222. Territory

Alright guys, before starting, i want to apologize for you who have support me on patreon in the past. Thank you for your support so far, and i really appreciate that. I don't really know how to manage and use my patreon page before, but i have learned it a little now.

I have posted this chapter until chapter 227 in my patreon page, and i plan to upload there 2 times a day from now on. I will upload in webnovel 1 chapter a day like usual, so don't worry. Well, i will be glad if you decide to support me on patreon, and help me to pay my college fee, but it's up to you. I'm already happy that you guys still read my writing till now.

Thank you for your support so far. I will try to be consistent, unlike last week, lol.

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The Straw Hats finally continue their journey to find Laugh Tale. Carrot want to follow them, but Inuarashi & Wanda stop her. The Straw Hats' journey will get a lot dangerous, and they can't let Carrot join it, at least for now.

"Hmm, we've found 3 Poneglyph so far from Zou, Whole Cake Island, and Wano. We need to find the last one, but where is it?"-Nami

"Hmm, there are some possible locations. Before the war, i assume that WG have the last one, but Jon didn't find it there. So it can be the possession of an Emperor, just like how Kaido & Big Mom have one each."-Robin

"Red Hair or Blackbeard is it? That's really possible."-Jinbe

"There is another possible location actually, and i think it has high possibility."-Jon

"Hmm? Where is it?"-Brook

"The strongest Nation 'Land of Giants', Elbaf."-Jon


"That's certainly possible, the strongest Nation protecting the last poneglyph."-Sanji

"Yeah, if it's them who have the last poneglyph, then no ordinary person will have the gut to take it. Even World Goverment & Marine that have big power are afraid to have confrontation with Elbaf."-Franky

"But Red Hair also have high possibilty, as he was Roger Pirate member. He must've know all Road Poneglyph's location, and might take one to guard."-Jinbe

"Well, Blackbeard also have high possibility actually. He took over Whitebeards territory, and i assume that Whitebeard had a road poneglyph. Whitebeard was the greatest pirate after Roger, and if even Kaido & Big Mom have road poneglyph, he should have 1 too. With Blackbeard taking over Whitebeard's territory, he might have the poneglyph now."-Sanji

"Sigh, there will be no end to guess where it might be located. We just need to search all those places one by one."-Zoro

"Then, how if we go to Elbaf first? I want to see the land of Warriors."-Usopp

"You're right, i want to see it too. Yosh, let's go to Elbaf!"-Luffy

"Well, too bad, but we can't set it as our destination. We follow the log pose, and we don't know where it will bring us to. If we go to Elbaf, then we're lucky, if not, then we need to find a way."-Jon

"Ah, that's right."-Usopp

"If you guys decide it before we leave Dressrosa, we could ask Hajruddin for direction. He might have an Eternal Pose or vivre card that pointing there."-Nami

"Well, we can only follow the log now."-Jon

"Then, let's follow the log and find Elbaf's location."-Luffy

The others sigh and continue their way to the next island. They don't know where they'll go to, but that is what make their journey interesting. Going to the unknown, will always make their heart race.

They sail for days, and they keep training on the ship. Jon also keep training & meditate, and he find an interesting discovery. He find it out when he see the change on Sunny's environment and his friends.

His meditation to purify his chakra require him to absorb & release nature energy continuously. That make the nature energy on Sunny become dense. The dense nature energy affect all living being on the ship and around it.

The Straw Hats feel like they grow stronger a bit faster than usual, and they always full of energy. Nami's orange trees & Usopp's pop greens also grow significantly faster. Many fishes also keep coming to their ship, like something is attracting the fishes.

At first, Jon just thought that it's just a coincidence. But when he found out that these situations become more apparent when he meditate, he finally know the cause, nature energy. Well, it's not a bad thing, so he didn't need to worry.

They sail for a week before finding a rather big island. They land on the island, and find out that it was Kaido's territory. Kaido's territory have been divided between Straw Hat, Heart, & Kid Pirates now.

They made the deal after defeating Beasts Pirates together. Altough it's Jon that defeat Kaido, and Luffy that defeat Big Mom, but they still divide the loot as an alliance. But the Straw Hats that made biggest contribution get more loot, including more territory.

This island is also one of Straw Hat's new territory. They're not really care about having territory, but they know the citizens need an Emperor protection in New World. Another Emperor might take the islands if they didn't take it, so they decide to take the territory.

This island's name is Pasar, a trading island where many pirates & underground force make business. Beasts pirates control this island in the past, and get high amount of money from tax & protection fee.

This place is full of illegal activities, and many people will try to make problems. Marine also keep targetting this place to capture criminals. That's why it need an Emperor's protection to make the trading safe.

Now with the Straw Hats taking over this island, they'll need to provide the protection. The mayor that rule over this big town on this island also immediately come to meet the Straw Hats on the port. They know Straw Hats have defeated Beasts Pirates, so this island is Straw Hat's territory now.

The mayor is a fat old dude that looks like a corrupt merchant. His name is Gian, and he was choosed by Kaido to be the mayor. It was because of his business experience, and he was close with Beasts Pirates when he still worked as a merchant.

Gian invite the Straw Hats to his mansion, but most of them decline and go to explore the island. The ones who will go to the mayor's mansion to have a business talk are just Jinbe, Robin, and of course Nami.

Jon want to join the talk, but he decide to investigate this place first. They can't make a deal blindly without knowing anything about this place. The others agree with Jon and let him investigate.

Jon make a lot of wood clones and they spread all over the town. They find many hidden locations, especially underground. It's just like any normal blackmarket, except the scale of the transactions in here are bigger.

After investigating for 2 hours, Jon already get everything he need. His information gathering skill have raised a lot after doing it many times. He get all he need, and now he go to the mayor's mansion.

Jon teleport to Robin, through the mark that he placed on her back palm. He surprised everyone in the room, but they sigh in relief when they know it's him. Jon give Nami some papers, and she read it fast.

They all sigh in relief when they see that it's Jon, but not everyone is happy by it. Gian and his mens start to have cold sweats on their back, and they become nervous. The one who stand in front of them now is the one who defeated Kaido alone, and now have 4,5 billion bounty.

"I find almost all kind of illegal activities in here, and that's normal. The taxes are high too, but that's normal for a trading city like this. You guys raised the taxes a little from what Kaido asked, but it still reasonable. The only problem for me is the fact that you guys allow human traficking here."-Jon

"B-but that's also a normal underground business."-Gian

"I know, but the only business that we will never allow is human traficking."-Jon

"Jon is right, you need to ban all human traficking business from now on. If you don't want to, then we can always find someone to replace you."-Nami

"... I-i understand. We will ban human traficking in this island."-Gian

"Ah, there's another problem."-Jon

"W-what is it?"-Gian

"You guys are too obvious with what you did here. Everyone in the road just talk about their illegal business, and some didn't even bother to hide it."-Jon

"But this is the trading island, so they can do trading anywhere."-Gian

"Yeah, this is a trading island, but at least make the illegal activities hidden."-Jon

Jon then tell them to make the town looks like a normal town. They can only do normal transaction on the surface. As for illegal business, they need to do it underground.

"Your underground facilities are really bad, you need to improve it. For now, use the tax money that you gather since Kaido's defeat to expand the underground facilities."-Jon

Jon tell them the plan for undeground layout and the facilities that they need. Gian widen his eyes in surprise when Jon explain it. He never thought of it, and even if he have, he'll never do it.

Project like this need a lot of money, and Kaido will never give it to him for such a project. But Jon tell Gian to use all tax money that he need to build the island. What they gain will be a lot higher than what they spend if it succeed. Gian really like Jon's idea and start to ask & give his opinion.

Robin also give some advice from her experience in underworld. Nami give more insight on how to make more money from their business. As for Jinbe, he just stay behind while sweatdropping at the discussion of these 4 crooked merchants.

"Well, i understand all of it, and i like all those idea. However, we also have a big problem here. Our main business in this island, protection. The Beasts Pirates that placed in this town have fled since Kaido's defeat. We can control the situation since then, but we can't stay like this any longer."-Gian

"Hmm, you're right. Then i will find a solution as soon as possible. We will solve this problem before we leave."-Jon

"Thank you very much."-Gian

The Straw Hats then leave the mansion to meet with their friends. On their way back, Nami ask something to Jon.

"How if we assign a crew from Straw Hat Grand Fleet to guard this place?"-Nami

"Yeah, i also thought of that. I just didn't know which crew that can take this job."-Jon

"I think Cabbage-kun can take the job. He was a Prince, so he should have experience to rule a territory & can take care of business."-Robin

"Hmm, Beautiful Pirates, huh? That's a good idea."-Jinbe

"Well, let's call them later. For now, we need to explore this island and see if there's something interesting."-Nami

Jon agree and take out his bike from his storage scroll. Then he immediately ride his bike away, to avoid unwanted things. Jinbe is confused on why Jon is running away, but he find it out when Nami & Robin drag him to follow them.

"Now, Jinbe-chan, you need to help us carry our groceries."-Nami

"Fufufu, how kind of you, Jinbe."-Robin

"So he know this will happen, huh?"-Jinbe lament at his fate

Jinbe can only accept his fate and carry the girls' groceries. Meanwhile, Jon is exploring the town using his bike. He didn't really plan to buy anything, but he just want to explore it slowly.

After some hours, Jon return to the ship, and find the boys have returned too. Then Nami, Robin, & Jinbe returned shortly after that. Jane is also with them after they met on the way.

Jon brief the others about the deal that they made with the mayor. They understand the gist of it, but didn't want to hear the detail. Anyway, they agree to let Cavendish take care of this island.

"I think we should also send the other crews to every island in our new territories."-Brook

"Brook is right, we can't take care of every island on our own. Let's just give the job to those guys. I'm sure they'll be happy with it."-Franky

"Hmm, that's a good idea. We can claim the territories through them, so we don't need to spend too much time & energy."-Sanji

"How is it, Luffy?"-Zoro

"Well, they will be happy if they have a territory too right? Let's just ask them to do it."-Luffy


They divide the islands among the Straw Hat Grand Fleet crews. Then they call the Captains except Leo, and every one of them gladly accept it. Leo territory is Dressrosa after all.

Hajruddin have a small agenda to attend, so he can't do it for now. Jon then assign Orlumbus to send one of his fleet to replace Hajruddin's crew. Then with this, territory problems have been solved.