126. Return to Sabaody

2 years have passed since he start training and works with RA. In the last 6 months, Jon visit the West, South and North Army to gain experience there. In West Army, he help Morley to gather information. In South Army, he help Lindbergh to invent many technology. He also finally made a bike with Lindbergh's help.

In North Army, he help Karasu to take over some countries and even clashed with other big force there, Germa 66. Jon never met the Vinsmoke family and only fought the soldiers. Altough Jon have seen some picture of the Vinsmokes, and they're similar with Sanji. But it can be a coincidence like Duval's case, so he brush it off.

He made a lot of progress in these last 6 months, and now he can finally meet his friends again. Jon & Robin leave Baltigo after saying their farewell with everyone there. They've become like a big family with the Revolutionaries.

Jon wear the clothes from one of his favourite characters, Natsu Dragneel. He wear the black clothes that Natsu wore in the Grand Magic Games. He like the long sleeve in left arm, but no sleeve in right arm, and closed front. Jon even make a Straw Hat tattoo on his right shoulder, similar to Natsu's Fairy tail mark.

"It's been 2 years, i can't wait to meet them."-Robin

"Yeah, i hope they don't forget about this."-Jon

"Ahaha, they won't, i believe that all of us have anticipated this. I want to know just how strong everyone now."-Robin

"Well, at least we won't need to run from an Admiral like a coward again next time. Still, fighting an Admiral is still niy an option. They're not called Marine's greatest strength for nothing."-Jon

"Well, Marine is a big organization, and there is still WG too. They are the biggest force in the World, not even a Yonkou crew can match their force."-Robin

"Yeah, but all Yonkou crews are at odds with each other, that's why it's balanced. But i'd never thought that Aokiji would leave Marine after his loss to Akainu."-Jon

"Well, we never know what's in his mind after losing to Akainu, and that's not our concern. What's in my mind is the new admirals, Fujitora and Ryokugyu. We might clash with them in the future."-Robin

"You're wrong big sis, it's not 'might' but 'surely'. We will surely clash with them in the future, because we will be the Pirate King's crew, so we still need to get stronger."-Jon

"You're right."-Robin

It takes them 10 days to reach Sabaody Archipelago. They part with the ship crew, and follow Rayleigh's vivre card. Jon & Robin have disguised as normal citizen to avoid any trouble. They don't know if everyone have come already or not, so they don't want to make unnecessary trouble.

They ride Jon's new bike, it's based on Ghost Rider's bike. It is the bike with demon skull design, that used by Nicholas Cage, but it have a seat that can be added behind. Jon make it to have some different power source. It can be powered by dials, or his chakra that can be changed from lightning & fire.

He just give Lindbergh some concept and that cat mink can make it in 3 months. The motor system is very useful, and Lindbergh want to make a version for ship. Jon don't even need to pay because he gave Lindbergh the idea, and it's enough.

While riding his bike with Robin, Jon also spread Zetsu to gather information here. He has heard some info about Sabaody, but information always need to be updated. And his move is right, because he got some interesting information.

"Soul King? Straw Hat crew's recruitment? What happen here?"-Robin

"Let's just go to Shakky's bar, this vivre card seem to point there. We will got some info from Shakky later. She's the most updated person in here, and my Zetsus will gather some info too."-Jon

Jon & Robin continue their way to grove 13, where Shakky's bar located. They also realize that this place has become more unlawful. It must be the effect of Marine HQ new location. Marineford is not the HQ anymore now, they move it to New World. So Sabaody is not close to Marine HQ, and the Pirates become braver here.

It didn't take long for them to reach Shakky's bar. They enter the bar and find Shakky & Rayleigh there. They even see Duval & his goons are there with bandages. They were protecting Sunny from people that want to steal it. Jon & Robin thank them and Jon give them treatment with his medical jutsu.

While Jon is treating them, Robin ask Shakky & Rayleigh about Soul King & Straw Hat recruitment. Shakky said that Soul King is Brook's stage name. He became a singer and even have his World Tour, and now he have a concert in Sabaody.

The Straw Hat recruitment is actually a crew that posing as Straw Hat. They use the fact that Straw Hat haven't show up for 2 years and their death rumours to use the name. They want to gather strong crew members by recruiting pirates with more than 70 million bounty.

"Heeh, i want to see those impostors, especially mine. I hope he's as handsome as me, i will strip him naked if he's ugly."-Jon

"But this also make a problem, because the Marine might think that they're really the Straw Hat crew. So Marine will come here soon after they heard the news."-Shakky

"Is everybody here already?"-Robin

"There's only Luffy to wait now, Sanji arrive this morning, and now is searching for food ingredients. You guys can wait in Sunny, i've coated it and it's ready to sail. Luffy will come today too, so don't worry."-Rayleigh

"Old man, have you teach him morales, adult knowledge and shame?"-Jon

"I tried."-Rayleigh have defeated look

Jon just sigh and he pity Rayleigh, it must be hard for him. Then Robin go to Sunny, while Jon stay there to heal the riders. They've been healed about 60%, and Jon need to do a few treatment. It seem Chopper also treat them earlier, so Jon just help with closing their wounds.

"You'll get healed in about 2 weeks, but you need to rest after that. You can do anything you want after a month. Chopper's medicine will help you heal completely."-Jon


Jon then order some drinks and relax a bit. He wait for Zetsu's report, and he didn't wait for long. Suddenly Zetsu appear from the ground, and Rayleigh almost strike him. Luckily Jon stop Rayleigh before Zetsu got killed. Zetsu then give his report to Jon before entering the ground again.

"His stealth ability is good, i almost can't feel his presence. Even if i'm not activating my observation haki, but i should feel his presence at close range. It seems i'm getting old."-Rayleigh

"You're old already, so it's a fact. Also, it's not about your haki become very weak, it's because he can really conceal his presence from Haki. I've created this technique a while ago, but it still not perfect."-Jon

Jon then show his ability to Rayleigh, and his presence start to fade. Rayleigh widen his eyes, and try to feel with his observation haki. Jon still have presence, but it's thinner and Jon seem like disappear when he's right in there.

"It's still not perfect, strong haki users like you will feel my presence in vicinity when they activate their observation haki. And i haven't find a method to make my body invisible."-Jon

"It's already a great feat for you to create something like this in 2 years. I can't wait to see what you guys will do in New World."-Rayleigh

After some small talk, Jon leave the bar and ride his bike. Jon go to the place where the fake Straw Hats gathering their new crew members. Jon want to watch a show while waiting Luffy arrive.

Jon arrive after sometime and he see many people gather in this place. He look around and didn't see any of the fake Straw Hats. It seem they haven't arrived, so he look at the rookies that got duped. He see some famous rookies and their crew. They're lucky to not meet Jon when he hunt bounties in Grandline, so they can reach Sabaody.

Jon sit on a bubble near a tree and hide his presence. A few moments later, some people with ridiculous appearance appeared. They seem to imitate the Straw Hats appearance and walk haughtily. Jon search for his impostors and that guy use closed ninja artire and only show his eyes that using red soft lenses.

'At least he won't tarnish my handsome reputation.'-Jon

Jon look at the other fake crew members. There's an old fat Luffy, a big bellied Nami, a fat Sogeking, and a skinny old Franky. Even their ages are too different from the real ones. So Jon is more impressed at these duped pirates stupidity. These impostors are too old to be Straw Hats.

The old fat Luffy make a speech that sound very comedic for Jon. He even hold his mouth from laughing, and exposing himself. Then he see many drama like a marine soldier got caught and almost get killed, or the fake Zoro & Sanji come and leave again.

He watch some drama happen until fake Zoro & Sanji come back with someone that have a big bag. Jon can feel that this guy is strong, maybe as strong as him, so he focus on that guy. Then after some observation, Jon widen his eyes and smile widely, it's Luffy.

Jon is excited, but he want to see what Luffy will do. Maybe he can see some of Luffy's progress in these 2 years. After waiting for sometime, a lot Marines come and there's even Sentomaru & 3 Pacifistas. Jon just stay there and look at the fights between Marines and pirates.

Jon see the fake Straw Hats run away, but Sentomaru stop them. He defeat them and exposed theid identity. The fake Luffy is only a pirate with 36 million bounty. This make Jon dumbfounded and the stupid pirates finally realize they're being duped.

But then, Sentomaru say that the pacifista have found the real Luffy. Then one pacifista shoot a beam at Luffy that stand on a ruin. Luffy avoid it and show his face to everyone there. Jon smile and jump down from his floating bubble and enter the crowd.

The pacifista try to attack Luffy again, but he easily avoid them. Then Luffy use his gear 2nd and attack the pacifista. He defeat it with one attack, and Jon can feel Luffy use haki. Altough it's not hardening, but it's enough to break the cyborg's neck.

Another pacifista try to attack, and Jon see his chance. He also want to show off in their reunion, so he activate his mangekyou. Suddenly a big golden right hand appear between the crowd. Then it grab the Pacifista that try to attack, and then crush the cyborg before throwing it.

"Long time no see, Luffy."-Jon


"DEMON EYES?!"-Sentomaru

Jon flicker to Luffy, and he tell Luffy they need to go now. Marines have surrounded this island, and they can't wait any longer. They run and see the real Zoro & Sanji come from where they want to leave. A pacifista come to attack them and they easily defeat it, before they bicker like usual.

They run from there and meet Rayleigh on the way. Luffy stop & greet Rayleigh first, alerting the Marines behind them. After exchanging words with Rayleigh, they continue running to their ship. Jon want to use his bike, but there are 4 of them, so he can't use it.

Sometime later, they meet with Perona, and she actually live with Zoro in these 2 years. Well, no wonder Zoro can go back to Sabaody, it's because of her help. They didn't stay long and continue to run from there.

Sometime later, a big bird appear and there's a small reindeer on top of it. Chopper have come to pick them up. They arrive at where Sunny is docked and finally see the others too. Now their journey can start again, and this time, they won't fail.