out all the generals & King?"-Jon

"Don't be ridi-"-Man A

"Sure, but do it after you cut off the communication with spiky denden mushi to disrupt the signal. You need to place a lot of this denden mushis around the castle. I also want you to find their strategy first before doing your plan."-Sabo

"Okey Dokey."-Jon

"Are you sure staff head?"-Man A

"Yeah, he can survive even if he can't win, and it will raise our winning chance."-Sabo

They arrive on Vira and Jon split from the Revolutionaries. He move to the capital and arrive after half an hour. This island is small, so he didn't need a long time to arrive by running all the way there.

Jon immediately find a way to infiltrate the palace. He didn't find an empty route, even the small ventilations are being guarded. But it's not a problem, he can go underground if he can't move above the ground.

Jon make a tunnel with earth jutsu, and he enter it. He didn't forget to close the entrance hole and he keep digging under the castle. With sharingan & haki, he can easily see in the dark.

Jon arrive under a room that filled with some people. He try to see through the ground with his sharingan, and he see the King, his generals, and ministers are there. They're discussing their strategy today, and it seem they want to go all out and end this civil war.

Jon write all the information and call Sabo to inform everything. After sending the information, Jon plant the spiky denden mushi in the center position of the palace. Then Jon get ready to fight and create chaos in this palace. Today, he will just use sword art without chakra and only use haki, also adamantine chains.

"It's show time!"-Jon