127. Deep Sea

Jon, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper arrived where their ship docked. Jon finally see all of his friends after 2 years apart. They all look different and seem stronger or smarter. He want to know what happen to them in these 2 years, but they need to leave this island first.

When Jon think of this, suddenly Sanji's blood burst out from his nose. Then he fly a little and fall to the sea, so Jon jump and take him to the ship. Sanji is mumbling about Nami & Robin become sexier, prettier, and many more.

Jon think that Sanji is overreacting, but then he remember when Dragon told him that Sanji is being trained by Iva in Kamabakka Kingdom. Jon remember he laughed his ass off that day. Kamabakka is filled with Okamas, so Sanji must've feel like he live in hell. So now Jon know why Sanji is overreacting, because it's his first time seeing real woman after 2 years.

Chopper treat Sanji with some bags of blood transfusion. Jon then got an idea and he put Sanji under genjutsu's hypnosis when he's weak. It will be an interesting show to watch later, and Jon can't wait to see it.

Jon see Luffy got very impressed by Franky's new robotic body. Jon also got impressed, but he's not that surprised, because the RA scientists also created some cyborg. They use Pacifista's body that Jon brought, and can recreate it to help their members that lost parts of their body.

Jon is actually more impressed at Usopp for gaining those muscles. He must've trained hard, but Jon hope it's not just his body that change, he should be braver too. Then he see that Brook is still a skeleton, and Chopper still small. Jon look at Nami and raised an eyebrow.

"Nami, put on some clothes! Did you lost money to buy some decent clothes?"-Jon

"No, this is fashion, you just didn't know girl's fashion. Also, you better keep our money safely and not use it for yourself."-Nami

"Come on, i'm not you. I always use my own money, my money is my money, your money is your money."-Jon

"Hmph, you better say the truth, i will count it later."-Nami

"Yeah yeah yeah, just count it if you want."-Jon

Suddenly some marine ships appear and shoot at them. They just want to fight back when a familiar ship sail between the Marine ships and Sunny. Jon see the Kuja pirate ship come and the Marine ships stop their attack. Hancock is a Sichibukai, so they are the Marine's ally.

"Hey Luffy, it's the Kuja Pirates."-Jon

"Ah, Hancock and the others."-Luffy

"Did you come with them?"-Jon

"Yeah, they give me the foods and clothes. They also asked me to say their thanks to you, for the metal."-Luffy

"I'm just repaying their helps, it's not a big deal."-Jon

"Kuja Pirates, led by a Sichibukai, the Pirate Empress, 'Snake Princess' Boa Hancock. She is said to be the most beautiful woman in the world, and everyone that captivated by her can turn into stone."-Robin

Usopp, Brook and Sanji immediately try to look at the Kuja ship and search for Hancock. Usopp & Brook got very mesmerized, but Sanji immediately turn into stone.

"You know the Pirate Empress, Luffy?"-Nami

"I was thrown to Maiden Island 2 years ago, and they all are my friends."-Luffy

"LUFFY, YOU, DID YOU REALLY TRAIN IN THESE 2 YEARS?"-Sanji cry while grabbing Luffy's collar

"Yeah, of course i am."-Luffy

Sanji got very depressed and crying on the floor. Jon want to add the spice, but an arrow suddenly fly to him. Jon catch the arrow and he see that it's blunt. There is a paper being tied at the arrow, and Jon read it. It's from Aphelandra, she like the metal for her sword and very grateful for it.

Jon just smile, she don't need to shoot an arrow just to say her thanks. Jon need to teach her something, so he also write a reply on the paper. He tied it on a blunt spear, and then he throw it to Kuja's ship.

He aimed the spear to the railing in front of Aphelandra. She got startled and it alert the whole crew, but they got relaxed seeing it's just to send message from Jon. They even laugh at Aphelandra for getting afraid of it, she's rather timid.

"Aphelandra, open the letter, i want to see it too."-Margareth

"Okay, let's see. 'Your welcome, but you don't need to shoot the arrow to my head with haki coated in it. This spear is my revenge.-Jon'. Is he angry?"-Aphelandra

"No, he's just teasing you, and he is right, you can't shoot your letter arrow to his head with haki, even if it's blunt."-Nyonba

"Yes, i understand."-Aphelandra

In Sunny, the crew prepare everything they need to sail. Franky dive and open a mechanism that let the coating expand on the ship. They also unfurl the sail and pull the anchor like usual. After everything prepared, Luffy give his speech.

"Everything's ready, Nami?"-Luffy

"Yeah, we just need your order, Captain."-Nami

"Alright, YOU GUYS! There are a lot of things that happen and we need to talk about. But now we've gathered again, and ready for our journey. This is where everything start again, LET'S SAIL!"-Luffy

They sail again, but instead of sailing on water, the ship dive like a submarine. They dive fast, and follow the log pose to Fishman Island. Jon look at the sea, and feel like he is in a giant aquarium.

Then after the ship stabilized, Franky call them. He start to tell the story of Kuma that protect their ship in these 2 years. Franky met him a few days ago, and he has become a mindless robot. He has saved them in the past, but when they meet again, they will be enemies.

Jon didn't say anything, because it's enough for them. As long as they know Kuma was helping them, then it's fine. Then Jon give RA's data after inspecting Pacifista & their project to utilize it to Franky. Franky got excited and Jon leave him, then Zoro call Jon.

"Oi Jon, you use new swords?"-Zoro

"Only one is new, the other one is my Kusanagi. I just change it shape after finding my preferable style."-Jon

"Can i see it?"-Zoro

Jon take his twin swords and give them to Zoro. Jon also ask to see Wado Ichimonji, and he inspect it. This is also a sword made by Kozaburo, so Jon want to know it. This sword is made from a very tough material and he can feel that Kozaburo put all of his heart to make this.

"Oi Jon, this sword, why's it so heavy?"-Zoro

Jon see that Zoro lift Inari with much difficulties because it feel heavy for him, so Jon take it from him.

"This is Inari, and it is made personally for me. It's made with special method that make the sword can only be used by me. Other people will feel it heavy, and even if you attack with it, it will be blunt."-Jon

Jon make a small wood block and cut it easily with Inari. Then he give it to Zoro and Zoro try to cut the block with the heavy Inari. Zoro is surprised to see the block is not sliced but break, even tough he know Inari is very sharp.

"Interesting, a sword that can only be wielded by one person. Where'd you make it?"-Zoro

"Well, he asked me to not reveal his identity."-Jon

After that, they plan to have some spar in the next islands. Suddenly a ship that is pulled by a small Seaking come toward them. Jon look at the ship and see that they're the pirates that are duped by the fake Straw Hats earlier. He don't know why they come here though.

Sometime later, their ship arrived right beside Sunny. They keep bumping their ship to Sunny, and seem to try merging their bubble. The Straw Hats can't fight back recklessly to avoid the bubble popping.

Nami seem to know the small Cow Seaking and call it. The cow seaking seem to recognize her, and it got scared seeing Luffy & Sanji. Then their bubble merge, and their captain jump to Sunny. But suddenly, the scared seaking swim away and pull their ship, leaving the captain behind.

The Straw Hats just look at the lone captain, Caribou that keep blabbering about killing them. Jon just sigh and put seastone handcuff on him. Jon see that he has red chakra, so he's a devil fruit user.

"Should we throw him to the sea?"-Jon


Jon sigh at this pathetic dude, then he just tied him at the railing. They go deeper and it start to get cold, so they wear jacket. The boys look at the fishes that swim around their ship. Nami also ask Caribou about that Cow Seaking. Caribou explain that they can use the seaking that they catch to pull the ship.

Now Luffy want to catch a big fish to pull their ship. They look around for any fish to catch and eat. Deep sea creatures are very interesting to see. Jon even see a fish like blob fish, and they want to eat it, but Nami prohibit it.

"Come on, Nami, that fish might be the most delicious fish we'll ever eat."-Jon

"NO, that thing didn't look delicious at all."-Nami

"It's all about taste, not look."-Jon try persuade her, but nothing work.

Nami then start to explain to them about how they'll go to Fishman Island. There's a unique current that they'll use to reach Fishman Island. Nami explain it, and Jon understand the gist of it.

Sanji has wake up and Jon click his tongue. Nami & Robin have wore jackets that cover their whole body. Jon has put Sanji under certain suggestion that will only work when he get too stimulated.

They reach the location where the current flow. It looks like a waterfall inside the sea, and it flow through a big hole at the sea bed. The seabed here is shallower, and there's still the deeper place.

Nami then tell them that there are many ships that fail to reach Fishman Island. They're being crushed by the current or attacked by Seaking. Brook then start to tell them story about ghost ships or deep sea monsters.

Just when they hear it, a big tentacle appear in their sight. To call it big is an underestimation, it's giant, massive. They look at it and there's only one word in their mind, Kraken. It's a massive Octopus with orange colour and seem to hunting it's meals.

The Kraken see them and the trio cowards are still get scared like usual. Luffy want to catch it, Robin draw it, Brook compare himself with the boneless octopus, and Jon think about Kraken from mythology. Luffy then ask Zoro, Sanji, & Jon to help him catch it, but Jon refuse.

"Think about it Luffy, how'll you approach that thing? You can't fight on the ship or it will break the bubble."-Jon

"Hmm, that's right, so what should we do?"-Luffy

"Nono, the problem is not the bubble, it's that thing's size."-Usopp

Luffy didn't listen and still want to capture the Kraken. Then suddenly Carribou's ship come again, and they want to save him. But just when they come close, the Kraken's tentacle catch the ship and destroy it.

"They looks like a school of jellyfish"-Zoro

"They're ascending to Heaven."-Jon

"SHUT IT YOU TWO!"-Carribou

Then finally Carribou tell them a way to leave the ship and fight. They make a human size bubble that can be used to leave the ship. Luffy, Zoro, & Sanji use the bubble and leave the ship. Jon stay behind to protect the ship after the trio cowards beg him. Jon just stay on the ship and look at the trio that leave the ship while eating some meats.

"Let's see your progress in these 2 years."-Jon