223. Elbaf

Alright guys, before starting, i want to thank you for your support so far, and i really appreciate that. I don't really know how to manage and use my patreon page before, but i have learned it a little now.

I have posted chapter 222 until chapter 229 in my patreon page, and i plan to upload there 2 chapters a day. I will upload in webnovel 1 chapter a day like usual, so don't worry.

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Thank you for your support so far. I will try to be consistent, unlike last week, lol.

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A day after they arrives on Pasar Island, the Straw Hats start to sail again. Cavendish will take care of this place, and he'll arrive in a week. Now the Straw Hats will continue their journey, and they will go to Elbaf.

They've bought an Eternal Pose to Elbaf from blackmarket. There are many fake Eternal Pose, but Jon have make sure they have the real one. Well, it's not like anyone dare to give an Emperor crew a fake Eternal pose. They still love their lives.

The Straw Hats sail to Elbaf, and keep training on the ship. They don't have any problem with Elbaf, but a problem can come to them. They need to be prepared for any situation, even if they need to fight with the whole Elbaf.

"Hey, now that i think about it, isn't Elbaf's Prince proposed Lola in the past?"-Nami

"Ah, Prince Loki right? Yeah, he like Lola, and even proposed to her, but she declined and choose to ran away. Big Mom try to use Chiffon as replacement, but Loki only want Lola."-Jon

"Then, isn't this bad?"-Nami

"..... It really is."-Jon


"Lola have married Gotti from Fire Tank Pirates. I got this news when i walk around on Dressrosa."-Jon

It's quite troublesome now, because if Loki hear about Lola's marriage, he might get angry. They're Lola's friends, so he might unleash his anger on them.

"Well, let's just not bring up about Lola unless they ask about it."-Jinbe

"You're right, we need to keep silent about it as long as we could. It's not like they will ask about it as soon as we arrive."-Franky

"But what if they ask?"-Chopper

"Well, just tell them the truth, but talk slowly."-Jon

"Can't we just lie to them?"-Sanji

"Well, some people just can't lie, and it will be a bigger problem if they know we lie to them."-Jon look at Luffy & Chopper.

".... You're right."-Sanji

They continue their sail and it take them a month to reach Elbaf. This place is quite far from their last island, and the weather is not that good. Luckily, the weather on the sea around Elbaf is good, but it have another problem, creatures.

The water around Elbaf have gigantic creatures. It have giant fishes, and other giant aquatic creatures. These creatures also try to attack their ship, so they need to kill these things.

"Damn, so everything on Elbaf is gigantic?"-Franky

"Well, the Giants need a lot of food, so if the creatures around here are small, then they won't have enough food for themselves."-Robin


They defend the ship from all sides while keep moving toward the island. Jon is defending the rear using a half body Armored Susanoo. He attack the creatures with his susanoo swords. It's easier to kill these gigantic things with gigantic weapons after all.

They keep attacking the sea creatures and kill many of them. It take them 3 hours to reach the island since they got attacked. They moved very slow because they're being attacked continuously. The Straw Hats then pull their ship to the land, because the fishes still try to attack.

"Damn, why're they being so persistent to attack our ship?"-Franky

"Yeah, they don't even care about all those dead fishes on the water."-Usopp point at the dead fishes that fill the water

"They can eat those dead fishes, why would they still attack us?"-Chopper

"I think it's because of the nature energy that Jon gather. Just like how small fishes keep coming to our ship, these creatures also try to do the same. The nature energy have attracted them to us."-Robin

"Ooh, so that's how is it. That make sense."-Jon nod, but the others are pissed


"Oioioi, you guys also gained the benefit from it, so we're partners in crime."-Jon


They can't refute Jon's sentence, because they also feel the benefit. They're more energized since Jon raise the nature energy density on Sunny. They have gained a lot from the nature energy, so they can't really blame Jon now.

"Sigh, forget it! For now, we've finally reach our destination."-Nami

"You can't be careless now just because you have landed. There are many big Walruses that might attack you, you know."-???

The Straw Hat hear unknown girly voice from behind. They turn around and see a giant girl standing rather high on the cliff. The giant girl have black hair and tanned skin. She wear casual clothes with orange colour.

"Woaah, look at those fished that you've killed. It will be a waste to just let them float lifelessly on the sea. You guys are small and can't eat all of those fishes after all."-Giant girl


"You don't need to get angry about that."-Jon sweatdrop at Luffy

"Will you really eat all of that?"-Giant girl

"Don't listen to him, he's just bragging. Even Luffy won't be able to eat all of that at once."-Nami

"Then, can i take the rest? It will be a waste to left them there."-Giant girl

"Alright, we just need some of it. You can take the rest, uuhh...?"-Nami

"Ah, my name is Astrid, are you pirates?"-Astrid

"Yeah, we are pirates."-Nami

After their short introduction, Astrid & the Straw Hats take the dead fishes. Jon use his wood jutsu to grab the dead fishes from the sea. He smile smugly because he can take most of the fishes. This cause the other boys pissed, and they all have a braw.

"Sigh, why're they always competing for useless thing?"-Nami

"Hihihi, that's just how boys are."-Robin

"The boys on Elbaf also like to fight like them."-Astrid

"Hey Astrid, is there any rule for foreigners like us in Elbaf?"-Nami

"Hmm, i don't think there's any specific rule. But you need to behave properly and not make commotion."-Astrid

"So just normal common sense, huh?"-Nami

"Hey, did you guys want to go to my house? We can cook all these fishes there. My Grandpa really like fish, so he will be happy."-Astrid

"Ooh, that's a good idea. I want to try Elbaf's cooking."-Luffy

They decide to go to Astrid's house to try Elbaf's food. Jon put a strong barrier around their ship before leaving. He need a really strong barrier, because all the threats here are very strong.

They bring the fishes to Astrid's house, that located behind the steep rocky mountain. To bring the fishes easier, Jon place them all in 2 wooden net balls. Then he make a humanoid susanoo to carry the gigantic wooden ball.

Astrid is really surprised to see Jon's susanoo's full size. It's even taller than her, a real giant, and it's taller by a head. While Jon carry one, Astrid carry the other wooden net ball. The others just carry their stuffs, and they sit on Astrid's and susanoo's shoulder. They can move faster this way, and save energy.

Jon and Astrid walk on the steep rocky mountain easily. Astrid is used to walk here like this is her backyard. Jon can use his chakra to make his susanoo stick on the ground. It need a lot of chakra, but he can always gather nature energy from surrounding while he's inside susanoo.

"Hey Astrid, did you know about Dorry & Broggy?"-Usopp

"Dorry & Broggy? Hmm, i've heard about them, but never met them personally. They are the captains of Giant Warrior Pirates right? They've left the island even before i was born. You know about them?"-Astrid

"Well, we actually met them when we're just started to sail on Grandline. Jon even lived with them for 2 years before he join us."-Usopp

"Ooh, i heard they're fighting to settle their dispute, is that true?"-Astrid

"That's right, they've fought for 100 years, everyday and still didn't finish it."-Luffy

"Oooh, they must be very strong to fight for 100 years."-Astrid

They have some small talks, and soon arrive on Astrid's house. The Straw Hats got very impressed at the massive house and some giants on there. The giants also look at them curiously, especially at the golden giant figure and 2 wooden net balls filled with fishes.

"Astrid, what happen here?"-Giant old man

"Ah, Grandpa Karl, they're pirates who have just arrived. They got attacked by so many fishes and kill all these fishes. It will be a waste to leave these on the sea, so i asked them to bring the fishes here and eat together with us."-Astrid

"Ooh, you got attacked by so many fishes? That's a rare thing. Just looking at how many fishes that you've killed, i can imagine just how many fishes that attacked you. You're really unlucky, huh?"-Karl

"Well, it's just fishes, we've encounter something worse."-Zoro

"Hahaha, i'm sure you were. To reach this place mean that you guys have went through dangerous journey. Anyway, welcome to our house, we welcome you in here, as long as you don't create problem."-Karl

"We will try."-Jinbe

Jon put down the wooden net ball and deactivate his susanoo. The giants got intrigued by his power to make a giant figure.

"Is that a devil fruit power?"-Karl

"No, it's something else called Chakra. I can't explain it detailly, but it's a unique power that i have."-Jon

"Hmm, a mysterious power that didn't came from a devil fruit. I never heard of such a thing in my 300 years of life and 100 years as a pirate. But it's not really strange, because there are many things on the world that we never know to exist."-Karl

"Grandpa Karl, did you copy that words from someone? There's no way you can say something like that on your own."-Astrid look at Karl suspiciously

"*cough* I-it's from an Adventurer that i met years ago."-Karl look away

The other laugh at the old man's honesty. He just can't lie, or maybe he's pressured by Astrid's gaze. Astrid then introduce her family to the Straw Hats. Her grandpa Karl, grandma Hera, father Bjorn, mother Adna, and little brother Harold.

After some small talk, they give the Straw Hats a room to stay. The room is very big, so it can space everyone in there. It's a room for small giant children, but it's still enough to space the Straw Hats there.

While unloading their stuffs, Jon sens many clones & Zetsu to investigate the island. This place's geography is really interesting. This island seem to be surrounded by rocky mountains formation, and in the middle of it, there is a very big tall tree. Robin even said that it's rather similar with her hometown, Ohara.

They want to explore the island, but it's almost dark, so they will do it tomorrow. At night, they have a dinner together with the giant family. They don't seem to be wary of them even though they're foreigners & on top of that, they're pirates.

"Why're you guys not wary of us as a foreigner and on top of that, pirates?"-Nami

"Hahahaha, we are not wary because we are not afraid. Even if you guys try to make problem, we're sure we can handle it. But still, the reason is we didn't feel malicious intent from you. We are warriors, so we can feel if someone have a bad intention or not."-Bjorn

"Well, messing with a giant is the same as messing with the whole Elbaf. No one is stupid enough to do something like that."-Hera

The Straw Hats understand it easily and leave that topic. In the dining room, there is a gigantic table, some chairs, plates of foods, and glasses of drinks. The portion of these dishes are very big, and the Straw Hats are sure that Luffy will be full after eating one portion.

After some simple ritual of the giants, they all start to eat. The foods are surprisingly good, altough they looks simple. With the size of the meat chunks, it will be hard to make the seasoning get deep inside the meats, but the seasonings can spread perfectly.

Sanji immediately ask Adna about the food and want to learn it. The others just enjoy their food without worrying of Luffy trying to take theirs. Luffy is already occupied with his own plate, that he didn't have time to take his friends' food.

The giants are very surprised though, to see Luffy eat so many food. Luffy can gobble a lot of food until he bloat up. They also surprised when they see Jon eat the same amount like Luffy. Even more surprising is that Jon didn't get his stomach bulge.

"Seimei Kikan is really useful, huh?"-Jinbe

"That's right, you need to learn it, Jinbe. It can help you replenish energy faster after eating."-Jon

"Hmm, maybe i'll try to train it."-Jinbe

"Are you guys really human? You can eat as much as giants like us."-Astrid

"They're humans, but not normal ones certainly."-Nami

They have their dinner without any disturbance, and their first day on Elbaf went well like that.